Polytech Nice-Sophia - UNS-UCA

Polytech Nice-Sophia, Polytech'Lab
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930 Route des Colles
06410 Biot
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Publications des membres permanents du laboratoire depuis 2016


Revues internationales        Ouvrages ou Chapitres        Conférences "Invitées"        Conférences internationales  

Publications passées (EpOC ou I-CiTy)

Revues internationales ou open acess journals :

L. Barriquand, V. Heresanu, O. Grauby, P. Audra, L. Bruxelles & D. Cailhol, “Ablation rates in limestone cave walls or monuments linked to bat guano. From in situ measurements in the Azé Cave (Monts du Mâconnais, France) to laboratory modelling”, Journal of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, vol. 12, Special Issue - Corrosion and Protection of Materials, pp. 33-53, 2024.

M. Knez, T. Slabe, & P. Audra, “Karren of Provence (France), Gréolières, Caussols, Tourrettes-sur-Loup and Luberon”, Acta Carsologica, vol. 53, n°2-3, pp. 145–185, 2024.

M. Peyrard, G. Jacquemod & N. Froidevaux, “Characterization of the power distribution network for commercialized STM32s using a resonance frequency measurement method”, Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications, vol. 14(4):52, 18 p., 2024.

D.A. Ovalle-Taylor, F. Gianesello, C. Luxey & G. Ducournau, “Hybrid Package Integration Strategy for Silicon ICs Operating beyond 200 GHz”, International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, pp. 1-9, 2024.

G. Fraisse, M. Thonon, L. Zalewski, A. Leconte, E. François, M. Pailha, D. Cloet, R. Moracchioli, L. Traonvouez, S. Gibout & E. Franquet, “Performance comparison of two PCM candidates for new concept of compact thermal storage in solar DHW systems”, Journal of Energy Storage, vol. 86 (part A), p. 111198, 2024.

N. Zarzour, M.P. Santisi d’Avila, D. Mercerat, L. Lenti & M. Oggero, “Structural performance assessment of compressed earth block masonry building in seismic zone”, Soil Dyn. Earthq. Eng, vol. 187, 108990, 2024.

A.F. Pons, L. Bonnifait, D. Criado, O. Payrastre, F. Billaud, P. Brigode, C. Fouchier, P. Gourbesville & B. Cardelli, “Consensus hydrologique de la tempête ALEX du 2 et 3 octobre 2020 dans les Alpes-Maritimes”, La Houle Blanche, 11 p., 2024.

M. Calvet, Y. Gunnell, M. Delmas, R. Braucher, S. Jaillet, P. Hauselmann, R. Delunel, P. Sorriaux, P. Valla & P. Audra, “Valley incision chronologies from alluvium-filled cave systems”, Earth Science Reviews, vol. 258(11):104963, 2024.

P. Audra, J.Y. Bigot, D. Cailhol, P. Camps, I.M. D’Angeli, R.L. Edwards, F. Gázquez-Sánchez, H. Cheng, G. Koltai, G. Madonia, J.C. Nobécourt, M. Temovski, M. Vattano & J. De Waele, “Hypogenic caves of Syracuse area, Sicily (Italy): geomorphological evidence of CO2 degassing, fresh-salt water mixing, and late condensation corrosion”, International Journal of Speleology, vol. 53, n° 2, pp. 211-234, 2024.

A. Arboleya, J. Laviada, Y. Alvarez-Lopez, G. Alvarez-Narciandi, F. Las Heras, C. Luxey, D. Titz & A. Bisognin, “Freehand System for Probe-Fed Antenna Diagnostics by Means of Amplitude-Only Acquisitions”, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 73, 8002004, 5 pp., 2024.

Y. Mao, Y. Charlon, Y. Leduc & G. Jacquemod, “A low power injection-locked CDR using 28nm FDSOI technology for burst-mode applications”, Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications, vol. 14, Issue 2, 18 p., 2024.

G. Koltai, T. Kluge, Y. Krüger, C. Spötl, L. Rinyu, P. Audra, C. Honiat, S. Leél-Őssy & Y. Dublyansky, “Geothermometry of calcite spar 10-50°C”, Scientific Reports, vol.14:1553, 11 p., 2024.

J. De Waele, I.M. D’Angeli, P. Audra, L. Plan & A.N. Palmer, “Sulfuric acid caves of the world: a review”, Earth-Science Reviews, vol. 250(2):104693, 30 p., 2024.

Y. Mao, Y. Charlon, Y. Leduc & G. Jacquemod, LC tank oscillator based on new negative resistor in FDSOI technology”, Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications, vol. 14, Issue 1, 17 p., 2024.

L. Quazzo, G. Jacquemod, N. Froidevaux & H. Braquet, “Integrated circuit robustness improvement analysis, modelling and measurement against fast transient burst events”, IEEE  Electromagetic Compatibility Magazine, vol. 12, Issue 3, pp. 55-64, 2023.

N. Zarzour, M.P. Santisi d'Avila, D. Mercerat, L. Lenti & M. Oggero, “Behavior factor estimation for seismic design of unreinforced masonry buildings”, Case Studies in Construction Materials, vol. 19, e02483, 22 p., 2023.

O. Rohmer, M.P. Santisi d'Avila, E. Bertand & J. Regnier, “Rocking motion analysis using structural indentifcation tools”, Geothecnics, vol. 3, Issue 3, pp. 601-624, 2023.

M. Ghulami & P. Gourbesville, “Assessment of alluvial aquifer conditions during a construction phase for a deep excavation”, IOP Cenference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 1136, n° 1, 7 p., 2023.

H.M. Hsu & P. Gourbesville, “Introduction of Integrated Decision Support System for Flood Disaster Management”, IOP Cenference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 1136, n° 1, 7 p., 2023.

P. Gourbesville & M. Ghulami, “Which models for extreme flood events in Mediterranean catchments?”, IOP Cenference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 1136, n° 1, 11 p., 2023.

M. Wang, P. Game & P. Gourbesville, “Integrated Modelling Approach for Flood Forecasting in Small Mediterranean Catchment – Application to the Cagne Catchment, France”, IOP Cenference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 1136, n° 1, 8 p., 2023.

P. Game, M. Wang, P. Audra & P. Gourbesville, “Challenges & solutions for deterministic hydraulic modelling in mediterranean coastal catchment. Application to the lower Paillons river, Nice, France”, IOP Cenference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 1136, n° 1, 9 p., 2023.

P. Gourbesville, “Added value of deterministic models in Decision Support Systems”, IOP Cenference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 1136, n° 1, 11 p., 2023.

E. S. Pinto, T. Gronier, E. Franquet & L. Serra, “Opportunities and economic assessment for a third-party delivering electricity heat and cold to residential buildings”, Energy, vol. 272, p. 127019, 2023.

X. Zhang, Y. Liu, Y. Zhu, Q. Ma, P. Gourbesville, Y. Qu & H. Yin, “Probabilistic analysis on the influences of heatwaves during the onset of flash droughts over China”, Hydrology Research,16 p., 2023.

P. Audra & M. Al Kindi, “Fire-set mining in an ancient lead mine: Khaf Al Laasif, Al 'Āmrāt, Oman”, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2023.

X. Wang, P. Gourbesville & C. Liu, “Flash Floods: Forecasting, Monitoring and Mitigation Strategies”, Water, Special Issue, 15.9, pp. 1-6, 2023.

O. T. Wijaya, T. H. Yang, H. M. Hsu & P. Gourbesville, “A rapid flood inundation model for urban flood analyses”, MethodsX, 10, 102202, 18 p., 2023.

R. Guo, E. Dekneuvel, G. Jacquemod & P.H. Biwole, “A system-level description of a particle tracking velocimetry system for indoor air quality study”, Science Talks, Elsevier, vol. 4, Article ID 100099, 6 p., 2023.

M. Moign, G. Jacquemod, J.-P. Leca & Y. Leduc, Analysis, modeling and reduction of the SSN effects on an integrated circuit”, IEEE  Electromagetic Compatibility Magazine, vol. 11, Issue 4, pp. 67-77, 2022.

S. Gobbi, M.P. Santisi d'Avila, L. Lenti, J.F. Semblat & P. Reiffsteck, Effect of active plastic fine fraction on the undrained behavior of binary granular mixtures”, International Journal Geomechanics, vol. 22, Issue 1, 2022.

Y. Tanaka, G. Ducournau, C. Belem-Goncalves, F. Gianesello, C. Luxey, I. Watanabe, A. Hirata, N.A. Kasamatsu & S. Hisatake, “Photonics-Based Near-Field Measurement and Far-Field Characterization for 300-GHz Band Antenna Testing”, IEEE Open Journal of Antennas & Propagation, vol. 3, pp. 24-31, 2022.

L. Pisani, M. Antonellini, F. H.R. Bezerra, C. Carbone, A. S. Auler, P. Audra, V. La Bruna, G. Bertotti, F. Balsamo, C. C.C. Pontes, J. De Waele, “Silicification, flow pathways, and deep-seated hypogene dissolution controlled by structural and stratigraphic variability in a carbonate-siliciclastic sequence (Brazil)”, Marine and Petroleum Geology, vol. 139, 105611, 24 p., 2022.

G. Tlaiji, F. Pennec, S. Ouldboukhitine, M. Ibrahim & P. Biwole, “Hygrothermal performance of multilayer straw walls in different climates”, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 326, 126873, 15  p., 2022.

P. Audra, J.-Y. Bigot, D. Laurent, N. Vanara, D. Cailhol & G. Cazenave, “Hydrodynamic model for independent cold and thermo-mineral twin springs in a stratified continental karst aquifer, Camou, Arbailles Massif, Pyrénées, France”, International Journal of Speleology, vol. 51, n° 2, pp. 81-91, 2022.

M. Temovski, L. Rinyu, I. Futo, K. Molnar, A. Demeny, B. Otonicar, B. Dublyansky, P. Audra & L. Palcsu, “Combined use of bulk and clumped carbonate stable isotopes to identify hydrothermal isotopic alteration in cave walls”, Scientific Reports, Vol. 12, 9202, 16 p. , 2022.

M.P. Santisi d'Avila, L. Lenti, S. Gobbi & R. Fares, “Reduced T-shaped soil domain for nonlinear dynamic soil-bridge interaction analysis”, Advanced in Bridge Engineering, Special issue on Seismic behaviours and damage mitigation of bridge structures, vol. 3, 15 p., 2022.

J.M. Ghazi & P. Audra, “Travertine park in Azarshahr (NW Iran): An opportunity for geoheritages conservation and diminishing Geohazards risk”, Geoheritage, vol. 14, 99, 2022.

P. Gourbesville & Q. MA, “Smart river management: What is next?”, River, IWHR, vol. 1, issue 1, pp. 17-46, 2022.

J. Reveillon, E. Franquet, C. Langrée, G. Lecocq, B. Duret & F.-X. Demoulin, "CFD simulation of premixed flames propagating in an obstacles network", Fuel, vol. 39, pp. 4-6, 2022.

M. Ghulami, P. Gourbesville, P. Audra & S.Y. Liong, “Performance Evaluation of CORDEX South Asia Models for Projections of Precipitation over the Kabul Basin, Afghanistan, Water”, LHB: Hydroscience Journal, vol. 108:1, 2095936, 13 p., 2022.

S. Gobbi, M.P. Santisi d'Avila, L. Lenti, J.F. Semblat & P. Reiffsteck, “Liquefaction assessment of silty sands: Experimental characterization and numerical calibration”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 159, 107349, 7 p., 2022.

T. Gronier, E. Franquet & S. Gibout, “Platform for transverse evaluation of control strategies for multi-energy smart grids”,  Smart Energy, vol. 7, 27 p., 2022.

T. Sun, D.Y. Sun, K.X. Wang, Q. Ma, P. Gourbesville & D. Nohara, “Numerical analysis of landslide-generated debris flow on July 3, 2021 in Izu Mountain area, Shizuoka County, Japan”, Journal of Mountain Sciencevol. 19, n° 6, pp. 1738-1747, 2022.

X. Zhang, Q. Ma, J. Xie, P. Gourbesville & Y. Song, “Data envelopment analysis of flood retention area management for a large-scaled catchment: a case study of Huai River basin, China”, LHB Hydroscience Journal, vol. 108, n° 1, 20119562, 13 p., 2022.

C. Liu, Q. Ma, X. Zhang, C. Li, Q. Li, P. Gourbesville, L. Guo & L. Ding, “Identification and quantitative analysis of flash flood risks for small catchments in China: a new operational modelling approach”, LHB Hydroscience Journal, vol. 108, n° 1, 20119561, 14 p., 2022.

S. Zhang, Q. Ma, Q. Zhang, N. Qiao, J. Xie, Q. Yao, P. Gourbesville, C. Liu & L. Ding, “Finite element analysis on piping control effect of the suspended cut-off wall in two-stratum dike foundations”, LHB Hydroscience Journal, vol. 108, n° 1, 2099316, 10 p., 2022.

T.H. Nguyen & P. Gourbesville, “Optimal operation of multi-reservoir system for flood control and hydroelectric generation”, E3S Web of Conferences, vol. 346, 03006, EDP Sciences, 14 p., 2022.

T. Gronier, J. Fito, E. Franquet, S. Gibout & J. Ramousse, “Iterative sizing of solar-assisted mixed district heating network and local electrical grid integrating demand-size mamagement”,  Energy, vol. 238 (part A), p. 121517, 2022.

K. Nocentini, M. Ibrahim, P.H. Biwole & P. Achard, “Multi-scale thermal, energetic and economic analysis of composite insulating materials made of silica aerogel in a fibrous inorganic mat”, Energy and Buildings, vol. 272, 112365, 19 p., 2022.

P. Devoge, H. Aziza, P. Lorenzini, P. Masson, F. Julien, A. Marzaki, A. Malherbe, J. Delalleau, T. Cabout, A. Regnier & S. Niel, “Hot-carrier reliability and performance study of a variable gate-to-drain/source overlap transistor”, Microelectronic Reliability, vol. 139, 6 p., 2022.

C. Beust, E. Franquet, J.P. Bédécarrats & P. Garcia, A numerical investigation of some key factors for the simulation of convection-dominated melting”, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, vol. 161, pp 106687, 2021.

S. Serra, E. Franquet, V. Boutrouche & R. Manceau, Asymmetric reverse transition phenomenon in internal turbulent channel flows due to temperature gradients”, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, vol. 159, pp 106463, 2021.

S. Gobbi, P. Reiffsteck, L. Lenti, M.P. Santisi d'Avila & J.F. Semblat, Liquefaction triggering in silty sands: effects of non-plastic fines and mixture-packing conditions”, Acta Geotechnica, vol. 16, Issue 6, 2021.

A. König-Haagen, E. Franquet, M. Faden & D. Brüggemann, A Study on the Numerical Performances of Diffuse Interface Methods for Simulation of Melting and Their Practical Consequences”, Energies, vol. 14, pp 354, 2021.

K. D. Eon, J. Liu, S.Y. Liong, P. Gourbesville & G. Strunz, Satellite DEM Improvement Using Multispectral Imagery and an Artificial Neural Network”, Water, vol. 13, n°11, pp. 1551, 2021.

A. Piau, Z. Steinmeyer, Y. Charlon, L. Courbet, V. Rialle, B. Lepage, E. Campo, & F. Nourhashemi, “A Smart Shoe Insole to Monitor Frail Older Adults’ Walking Speed: Results of Two Evaluation Phases Completed in a Living Lab and Through a 12-Week Pilot Study”, JMIR Mhealth Uhealth, vol. 9, No 7, 2021.

M. Dehmous, E. Franquet & N. Lamrous,  “Mechanical and thermal characterizations of various thermal energy storage concretes including low-cost bio-sourced PCM”, Energy and Buildings, vol. 241, pp 110878, 2021.

C. Pontes, F.H.R. Bezerra, G. Bertotti, V. La Bruna, P. Audra, J. De Waele, A. Auler, F. Balsamo, S. De Hoop & L. Pisani, “Flow pathways in multiple-direction fold hinges: Implications for fractured and karstified carbonate reservoirs”, Journal of Structural Geology, vol. 146, 2021.

M. Faden, A. König-Haagen, E. Franquet & D. Brüggemann, “Influence of density change during melting inside a cavity: Theoretical scaling laws and numerical analysis”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 173, pp 121260, 2021.

F. Taillandier, A. Maury-Micolier, G. Sauce & M. Chaplain, "DOMEGO: A board game for learning how to manage a construction project", International Journal of Game-Based Learning, Vol. 11, n° 2, pp. 20–37, 2021.

T. Gronier, J. Fito, E. Franquet, S. Gibout & J. Ramousse, “Iterative sizing of solar-assisted mixed district heating network and local electrical grid integrating demand-side management”, Energy, vol. 238 (part A), pp 121517, 2021.

P. Audra, V. Heresanu, L. Barriquand, M. El Kadiri Boutchich, S. Jaillet, E. Pons-Branchu, P. Bosak, H. Cheng, R.L. Edwards & M. Renda, “Bat guano minerals and mineralization processes in Chameau Cave, Eastern Morocco”, International Journal of Speleology, vol. 50, n°1, pp. 91-109, 2021.

M. Thonon, L. Zalewski, S. Gibout, E. Franquet, G. Fraisse & M. Pailha, “Experimental comparison of three characterization methods for two phase change materials suitable for domestic hot water storage”, Applied Sciences, vol. 11, pp 10229, 2021.

D. Haillot, Y. Lalau, E. Franquet, S. Rigal, F. Jay & J.P. Bédécarrats, “A Latent Heat Storage System for Low Temperature Applications: from Materials Selection to Prototype Performances”, Applied Sciences, vol. 11, pp 10350, 2021.

P. Audra, “Jean Nicod, tisseur de partenariats et promoteur de l’École française de karstologie”, Karstologia, vol. 77, 2021.

G. Alvarez-Narciandi, J. Laviada, Y. Alvarez-Lopez, G. Ducournau, C. Luxey, C. Belem-Goncalves, F. Gianesello, N. Nachabe, C. Del Rio a F. Las Heras, “Freehand System for Antenna Diagnosis based on amplitude-only data”, IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 69, Issue 8, pp. 4988-4998, 2021.

L. Barriquand, J.Y. Bigot, P. Audra, D. Cailhol, C. Gauchon, V. Heresanu, S. Jaillet & V. Vanara, “Caves and Bats: morphological impacts and archaeological consequences. The Azé Prehistoric Cave (Saône-et-Loire, France)”, Geomorphology, vol. 388, 107785, 2021

D. Laurent, C. Durlet, G. Barre, P. Sorriaux, P. Audra, P. Cartigny, C. Carpentier, G. Paris, P. Collon, T. Rigaudier, J. Pironon & E.C. Gaucher, “Epigenic vs. hypogenic speleogenesis governed by H2S/CO2 hydrothermal input and Quaternary icefield dynamics (NE French Pyrenees)”, Geomorphology, vol. 387, 107769, 2021.

A. Bisognin, A. Arboleya, D. Titz, R. Pilard, D. Gloria, F. Gianesello & C. Luxey, “Low-cost organic-substrate module for Tx-Rx short-range WiGig communications at 60 GHz”, IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 69, Issue 10, pp. 6196-6208, 2021.

A. Columbu, P. Audra, F. Gázquez, I.M. D’Angeli, J.Y. Bigot, G. Koltai, R. Chiesa, T.L. Yu, H.M. Hu, C.C. Shen, C. Carbone, V. Heresanu, J.C. Nobécourt & J. De Waele, “A hypogenic cave system with late-stage condensation-corrosion and epigenic overprinting (Toirano, Liguria, Italy)”, Geomorphology, vol. 376, 20 p., 2021.

R.E.B. Araújo, V. La Bruna, A. Rustichelli, F.H.R. Bezerra, M.M. Xavier, P. Audra, J.A. Barbosa & A.C.D. Antonino, “Structural and sedimentary discontinuities control the generation of karst dissolution cavities in a carbonate sequence, Potiguar Basin, Brazil”, Marine and Petroleum Geology, vol. 123, 21 p., 2021.

K. Medrar, L. Marnat, L. Dussopt, C. Belem-Goncalves, G. Ducournau, C. Luxey & F. Ginaesello, “H Band Substrate-Integrated Discrete-Lens Antenna For High Data Rate Communication Systems”,  IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 69, Issue 7, pp. 3677-3688, 2021.

R. López-Martínez, F. Gázquez, J.M. Calaforra, P. Audra, J.Y. Bigot, T. Pi Puig, R. Alcántara, A. Navarro, P. Crochet, L. Corona-Martínez & R. Daza Brunet, “Bubble trail and folia in cenote Zapote, Mexico: petrographic evidence for abiotic precipitation driven by CO2 degassing below the water table”, International Journal of Speleology, vol. 49, n° 3, pp. 173-186, 2020.

S.A. Matos, J.P. Teixeira, J.R. Costa, C.A. Fernandes, N. Nachabe, C. Luxey, D. Titz, F. Gianesello, C. del Rio, A. Arboleya, J-P. Garnero & J-F. Vizzari, “3-D-Printed Transmit-Array Antenna for Broadband Backhaul 5G Links at V-Band”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 19, No.6, pp. 977-981, 2020.

K. D. Eon, S.-Y. Liong, P. Gourbesville, L. Andres & J. Liu, "Simple-Yet-Effective SRTM DEM improvement scheme for dense urban cities using ANN and remote sensing data: Application to flood modeling", Water, vol. 12, n° 3 (816), 15 p., 2020.

M.K. Fidele & P. Audra, “Residual wastewater treatment by an aquatic plant system in tropical area: assessment of Arundo donax and Pennisetum purpureum Schumach”, International Journal of Water and Wastewater Treatment, vol. 6, n° 3, 9 p., 2020.

Q. Ma, M. Abily, M. Du, P. Gourbesville & O. Fouché, "Integrated groundwater resources management: Spatially-nested modelling approach for water cycle simulation", Water Resources Management, vol. 34, pp.1319–1333, 2020.

G. Bertotti, P. Audra, A.S. Auler, F.H. Bezerra, S. de Hoop, C. Pontes, R. Prabhakaran & R. Lima, “The Morro Vermelho hypogenic karst system (Brazil): stratigraphy, fractures, and flow in a carbonate strike-slip fault zone with implications for carbonate reservoirs”, American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) Bulletin, vol. 104, n° 10, pp. 2029–2050, 2020.

S. Gobbi, L. Lenti, M.P. Santisi d'Avila, J.F. Semblat & P. Reiffsteck, “Influence of the variability of soil profile properties on weak and strong seismic response”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, vol. 135 (106200), 14 p., 2020.

P. Audra, J. De Waele, I. Bentaleb, A. Chroňáková, V. Krištůfek, I.M. D’Angeli, C. Carbone, G. Madonia, M. Vattano, G. Scopelliti, D.  Cailhol, N. Vanara, M. Temovski, J.Y. Bigot, J.C. Nobécourt, E. Galli, F. Rull & A. Sanz-Arranz, “Guano-related phosphates-rich minerals in European caves”, International Journal of Speleology, vol. 48, n° 1, pp. 75-105, 2019.

R. Fares, M.-P. Santisi d'Avila & A. Deschamps, “Soil-structure interaction analysis using 1DT-3C wave propagation model”, Soil Dynamics Earthquake Engineering, vol. 120, pp. 200-213, 2019.

D. Titz, “A little reflection on my research”, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, vol. 61, n° 3, pp. 119-123, 2019.

K.D. Eon, P. Gourbesville & S.-Y. Liong, “Overcoming data scarcity in flood hazard assessment using remote sensing and artificial neural network”, Smart Water, Springer, vol. 4, Issue 1, doi.org/10.1186/s40713-018-0014-5, 15 pages, 2019.

Y. Charlon, A. Piau, D. Brulin & E. Campo, “Design and evolution of a connected insole to support healthy of frail patients at home”, Wireless Sensor Network, vol. 11, n° 05, pp. 67-80, 2019.

H. Jouni, A. Harb, G. Jacquemod & Y. Leduc, “Design and specification of analog artificial Neural Networ”, Springer Nature Applied Sciences, vol. 1(1508), doi.org/10.1007/s42452-019-1243-4, 15 pages, 2019.

C. Belem-Goncalves, E. Lacombe, V. Gidel, C. Durand, F. Gianesello, D. Gloria, C. Luxey & G. Ducournau, “300GHz quadrature phase shift keying and 16QAM 56Gbps wireless data links using silicon photonics photodiodes”, IET Electronics Letters, vol. 55, n° 14, pp. 808-810, 2019.

G. Ducournau, C. Belem-Goncalves, C. Luxey, E. Lacombe, V. Gidel, C. Durand, F. Gianesello & D. Gloria, “Towards silicon-photonics based THz links”, IET Electronics Letters, vol. 55, n° 14, pp. 770-771, 2019.

Z. Wei, G. Jacquemod, Y. Leduc, E. de Foucauld, J. Prouvee & B. Blampey, “Reducing the short channel effect of transistors and reduing the size of analog circuits”, Active and Passive Electronic Components, Hindawi, vol. 2019, Article ID 4578501, 9 pages, 2019.

M. Ibrahim, H. Sayegh, L. Bianco & E. Wurtz, “Hygrothermal performance of novel internal and external super-insulating systems: In-situ experimental study and 1D/2D numerical modeling”, Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 150, pp. 1306-1327, 2019.

N. Nachabe, A. Bisognin, D. Titz, C. Luxey, F. Gianesello, S.A. Matos, J.R. Costa, C.A. Fernandes, C. Del  Rio, M. Sawaby & A. Arbabian, “Millimeter-Wave 3D-printed antenna concepts for 5G backhaul links”, IEEE Future Networks Tech. Focus, vol. 3, Issue 1, 2019.

Y. Bacher, H. Braquet, N. Froidevaux & G. Jacquemod, “Analysis and Measurement of the Propagation of FTB Stress in an Integrated Circuit”, IEEE Trans. on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, vol. 9, n° 4, pp. 754-762, 2019.

M.-P. Santisi d'Avila, L. Lenti, S. Martino & R.W. Romeo, “Nonlinear numerical simulation of the soil seismic response to the 2012 Mw 5.9 Emilia earthquake considering the variability of the water table position”, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, vol. 109, pp. 505-524, 2019.

M. Ibrahim, K. Nocentini, M. Stipetic, S. Dantz, F.G. Caiazzo, H. Sayegh & L. Bianco,Multi-field and multi-scale characterization of novel super insulating panels/systems based on silica aerogels: Thermal, hydric, mechanical, acoustic, and fire performance”, Building and Environment, vol. 151, pp. 30-42, 2019.

D. Cailhol, P. Audra, C. Nehme, F.H. Nader, M. Garasic, V. Heresanu, S. Gucel, I. Charalambidou, L. Satterfield, H. Cheng & R.L. Edwards, “The contribution of condensation-corrosion in the morphological evolution of caves in semi-arid regions: preliminary investigations in the Kyrenia Range, Cyprus”, Acta Carsologica, vol. 48, n° 1, pp. 5-27, 2019.

M. Du, O. Fouche, E. Zavattero, O. Delestre & P. Gourbesville, Water planning in a mixed land use Mediterranean area: point-source abstraction and pollution scenarios by a numerical model of varying stream-aquifer regime”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, vol. 26, Issue 3, pp. 2145-2166, 2019.

A. Castel, R. Francois, M.-P. Santisi d'Avila & D. Jenkins, “New service limit state criteria for reinforced concrete in chloride environments”, Corrosion Reviews, vol. 37, Issue 1, pp. 21-29, 2019.

H. Jouni, A. Harb, G. Jacquemod & Y. Leduc, “Wide range analog CMOS multiplier for neural network application”, Int. Journal of Digital Information and Wireless Communications, Vol. 8, n° 2, pp. 106-109, 2018.

M. Ibrahim, L. Bianco, O. Ibrahim & E. Wurtz, “Low emissivity coatings for buildings’ wall internal surface applications: energy saving potential based on thermal comfort assessment”, Journal of Building Engineering, vol. 18, pp. 454-466, 2018.

M. Hammond, A.S. Chen, J. Batica, D. Butler, S. Djordjević, P. Gourbesville, N. Manojlović, O. Mark & W. Veerbeek, “A new flood risk assessment framework for evaluating the effectiveness of policies to improve urban flood resilience”, Urban Water Journal, vol. 15, n° 5, pp. 427-436, 2018.

I. Özgen, M. Abily, J. Zhao, D. Liang, P. Gourbesville & R. Hinkelmann, “Towards district scale flood simulations using conventional and anisotropic porosity shallow water models with high-resolution topographic information”, La Houille Blanche, vol. 2, pp. 90-98, 2018.

M. Du, E. Zavattero, Q. Ma, O. Delestre, P. Gourbesville & O. Fouché, “3D modeling of a complex alluvial aquifer for efficient management–application to the lower valley of Var river, France”, La Houille Blanche, vol. 1, pp. 60-69, 2018.

M. Du, O. Fouché, E. Zavattero, Q. Ma, O. Delestre & P. Gourbesville, “Water planning in a mixed land use Mediterranean area: point-source abstraction and pollution scenarios by a numerical model of varying stream-aquifer regime”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, pp. 1-22, 2018.

D. Nohara, P. Gourbesville & Q. Ma, “Towards Development of Effective Decision Support Systems for Integrated Water Resources Planning and Management”, DPRI Annuals, n° 61 B, Kyoto University, pp. 702-710, 2018.

O. Ibrahim, F. Fardoun, R. Younes & M. Ibrahim, “Improved model to calculate instantaneous efficiency of flat-plate solar thermal collectors”, Journal of Heat Transfer, vol. 140, Issue 6, 8 pages, 2018.

O. Ibrahim, R. Younes & M. Ibrahim, “Macro flat-plate collector with rectangular channels”, Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, vol. 140, Issue 6, 12 pages, 2018.

A. Cihangir, F. Gianesello & C. Luxey, “Dual-Antenna Concept with Complementary Radiation Patterns for Eyewear Applications”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 66, Issue 6, pp. 3056-3063, June 2018.

E. Lacombe, C. Belem-Goncalves, C. Luxey, F. Gianesello, C. Durand, D. Gloria & G. Ducournau, 10 Gbps indoor THz communications using Industrial Si Photonics Technology”, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 28, Issue 4, pp. 362-364, 2018.

P. Baniya, A. Bisognin, K. Melde & C. Luxey, “Chip-to-Chip Switched Beam 60-GHz Circular Patch Planar Antenna Array and Pattern Considerations”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 66, Issue 4, pp. 1776-1787, April 2018.

P. Gourbesville, M. Gaetano & Q. Ma, “AquaVar: real time models for underground and surface waters management at catchment scale”, EPiC Series in Engineering, vol. 3, pp. 836–843, 2018.

D.V. Ngoc, Q.B. Nguyen & P. Gourbesville, “Semi distributed model application for evaluating the impact of climate change on water resource in Quang Nam-Da Nang area”, EPiC Series in Engineering, vol. 3, pp. 2216–2225, 2018.

D.V. Ngoc, Q.B. Nguyen & P. Gourbesville, “Distributed hydrological model application for estimating the groundwater resource at Cu De river catchment, Vietnam”, EPiC Series in Engineering, vol. 3, pp. 2226–2232, 2018.

D.V. Ngoc, Q.B. Nguyen, V.U. Huy Cong, P. Gourbesville & T.H. Nguyen, “Effects of climate change on streamflow in Kon–Ha Thanh river watershed, Vietnam”, EPiC Series in Engineering, vol. 3, pp. 2233–2240, 2018.

Q. Ma, M. Du, D.V. Ngoc & P. Gourbesville, “Assessment and Modeling of Snow Melting Impacts in the French Mediterranean Region-Application to the Var Catchment, France”, EPiC Series in Engineering, vol. 3, pp. 1260–1269, 2018.

L.G. Ler & P. Gourbesville, “Framework Implementation for Smart Water Management”, EPiC Series in Engineering, vol. 3, pp. 1139–1146, 2018.

Q.B. Nguyen, D.V. Ngoc & P. Gourbesville, “Flow around groynes modelling in different numerical schemes”, EPiC Series in Engineering, vol. 3, pp. 1513–1522, 2018.

T.H. Nguyen, P. Gourbesville & D.V. Ngoc, “Short-term reservoir system operation for flood mitigation with 1D hydraulic model”, EPiC Series in Engineering, vol. 3, pp. 1523–1530, 2018.

P. Baniya, S. Yoo, K. Melde, A. Bisognin & C. Luxey, “Switched-Beam 60 GHz Four Element Array for Multi-Chip Multi-Core System”, IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology, vol. 8, Issue 2, pp. 251-260, February 2018.

A. Bisognin, N. Nachabe, C. Luxey, F. Gianesello, D. Gloria, J.R. Costa, C.A. Fernandes, Y. Alvarez, A. Arboleya, J. Laviada, F. Las-Heras, N. Dolatsha, B. Grave, M. Sawaby & A. Arbahia, “Ball grid array module with integrated shaped lens for 5G backhaul/fronthaul communications in F-band”, IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 65, Issue 12, pp. 6380-6394, December 2017.

V. Semkin, A. Bisognin, M. Kyro, V-M. Kolmonen, C. Luxey, F. Ferrero, F. Devillers & A.V. Raisanen, “Conformal Antenna Array for Millimeter-Wave Communications: Performance Evaluation”, International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, vol. 9, Issue 1, pp. 241-247, 2017.

A. Bisognin, A. Arboleya, C. Luxey, F. Gianesello, D. Gloria, S. Matos, J.R. Costa & C.A. Fernandes, “3D-printed ABS plastic peanut-lens with integrated Ball Grid Array Module for High-Data-Rate Communications in F-band”, IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, vol. 11, Issue 14, pp. 2021-2026, November 2017.

M.T. Vu, D.V. Ngoc, P. Gourbesville, S.V. Raghavan & S-Y. Liong, “Hydro-meteorological drought assessment under climate change impact over the Vu Gia–Thu Bon river basin, Vietnam”, Hydrological Sciences Journal, Vol. 62, n° 10, pp. 1654-1668, 2017.

A. Townley, P. Swirhum, D. Titz, A. Bisognin, F. Gianesello, R. Pillard, C. Luxey & A. Niknejad, A 94GHz 4Tx-4Rx phased-array FMCW radar transceiver with Antenna-in-Package”, IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, vol. 52, n° 5, pp. 1245-1259, May 2017.

Y. Charlon, E. Campo & D. Brulin, “Design and evaluation of a smart insole: application for continuous monitoring of frail people at home”, Expert Systems with Applications, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2017.11.024, 2017.

A. Cihangir, C.J. Panagamuwa, W.G. Whittow, G. Jacquemod, F. Gianesello, R. Pilard & C. Luxey, “Dual-Band 4G eyewear antenna and SAR implications”,  IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 65, Issue 4, pp. 2085-2089, 2017.

R. Mouici, D. Boubaya, F. Baali, F. Chemseddine, P. Audra, D. Cailhol, S. Jaillet & B. Arfib,  Geophysical, geotechnical, and speleological assessment for karst-sinkhole collapse genesis in Cheria plateau (NE Algeria)”, Mining Science Reviews, vol. 24, pp. 59-71, 2017.

D. Harmand, K. Adamson, G. Rixhon, S. Jaillet, B. Losson, A. Devos, G. Hez, M. Calvez & P. Audra, “Relationships between fluvial evolution and karstification related to climatic, tectonic and eustatic forcing in temperate regions”, Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 166, pp. 38-56, 2017.

A. Barakat, A. Allam, A.B. Adbel-Rahman, H. Elsadek, R.K. Pokharel, A. Bisognin & C. Luxey, 60 GHz CMOS circular patch Antenna-on-Chip”, Microwave Journal, pp. 90-100, February 2017.

K.T. Nguyen, E. Dekneuvel, B. Nicolle, C.V. Nguyen, O. Zammit & G. Jacquemod, “Development of a real-time Non-Intrusive Appliance Load monitoring system: An application level model”, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, vol. 90, pp. 168-180, 2017.

P. Audra, P. Bosak, F. Gazquez, D. Cailhol, R. Skala, S. Jonasova, A. Frumkin, M. Knez, T. Slabe, N. Zupan-Hajna & A. AL-Farraj-Kitbi, Bat urea minerals in arid environment. First identification of allantoin, C4H6N4O3, in Kahf Kharrat Najem CaveUnited Arab Emirates, International Journal of Speleology, vol. 46, n° 1, p. 81-92, 2017.

C. Jacquemod, K. Nguyen Trung, K. Sevin, E. Dekneuvel, K. Aguir, B. Nicolle, P. Lorenzini & G. Jacquemod, Low cost wireless current sensor for NIALM application”, Sensors & Actuators, vol. 252, pp. 209-224, 2016.

F. Li, E. Dekneuvel, R. Butaud & G. Jacquemod, Wireless RF systems modelling using SystemC”, Microelectronics Journal, vol. 58, pp. 60-69, 2016.

S. Zhang, A. Paraskevopoulos, C. Luxey, J. Pinto & W. Whittow, “Broad-band embroidered spiral antenna for off-body communications”, IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, vol. 10, n° 13, pp. 1395-1401, 2016.

A. Cihangir, F. Sonnerat, F. Gianesello,  D. Gloria & C. Luxey, Antenna solutions for 4G smartphones in Laser Direct Structuring technology”, Radioengineering, vol. 25, n° 3, pp. 419-428, 2016.

Z. Chen, Y. Zhang, A. Bisognin, D. Titz, F. Ferrero & C. Luxey, A 94GHz dual-polarized microstrip mesh array in LTCC technology”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 15, pp. 634-637, 2016.

V. Semkin, F. Ferrero, A. Bisognin,  J. Ala-Laurinaho, C. Luxey, F. Devillers & A.V. Raisanen, Beam switching conformal antenna array for mm-wave communications”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 15, pp. 28-31, 2016.

S.W. Lee, Y. Chen, R.G. Vaughan, M. Parameswaram, D. Titz, F. Ferrero & C. Luxey, Fabrication, Simulations and Measurements of Self-Assembled Millimeter-Wave Antennas for System-on-Chip Applications”, Microsystem Technologies, vol. 22, Issue 3, pp. 583-592, 2016.

Z. Wei, G. Jacquemod, P. Lorenzini,  F. Hameau, E. de Foucauld & Y. Leduc, Study and reduction of vairability in 28nm Fully Depleted Silicon On Insulator technology”, Journal of Low Power Electronics, vol. 12, n° 1, pp. 64-73, 2016.

A. Bisognin, A. Cihangir, C. Luxey, G. Jacquemod, R. Pilard, F. Gianesello, J.R. Costa, C.A. Fernandes, E.B. Lima, C.J. Panagamuwa & W.G. Whittow, Ball grid array-module with integrated shaped lens for WiGig applications in eyewear devices”, IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 64, Issue 3, pp. 872-882, 2016.

D.V. Ngoc & P. Gourbesville, “Model Uncertainty in Flood Modelling. Case Study at Vu Gia Thu Bon Catchment – Vietnam”, Procedia Engineering, vol. 154, pp. 450-458, 2016.

E. Zavattero, M. Du, Q. Ma, O. Delestre & P. Gourbesville, “2D Sediment Transport Modelling in High Energy River – Application to Var River, France”, Procedia Engineering, vol. 154, pp. 536-543, 2016.

Q. Ma, E. Zavattero, M. Du, D.V. Ngoc & P. Gourbesville, “Assessment of High Resolution Topography Impacts on Deterministic Distributed Hydrological Model in Extreme Rainfall-runoff Simulation”, Procedia Engineering, vol. 154, p. 601-608, 2016.

P. Gourbesville, M. Du, E. Zavattero & Q. Ma, “DSS Architecture for Water Uses Management”, Procedia Engineering, vol. 154, pp. 928-935, 2016.

M. Abily, O. Delestre, N. Bertrand, C.-M. Duluc & P. Gourbesville, “High-resolution Modelling With Bi-dimensional Shallow Water Equations Based Codes - High-Resolution Topographic Data Use for Flood Hazard Assessment Over Urban and Industrial Environments”, Procedia Engineering, vol. 154, pp. 853-860, 2016.

D.V. Ngoc, N. Quang Binh, L. Xuan Cuong, Q. Ma & P. Gourbesville, “Applying Deterministic Distributed Hydrological Model for Stream Flow Data Reproduction. A Case Study of Cu De Catchment, Vietnam”, Procedia Engineering, vol. 154, pp. 1010-1017, 2016.

P. Gourbesville, “Key Challenges for Smart Water”, Procedia Engineering, vol. 154, pp. 11-18, 2016.

L. Salvan, M. Abily, P. Gourbesville & J. Schoorens, “Drainage System and Detailed Urban Topography: Towards Operational 1D-2D Modelling for Stormwater Management”, Procedia Engineering, vol. 154, pp. 890-897, 2016.

M. Du, E. Zavattero, Q. Ma, O. Delestre, P. Gourbesville & O. Fouché, “3D Hydraulic Modeling of a Complex Alluvial Aquifer for Groundwater Resource Management”, Procedia Engineering, vol. 154, pp. 340-347, 2016.

J. Batica & P. Gourbesville, “Resilience in Flood Risk Management – A New Communication Tool”, Procedia Engineering, vol. 154, pp. 811-817, 2016.

M. Abily, O. Delestre, L. Amossé, N. Bertrand, C. Laguerre, C.-M. Duluc & P. Gourbesville, “Use of 3D classified topographic data with FullSWOF for high resolution simulation of a river flood event over a dense urban area”, 2016, https://arxiv.org/pdf/1603.07463

P. Gourbesville & D.V. Ngoc, “Application of deterministic distributed hydrological model for large catchment: a case study at Vu Gia Thu Bon catchment, Vietnam”, Journal of Hydroinformatics, vol. 2016.

M. Abily, N. Bertrand, O. Delestre, P. Gourbesville & C.-M. Duluc, “Spatial Global Sensitivity Analysis of High Resolution classified topographic data use in 2D urban flood modelling”, Environmental Modelling and Software, vol. 77, pp. 183-195, 2016.

S. Fu, P.-H. Biwole & C. Mathis, “Numerical and Experimental Comparison of 3D Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV) and Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) Accuracy for Indoor Airflow Study”, Building and Environment, vol. 100, pp. 40-49, 2016.

F. Souayfane, F. Fardoun & P.-H. Biwole, “Phase Change Materials (PCM) for cooling applications in buildings: A review”, Energy and Buildings, vol. 129, pp. 396–431, 2016.

M. Ibrahim, E. Wurtz, P. Achard & P.-H. Biwole, “Performance evaluation of buildings with advanced thermal insulation system: a numerical study”, Journal of facade design and engineering, vol. 4, n° 1-2, pp. 19-34, 2016.

K. Karunesh, A. Shukla, A. Sharma & P.-H. Biwole, “Thermal response of photovoltaic panels: Numerical simulation and experimental study”, Solar Energy, vol. 134, pp. 147-155, 2016.

S. Fu, P.-H. Biwole & C. Mathis, “Numerical and Experimental Comparison of Complete 3D Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV) algorithms for Indoor Airflow Study”, Indoor and Built Environment, doi.org/10.1177/1420326X16682294, 2016.

K. Karunesh, A. Shukla, A. Sharma& P.-H. Biwole, “Heat transfer studies of phase change materials (PCMs) coupled with photovoltaic panel”, Solar Energy, vol. 140, pp. 151-161, 2016.

G. Karavokiros, A. Lykou, I. Koutiva, J. Batica, A. Kostaridis, A. Alves & C. Makropoulos, “Providing Evidence-Based, Intelligent Support for Flood Resilient Planning and Policy: The PEARL Knowledge Base”, Water, vol. 8, n° 9,  392, 25 p., 2016.

D.V. Ngoc, P. Gourbesville, M.T. Vu, S.V. Raghavan & S.Y. Liong, “A deterministic hydrological approach to estimate climate change impact on river flow: Vu Gia-Thu Bon catchment, Vietnam, Journal of Hydro-environment Research, Vol. 11, pp 59-75, 2016.

J. De Waele, P. Audra, G. Madonia, M. Vattano, I.M. D’Angeli, J.-Y. Bigot & J.-C. Nobecourt, “Sulfuric acid speleogenesis (SAS) close to the water table: Examples from southern France, Austria and Sicily”, Geomorphology, vol. 253, pp. 452-467, 2016.

A. Cihangir, C.J. Panagamuwa, W.G. Whittow, F. Gianesello & C. Luxey, “Ultra-Broadband Antenna with Robustness to Body Detuning for 4G Eyewear Devices”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 16, Issue 1, pp. 125-128, 2016.

Revues internationales (Editoriaux), nationales ou revues d'ordre pédagogique :

P. Audra, J.Y. Bigot & J.C. Nobécourt, “Hydrologie du karst en bande nummulitique du système de la Lare (Saint-Benoît, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence). Interprétation de traçages et de suivis hydrologiques”, Karstologia, n° 76, pp. 25-32, 2020.

D. Loudière & P. Gourbesville, "Rapport mondial des Nations Unies sur la mise en valeur des ressources en eau 2020-L'eau et les changements climatiques", La Houille Blanche, n° 3, Issue LHB, pp. 76-81, 2020.

M. Nedaei, P. Biwole, G. Jacquemod, F. Pennec, E. Dekneuvel & F. Labesse-Jied, “Multiple 3D particle tracking velocimetry for airflow studying in large endosures”, Academic Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 37, n° 1, pp. 467-471, 2019.

G. Jacquemod, Y. Charlon, Z. Wei, Y. Leduc & P. Lorenzini, “Application de la technologie FDSOI pour la conception de nouvelles topologies de circuits analogiques et mixtes”, J3eA, Hors-série 1 (2019), vol. 18, 1021, 9 pages, Octobre 2019.

A. Cihangir, C. Luxey, D. Manteuffel & W. Simon, “Industrial Antenna Design: A Multi-Disciplinary ESoA Course”, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, vol. 60, Issue 2, pp. 113-119, 2018.

P. Masson, F. ferrero, F. Muller & G. Jacquemod, “Electronique analogique et mixte en PeiP dans le réseau Polytech”, J3eA, Hors-série 1 (2017), vol. 16, 1017, 9 pages, Janvier 2018.

M. Hesse, A. Regnier & P. Masson, Développement de mémoires non-volatiles embarquées pour les plateformes technologiques avancées 40nm et 28nm”, J3EA, Vol. 16, 1003, 2017.

D. Liu, W. Hong, T.S. Rappaport, C. Luxey & W. Hong, “What will 5G antennas and propagation be?”, IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 65, Issue 12, pp. 6205-6212, December 2017.

P. Steffen & G. Jacquemod, Selected articles from the 7th international Workshop on CMOS Variability Bremen, Germany”, Journal of Low Power Electronics, vol. 13, n° 1, pp. 122-123, 2017.

P. Audra, L. Barriquand, J.Y. Bigot, D. Cailhol, H. Caillaud, N. Vanara & J.C. Nobécourt, “L'impact méconnu des chauves-souris et du guano dans l'évolution morphologique tardive des cavernes”, Kartologia, n° 68, pp. 1-30, 2016..

P. Gourbesville, “Why smart water journal?”, Smart Water Journal, vol. 1, Editorial, p. 1, 2016.

Ouvrages ou Chapitres de livre :

H. Wang, P. Gourbesville & J. Zhang, Book of Abstracts of the 15th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, IAHR, Beijing, China, 2024.

A. Lázaro & E. Franquet, “Fundamentals and most widely used phase change materials”, ISTE Editions, chapter 4, pp 53–75, 2023.

P. Audra, D. Cailhol, F. Gazquez, S. Jaillet, H. Cheng, L. Edwards, C. Fehdi & F. Baali, “Les cavités et karstifications hypogènes - sulfuriques et thermales - de l’Azrou, chaîne des Bibans, Algérie ; un jalon de l’évolution de l’Atlas tellien depuis 3 Ma”, Collollignon B. (EDs) - Karsts et grottes d'Algérie, Karstologia Mémoires, vol. 27, pp. 103-125, 2022.

P. Gourbesville & G. Caignaert, eds. Advances in Hydroinformatics: SimHydro 2021 - Models for Complex and Global Water Issues—Practices and Expectations, Springer Nature, 2022.

P.I. Game, P. Audra & P. Gourbesville, “Influence of Topography Resolution and Quality on Modeling Hydrological Processes in Paillon River Basin in the South of France”, P. Gourbesville & G. Caignaert (Eds) - Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer Water, Springer, Singapore, 2022.

P.I. Game, P. Audra & P. Gourbesville, “Study of Coastline Dynamics and Impact of a Hydraulic Structure in Menton, France”, Gourbesville P. & Caignaert G. (eds) Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer Water. Springer, Singapore, 2022.

M. Ghulami, P. Gourbesville & P. Audra, “Impacts of Climate Change on Water Availability for the Vésubie Catchment, France”, P. Gourbesville & G. Caignaert (Eds) - Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer Water, Springer, Singapore, 2022.

T.N.D. Tran, Q.B. Nguyen, D.T.L. Le, T.D. Nguyen, N.D. Vo, P. Gourbesville, Evaluate the Influence of Groynes System on the Hydraulic Regime in the Ha Thanh River, Binh Dinh Province, Vietnam”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, Singapore, pp. 241-254, 2022.

J. Batica & P. Gourbesville, Opportunities and Challenges of Natural-Based Solutions in Urban Areas-French Case Studies”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, Singapore, pp. 551-572, 2022.

P. Gourbesville, H. Amaou Tallé, M. Ghulami, L. Andres & M. Gaetano, Challenges for Realtime DSS: Experience from Aquavar System”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, Singapore, pp. 719-735, 2022.

T.N.D. Tran, Q.B. Nguyen, T.T. Nguyen, N.D. Vo, C.P. Nguyen & P. Gourbesville, Operational Methodology for the Assessment of Typhoon Waves Characteristics. Application to Ninh Thuan Province, Vietnam”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, Singapore, pp. 887-902, 2022.

D.E. Kim, J. Liu, L. Andres, P. Gourbesville & S.-Y. Liong, Further Enhancement of Satellite DEM Resolution and Accuracy Using Machine Learning and Remote Sensing Data”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, Singapore, pp. 955-963, 2022.

P. Gourbesville & M. Ghulam, Assessment of Smart Heating and Cooling System Based on Thermal Use of Shallow Aquifer”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, Singapore, pp. 1023-1034, 2022.

T.H. Nguyen & P. Gourbesville, Optimal Operation of Parallel Reservoirs System with Limited Storage Capacity for Flood Mitigation”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, Singapore, pp. 1051-1064, 2022.

T.H. Nguyen & P. Gourbesville, Sizing Flood Control Storage of Reservoirs System in the Vu Gia Thu Bon Catchment”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, Singapore, pp. 1065-1079, 2022.

M. Wang, P. Gourbesville, S.-Y. Liong, D.E. Kim & J. Liu, Flood Analysis and Simulation Attempts of the Newly Proposed Capital City of Indonesia”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, Singapore, pp. 1145-1163, 2022.

T.N.D. Tran, Q.B. Nguyen, N.D. Vo, R. Marshall & P. Gourbesville, Assessment of Terrain Scenario Impacts on Hydrological Simulation with SWAT Model. Application to Lai Giang Catchment, Vietnam”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, Singapore, pp. 1205-1222, 2022.

P. Gourbesville, M. Gomez Valentin, F. Molkentin, C. Hewett, G. Sinicyn & A. van Griensven, Water Europe: Hydroinformatics for Water Resources and Water Related Hazards Management in Europe”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, Singapore, pp. 1241-1254, 2022.

P. Gourbesville, M. Gomez Valentin, F. Molkentin, C. Hewett, G. Sinicyn & A. van Griensven, HydroEurope—WaterEurope: 20 years of Practice in Collaborative Engineering for Hydroinformatics”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, Singapore, pp. 1255-1280, 2022.

P. Gourbesville, Water - Special Issue "Integrated Flood Management: Concepts, Methods, Tools and Results", https://www.mdpi.com/ journal/water/special_issues/flood_management#editors, 2022.

P. Gourbesville, "Which models for decision support systems? Proposal for a methodology", P. Gourbesville & G. Caignaert (Eds) - Advances in Hydroinformatics SimHydro 2019, Springer Water, Springer, Singapore, pp. 3-17, 2020.

Q. Ma, P. Gourbesville & M. Gaetano, "Aquavar: Decision support system for surface and groundwater management at the catchment scale", P. Gourbesville & G. Caignaert (Eds) - Advances in Hydroinformatics SimHydro 2019, Springer Water, Springer, Singapore, pp. 19-28, 2020.

M. Abily, P. Gourbesville, E. De Carvalho Filho, X. Llort, N. Rebora, A. Sanchez & D. Sempere-Torres, "Anywhere: Enhancing emergency management and response to extreme weather and climate events", P. Gourbesville & G. Caignaert (Eds) - Advances in Hydroinformatics SimHydro 2019, Springer Water, Springer, Singapore, pp. 29-37, 2020.

D.T. Duc, Q. Binh Nguyen, N.D. Vo, T.T.T. Thai & P. Gourbesville, "Coastline change assessment for Quang Ngai province using Landsat image", P. Gourbesville & G. Caignaert (Eds) - Advances in Hydroinformatics SimHydro 2019, Springer Water, Springer, Singapore, pp. 45-56, 2020.

M. Abily, P. Gourbesville, H. A. Tallé, M. Gaetano, J. Batica, P. Botey & M. Setti, "Operational resilience index computation tool as a decision support system integrated in Eu risks management platforms—Test on Biguglia catchment, a mediterranean intense precipitations regime prone area",  P. Gourbesville & G. Caignaert (Eds) - Advances in Hydroinformatics SimHydro 2019, Springer, Singapore, pp. 65-78, 2020.

S. Wang, J.  Wang, P. Gourbesville & L. Ludovic Andres,  "Visualization of flood simulation with Microsoft HoloLens",  P. Gourbesville & G. Caignaert (Eds) - Advances in Hydroinformatics SimHydro 2019, Springer Water, Springer, Singapore, pp. 91-101, 2020.

J. Batica & P. Gourbesville. "From catstrophe to resilience", P. Gourbesville & G. Caignaert (Eds) - Advances in Hydroinformatics SimHydro 2019, Springer Water, Springer, Singapore, pp. 121-133, 2020.

Y. Dorgigne, M. Abily & P. Gourbesville, "Natural hazard crisis management exercice at metropolitis scale: Methodolgy for holistic mnvolvement of Municipalities", P. Gourbesville & G. Caignaert (Eds) - Advances in Hydroinformatics SimHydro 2019, Springer Water, Springer, Singapore, pp. 181-197, 2020.

D.E. Kim, S.-Y. Liong, P. Gourbesville & J. Liu, "An innovative DEM improvement technique for highly dense urban cities", P. Gourbesville & G. Caignaert (Eds) - Advances in Hydroinformatics SimHydro 2019, Springer Water, Springer, Singapore, pp. 229-249, 2020.

T.H. Nguyen, P. Gourbesville, N.D. Vo & N.D.P. Vo, "Pre-release strategy for flood control in the multi-reservoir and rivers system", P. Gourbesville & G. Caignaert (Eds) - Advances in Hydroinformatics SimHydro 2019, Springer Water, Springer, Singapore, pp. 409-416, 2020.

T.H. Nguyen, P. Gourbesville, N.D. Vo & N.D.P. Vo, "Optimization of spillway operation for flood mitigation in multi-reservoirs river system",  P. Gourbesville & G. Caignaert (Eds) - Advances in Hydroinformatics SimHydro 2019, Springer Water, Springer, Singapore, pp. 417-426, 2020.

Q. Ma & P. Gourbesville, "Modelling strategy of deterministic distributed hydrological model development at catchment scale", P. Gourbesville & G. Caignaert (Eds) - Advances in Hydroinformatics SimHydro 2019, Springer Water, Springer, Singapore, pp. 607-617, 2020.

N.D. Vo, Q. Ma, V.K. Ngo & P. Gourbesville, "The uncertainty in spatial rainfall distribution––A case study for Binh Dinh province, Vietnam", P. Gourbesville & G. Caignaert (Eds) - Advances in Hydroinformatics SimHydro 2019, Springer Water, Springer, Singapore, pp. 635-645, 2020

D.T. T. Bui, Q.B. Nguyen, T.T.T.T. Nguyen, & P. Gourbesville,, “Coastline change assessment for Quang Ngai province using Landsat image”, P. Gourbesville & G. Caignaert (Eds) - Advances in Hydroinformatics SimHydro 2019, Springer Water, Springer, Singapore, pp. 754-756, 2020.

P. Q.A. Nguyen, P.Gourbesville, N.D. Vo, P. Audra, M. Abily & Q. Ma, “Modeling NH4+ dispersion from wastewater of urban drainage to the coastal area of Danang City, Vietnam”, P. Gourbesville & G. Caignaert (Eds) - Advances in Hydroinformatics SimHydro 2019, Springer Water, Springer, Singapore, pp. 767-778, 2020.

P.Q.A. Nguyen, P.Gourbesville, N.D. Vo, P. Audra, M. Abily & Q. Ma, “Modeling NH4+ dispersion from wastewater of urban drainage to the coastal area of Danang City, Vietnam”, P. Gourbesville & G. Caignaert (Eds) - Advances in Hydroinformatics SimHydro 2019, Springer Water, Springer, Singapore, pp. 767-778, 2020.

P. Gourbesville & G. Caignaert, “Advances in Hydroinformatics - SimHydro 2019 - Models for Extreme Situations and Crisis Management”, Springer Nature, 2020.

K.D. Nguyen, S. Guillou, P. Gourbesville & J. Thiébot, “Estuaries and coastal zones in times of global change”, Springer Nature, 2020.

F. Gianesello, D. Titz & C. Luxey, "Antenna Integration in Packaging Technology operating from 60 GHz up to 300 GHz HDI-based AiP”, Chapter 7 in Antenna-in-Package Technology and Applications, Ed. D. Liu, Y. Zhang, Wiley-IEEE Press, pp. 179-218, 2020.

P. Gourbesville, “Smart Water Solutions for Water Security: From Concept to Operational Implementation in Water security and the sustainable development goals”, UNESCO-i-WSSM, Paris, 2019.

P. Gourbesville, Modélisation appliquée aux études environnementales », Analyses dans l'environnement : méthodologies, Editions T.I. Paris, France, p. 4237, 2018, TIB382DUO.

Q.B. Nguyen, D.V. Ngoc & P. Gourbesville, Assessing impact of construction work on river morphology with TELEMAC-3D”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, pp. 1217-1231, 2018.

Q.B. Nguyen, N.D. Vo & P. Gourbesville, Flow near groynes: Experimental or computational approaches”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, pp. 1191-1206, 2018.

D.V. Ngoc & P. Gourbesville, “Flood risk assessment: A view of climate change impact at Vu Gia Thu Bon catchment, Vietnam”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, pp. 727-733, 2018.

L. Salvan, M. Abily & P. Gourbesville, Hydrodynamic coupling method for stormwater studies in suburban catchments - Study case of the Magnan basin, Nice”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, pp. 689-702, 2018.

L. Salvan, E. Zavattero, O. Delestre & P. Gourbesville, “Analysis of flood and dry threshold definition in two-dimensional hydrodynamic flood modeling tools”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, pp. 675-687, 2018.

J. Batica, P. Gourbesville, M. Erlich, C. Coulet & A. Mejean, Xynthia flood, learning from the past events - Introducing a FRI to stakeholders”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, pp. 607-619, 2018.

D.E Kim, Y. Sun, D. Wendi Z. Jiang, S.-Y. Liong & P. Gourbesville, Flood modelling framework for Kuching City, Malaysia: Overcoming the lack of data”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, pp. 559-568, 2018.

Y. Dorgigné, M. Abily, L. Salva & P. Gourbesville, Creation and life of an operational crisis management centre in Nice metropolis: Consolidation of flood events handling using feedbacks following the 3rd October flood event”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, pp. 483-496, 2018.

D.V. Ngoc, Q.B. Nguyen, C.H. Le, T.D. Doan, V. Hoa & P. Gourbesville, “Comparing model effectiveness on simulating catchment hydrological regime”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, pp. 401-414, 2018.

Q. Ma, M. Du, E. Zavattero & P. Gourbesville, “Assessment of deterministic model over long time period hydrological simulation at ungauged Mediterranean catchment, France”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, pp. 393-400, 2018.

E. Zavattero, Y. Zhai, M. Qin, M. Du, P. Gourbesville & O. Delestre, 2D surface water quality model: A forecasting tool for accidental pollution in urban river - Application to the Var river, France”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, pp. 285-299, 2018.

M. Du, E. Zavattero, Q. Ma, P. Gourbesville & O. Delestre, Groundwater modeling for a decision support system: The lower Var valley, Southeastern France”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, pp. 273-283, 2018.

P. Gourbesville, M. Du, E. Zavattero, Q. Ma & M. Gaetano,Decision support system architecture for real-time water management”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, pp. 259-272, 2018.

P. Gourbesville, J. Cunge & G. Caignaert, “SimHydro 2017 Choosing the right model in applied hydraulics”, Adcances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, Singapore, pp. v-vii, 2018.

P. Audra, “Hypogene caves in North Africa (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt)”, Ed. A. Klimchouk, A.N. Palmer, P. Audra & A. Auler, “Selected Selected Hypogene Karst Regions and Caves of the Word”, Springer, New York, pp. 853-865, 2017.

M. Vattano, G. Madonia, P. Audra, I.M. D’Angeli, E. Galli, J.-Y. Bigot, J.-C. Nobecourt & J. De Waele, “Update on the Hypogenic caves of Sicily”, Ed. A. Klimchouk, A.N. Palmer, P. Audra & A. Auler, “Selected Selected Hypogene Karst Regions and Caves of the Word”, Springer, New York, pp. 199-210, 2017.

P. Audra, “Hypogenic caves in France”, Ed. A. Klimchouk, A.N. Palmer, P. Audra & A. Auler, “Selected Hypogene Karst Regions and Caves of the Word”, Springer, New York, pp. 61-83, 2017.

P. Gourbesville, R. Dumasdelage, O. Delestre & D. Clamond, “Storm Events of Nice Bay: A Numerical Modeling of the Interactions Between Wave, Current, and Solid Transport”, Advances in Hydroinformatics SIMHYDRO 2014, Edited by P. Gourbesville, J. Cunge and G. Caignaert, chapter 2; Springer, ISBN: 978-981-287-614-0, Janvier 2016.

M. Abily, O. Delestre, P. Gourbesville, N. Bertrand, C.-M. Duluc, & Y.Richet, "Global Sensitivity Analysis with 2D Hydraulic Codes: Application on Uncertainties Related to High-Resolution Topographic Data", Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, Singapore, p. 301-315, 2016.

O. Delestre, M. Abily, F. Cordier, P. Gourbesville & H. Coullon, “Comparison and Validation of Two Parallelization Approaches of FullSWOF_2D Software on a Real Case”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, Singapore, pp. 395-407, 2016.

R.B. Vargas & P. Gourbesville, “Deterministic hydrological model for flood risk assessment of mexico city”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, Singapore, pp. 59-73, 2016.

A. Cihangir & C. Luxey, “Antenna in Handheld devices”, Handbook of Antennas Technologies, Springer Science + Business Media Singapore, Chief Ed. Z.N. Chen & T. Zwick  ISBN : 978 -981-4560-43-6, 2016.

H. Gulan, C. Luxey & D. Titz, “Mm-Wave Sub-mm-Wave Antenna Measurement”, Handbook of Antennas Technologies, Springer Science + Business Media Singapore, Chief Ed. Z.N. Chen & T. Zwick  ISBN : 978 -981-4560-43-6, 2016.

Conférences "Invitées" :

P. Gourbesville, “Gestion de l’eau en milieur urbain : enjeux et opportunités”, 7ème Forum franco-chinois sur le développement urbain durable, Wuhan, China, 2024.

P. Gourbesville, “Innovation for Water”, World Water Forum, Nusa Dua, Indonesia, 2024.

P. Gourbesville, “Smart water solutions for holistic water management”, World Water Forum, Nusa Dua, Indonesia, 2024.

P. Gourbesville, “Water engineering education challenges and needs”, World Water Forum, Nusa Dua, Indonesia, 2024.

P. Gourbesville, “Hydro environment science and engineering”, Singapore International Water Week, Singapore, Singapore, 2024.

P. Gourbesville, “Challenges of extreme convective rainfall events Example of Mediterranean cases”, ICID, New Delhi, India, 2024.

P. Gourbesville, “Ecohydraulics: some open questions”, IAHR Ecohydraulics Technical Committee, Lijiang, China, 2024.

E. Franquet, “Fostering efficient energy management towards smart buildings and smart districts: Sustainable development and energy transition”, ICSREE, Marseille, France, 2024.

P. Gourbesville, “Water challenges and resilient cities”, International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research”, Hong Kong Chapter (IAHR-HK), Hong Kong, China, 2024.

P. Gourbesville, “Engineering for resilient hydro environments”, HydroASia, Incheon, South Korea, 2024.

Y. Leduc, G. Jacquemod & Y. Charlon, A "Tonebusting" technique to build a digital to analog converter from a 1rst  order digital  SD modulator”, FETCH, Ronchinne, Belgium, 2024.

G. Jacquemod, Y. Mao, Z. wei, Y. Leduc & Y. Charlon, The back-gate of FDSOI UTBB transistor:  a magic knob for analog and mixed cells design”, ASICON, keynote speech, Nanjing, China, 2023. Keynote Speech Certificate of honor.

P. Gourbesville, “Joint Master of Science Hydroinformatics & Water Management”, European Commission Event for Education, Seoul, South Korea, 2023.

P. Gourbesville, “Challenges of extreme convective rainfall events - Example of Mediterranean cases”, Macao Sciences and Technologies University, Macao, China, 2023.

P. Gourbesville, “Smart Water solutions for efficiency & reliability of operations”, Yellow River Forum, Zhengzhou, China, 2023.

G. Jacquemod, Y. Mao, Y. Leduc & Y. Charlon, “New clock generator’s design based on back-gate auto-biasing of 28nm UTBB-FDSOI transistors”, WCAM, Tokyo, Japan, 2023.

P. Gourbesville, “Water Heritage for Cities”, Sustainable Development UNESCO Forum, Hangzhou, China, 2023.

P. Gourbesville, “Innovation for water, Water marathon”, UN Water, New York, USA, 2023.

Y. Leduc, G. Jacquemod, Y. Charlon, J. Mequin & X. Albinet, “Reasoned Modeling of Switched Capacitors Circuits – Techniques of Simulation, FETCH, Lavez-les-Bains, Switzerland, 2023.

G. Jacquemod, Y. Mao, Y. Leduc & Y. Charlon, “A new negative resistor for LC tank oscillator in FDSOI technology”, Material Science Engineering, Dubai, UAE, 2022.

P. Gourbesville, “Water challenges and ways forward”, Asian International Water Week, Labuan Bajo, Indonesia, 2022.

E. Franquet, “Du besoin d’approches intégrées holistiques pour le dimensionnement et le pilotage des systèmes énergétique”", Journée thématique de la Société Française de Thermique, Paris, France, 2022.

P. Gourbesville, “Smart river management: what is next?”, River dialog, Beijing, China, 2022.

Y. Leduc, Y. Charlon, X. Alibert, Y. Mao, G. Jacquemod & J. Mesquin, "Reasoned modeling of switched capacitors circuits - Preparation and simulation”, FETCH, Les Houches, France, 2022.

P. Audra, “Caves and Karsts of France, Keynote Conference”, International Congress of Speleology, Chambery, France, 2022.

P. Gourbesville, “Water Resources Cooperation in International Catchments: Challenges & Opportunities”, 2nd Lancang-Mekong Water Resources Cooperation Forum, Beijing, China, 2021.

P. Audra & A. Johannet, "Monitoring of Mescla karst spring in the French Southern Alps - A rare case of stratified waters out of coastal aera", International Karstological School "Classical karst", Regional karstology - Local and general aspects, Postojna, Slovenia, 2021.

P. Gourbesville, “EuroAquae + HydroEurope: 20 years of Hydroinformatics education!”, IAHR, Online Forum, 2021.

P. Gourbesville, “Intelligent River Basin Management”, International Seminar of HATHI, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2021.

P. Gourbesville, “Smart cities: How to balance sustainability, uses & needed innovation?”, Smart City International Symposium, Keynote, Incheon, Republic of Korea, 2020.

G. Jacquemod, Z. Wei, Y. Leduc, E. de Foucauld, J. Prouvee & B. Blampey, “Réduction des effets de canal court et de DIBL dans les transistors UTBB-FDSOI ”, FETCH, Montreal, Canada, 2020.

P. Audra & J.-C. Nobécourt, “Monitoring of karst springs in the French Southern Alps: an outlook on general hydrodynamic processes”, International Karst School “Regional Karstology – Local And General Aspects, Postojna, Slovenia, Institut de recherche du Karst (IZRK), 2019. 

P.  Gourbesville, “Water & smart cities: Challenges and opportunities”, Smart Cities Conference, Incheon, South Korea, 2019.

P. Gourbesville, “Smart water solutions for Water-Energy-Food nexus: From concept to operational implementation”, SDGs, Zhengzhou, China, 2019.

Y. Leduc, “An efficient solution to simulate mixed-signal circuits in C”, NewCAS, Tutorial, Munich, Germany, 2019.

G. Jacquemod, Z. Wei, Y. Leduc, E. de Foucauld & J. Prouvee, “Reducing small channel effect of UTBB-FDSOI transistor for current mirror application”, ICSS, Honolulu, USA, 2019.

F. Gourbesville, “Hydroinformatics systems for urban water services: challenges and operational approaches”, ICCSE, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 2019.

P. Gourbesville, “Coastal flood risk management and resilience”, ICOE, Pointe-aux-Piments, Mauritius Island, 2019.

F. Gianesello & C. Luxey, “THz packaging solution for Low Cost Si based 100 Gb/s wireless link System”, RFIC/IMS, Philadelphia, USA, 2018.

Y. Leduc, “Deep learning: our digital assistants cannot withstand any further to be idiot savants”, NewCAS, Keynote, Montreal, Canada, 2018.

C. Luxey, “Mm-wave antenna-system designs dedicated to high-data rate communications”, EuCAP, London, UK, 2018.

C. Luxey, “Integration of mm-Wave Antennas Using Organic Packaging Technologies up to 240GHz”, FORUM “Circuit and System Techniques for mm-Wave Multi-Antenna Systems”, ISSCC, San Francisco, USA, 2018.

G. Jacquemod, “FDSOI technology a solution for IoT implementation”, IWWCN, Keynote, Beijing, China, 2017.

F. Gianesello & C. Luxey,MmW & Sub-THz antenna measurements: from academic to industrial test solution, EuMW, Ulm, Germany, September 2017.

Y. Leduc, Panel “Challenges in the Internet of Things”, Moderator : M. Bayoumi, Panelists : N. Basile, L. Jure, Y. Leduc, F. Rivet & F. Theoleyre, NewCAS, Strasbourg, France, 2017.

F. Gianesello, E. Lacombe, N. Nachabe, D. Titz, C. A. Fernandes, J. R. Costa, C. del Río Bocio, C. Luxey & D. Gloria, “Industrial packaging & antenna for consumer grade mm-wave products”, IEEE MTT-S, Honolulu, USA, 2017.

P. Audra, “Structure des réseaux karstiques. Les contrôles de la spéléogenèse épigène et hypogène”, Workshop Karst et Bassins Sédimentaires, Alès, IMT Mines Alès, Association française de karstologie (AFK), Association des sédimentologistes français (ASF), Institut montpellierain de l’eau et de l’environnement (IM2E), Terinov, Total, 2017.

G. Jacquemod, Y. Leduc & C. Luxey, “Microphone sans fil pour implant cochléaire”, FETCH, Mont Tremblant, Canada, 2017.

G. Jacquemod & Y. Leduc, “FDSOI technology and new design”, SETIT, Tutorial, Hammamet, Tunisia, 2016.

P. Gourbesville, “Information System development and Smart Water”, Smart Water Technical Workshop, Singapore, 2016.

F. Gianesello,  A. Bisognin, D. Titz, C. Luxey, C. A. Fernandes, J. R. Costa, D. Gloria, "3D printing technology: Enabling innovative & cost effective industrial antenna solution”, iWAT 2016, Cocoa Beach, USA, pp. 55-56, 2016.

F. Gianesello & C. Luxey, “Industrial high-volume packaging for mm-wave transceivers”, EuMC, Workshop WF06 : Chip Packaging and System-in-Package, London, UK, 2016.

C. Luxey, F. Gianesello, A. Bisognin, D. Titz, J. Costa, C. Fernandez & C. Del Rio Bocio, “Cost effective mmW system leveraging silicon technology and digital manufacturing”, EuMC, Workshop WF03 : Millimeter-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Communications, London, UK, 2016.

C. Luxey, F. Gianesello, A. Bisognin, D. Titz, A. Cihangir, R. Pilard, D. Gloria, C. Fernandez, J. Costa, C. Panagamuwa & W. Whittow, “Antenna-module with integrated shaper lens for Wigig applications in eyewear devices”, RFIC/IMS, Workshop IMS : Millimeter-Wave Electronics: From Applications to Manufacturing, San Francisco, USA, 2016.

F. Gianesello, A. Bisognin, D. Titz, C. Fernandez, J. Costa, C. Del Rio Bocio, C. Luxey & D. Gloria, “Cost effective mmW system development leveraging silicon and digital manufacturing technologies”, RFIC/IMS, Workshop IMS : Millimeter-Wave Electronics: From Applications to Manufacturing, San Francisco, USA, 2016.

P. Gourbesville, “Natural disasters management & Resilience”, Government of Canada’s Annual Round-table on Disaster Risk Reduction”, Canadian Risk and Hazards Network (CRHNet) Annual Symposium, Montreal, Canada, 2016.

P. Gourbesville, “Information System: Challenges and Architecture”, International Smart Water Grid Conference, Incheon, Korea, 2016.

Y. Leduc, G. Jacquemod, Z. Wei, J. Modad, P. Lorenzini & E. de Foucauld, “La logique complémentaire, une opportunité offerte par le FDSOI pour l'intégration de circuits mixtes dans les technologies les plus avancées”, FETCH, Villard-de-Lans, France, 2016.

Conférences  internationales :

N. Zarzour, M.P. Santisi d’Avila, L. Lent & M. Oggero, “Impact of in-plane stiffness of floors on the seismic response of geo-sourced masonry buildings”, World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Milan, Italy, 2024.

N. Zarzour, M.P. Santisi d'Avila, E.D. Mercerat, L. Lenti & M. Oggero, “Compressed Earth Blocks for masonry buildings in seismic zone”, European Mechanics of Materials Conference, Madrid, Spain, 2024.

N. Zarzour, M.P. Santisi d’Avila, L. Lenti & M. Oggero, “Seismic assessment and structural design improvement of a compressed earth bloc masonry building”, SUBLime Conference, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, 2024.

Q. Ma, C. Liu, P. Gourbesville, S. Chang & W. Lu “A Distributed Modeling Strategy of Basin Flood Assessment, Application of “23.7” Catastrophic Flood in Haihe River Basin”, International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Beijing, China, 2024.

P. Gourbesville, "Decision Support Systems and Hydroinformatics solutions: Needs and Gaps”, International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Beijing, China, 2024.

P. Gourbesville, "Real Time Modelling for Flash Floods Decision Support Systems: Needs and Gaps”, International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Beijing, China, 2024.

N. Rispal,  P. Audra, P. Henry, L. Mocochain, B. Arfib, A. Zappelli, B. Viguier, H. Miche & C. Vallet-Coulomb, "Elements of a pluri-disciplinary project on karstic reservoir characterization: groundwater modelling of the Dévoluy Massif, France”, EuroKarst, Rome,  Italy, 2024.

N. Rispal, P. Audra, P. Henry, L. Mocochain & A. Zappelli, "First results of cave sediments paleomagnetic dating in Dévoluy massif, France”, 31th International Karstological School "Classical karst, Data acquisition and analysis in karst systems”, Postojna, Slovenia. 2024.

G. Foissey, P. Audra, R. Razakandrainibe, L. Favennec, M. Fournier & D. Costa, "Evaluation of the PAPRIKA method for predicting cryptosporidium contamination of karst water ressources”, EMOP, Wroclaw, Poland 2024.

B. Couraud. E. Franquet, H. Quinard, P.-J. Barre, P.  Moura, Y. Rozier, F. Dechavanne, P. Costini, A. El Youssfi, A. Taha, S. Norbu & D. Flynn, “A Cyber-Physical Infrastructure for Smart Energy Buildings”, IFIP AICT 738, WG 5.5 Workshops, Nice, France November, 2024.

L. Antunes, P. Masson, J. Amouroux, J. Dura, J. Babic, B. Richard, L. Vedovini, F. Julien, A. Regnier, A. Fleury & S. Monfray, "Notched gate and Graded Gate Oxide processing for reduced capacitance application in RF MOSFETs", ECS PRIME (Pacific RIm Meeting on electrochemical and solid state science), Honolulu, USA, 2024.

L. Antunes, P. Devoge, P. Masson, J. Amouroux, J. Dura, C. Rivero & F. Julien, "MOSFET electron mobility enhancement using source/drain recess", International Conference on Design, DTTIS, Aix-en-Provence, France, 2024.

C. Belabbas, S. Perrin, R. Habhab, V. Della Marca, P. Masson, P. Canet, J-M. Portal, T. Kempf, N. Miridi, M. Mantelli, S. Niel, A. Regnier, "Punch-through variability in buried channel transistors", International Conference on Design, DTTIS, Aix-en-Provence, France, 2024.

R. Guo, E. Dekneuvel, G. Jacquemod & P.-H. Biwole, “From SysML application model to executable OpenCL code: A system-level design approach”, MECO, Budva, Montenegro, 2024.

Y. Charlon, G. Jacquemod, H. Jouni & A. Harb, “New implementation of analog neural network for breast cancer classification”, ACDSA, Mahe, The Seychelles, 2024.

R. Guo, E. Dekneuvel, G. Jacquemod & P.-H. Biwole, “Real-time PTV system implementation on multi-SoC architecture accelerated by OpenCL”, ACDSA, Mahe, The Seychelles, 2024.

L. Antunes, P. Masson, J. Amouroux, S. Monfray, J. Dura, F. Gianesello, J. Babic, R. Debroucke, L. Welter, S. Dhar, B. Gros, C. Charbuillet, F. Julien, G. Bertrand, A. Reignier & A. Fleury, “Notched gate MOSFET for capacitance reduction in RF SOI tehcnology”, DTTIS'2023, Gammarth, Tunisia, 2023.

B. Couraud, P.-J. Barre, R. Pennuci, Y. Rozier, S. Norbu, D. Flynn & E. Franquet, “Collecting French Smart Meter Data for Residential Flexibility”, ISGT – Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference, Grenoble, France, 2023.

M. Brun, G. Jacquemod, Y. Charlon, A. Gamet & P. Le Fevre, “A two stage amplifier in a low power 32.768kHz quartz”, DCIS, Barcelona, Spain, 2023.

F. Cordier, T. Davarend, E. Ah-Woane, Z. Amana, A. Sochinskii, S. Majdalani, R. Moussa, M. Assaba & O. Delestre, “Simulations of the Brague flood of october 2015”, SimHyrdo: New modelling paradigms for Water Issues?, Chatou, France, 2023.

E. Ah-Woane, A. Sochinskii, T. Davarend, S. Majdalani, R. Moussa, M. Assaba & O. Delestre, “Simulation of the Brague flood of october 2015 using HEC-RAS with a 1D-2D approach”, SimHyrdo: New modelling paradigms for Water Issues?, Chatou, France, 2023.

D. Ovalle-Taylor, F. Gianesello, C. Luxey & G. Ducournau, “Innovative Packaging Integration Strategy for BiCMOS ICs Operating beyond 200 GHz”, European Microwave Conference (EuMC), Berlin, Germany, 2023.

P. Audra, “Cave Systems Pattern. Epigene and hypogene control on cave formation”,   Universidad Federal del Rio Grande del Norte & Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2023.

Y. Zhou, M. Baracani, F. Favoino, S. Fantucci, M. Ibrahim, E. Franquet & V. Serra, “Numerical Modelling and Performance Assessment of MicroFluidic Glazing (MFG)”, SDEWES, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2023.

Y. Zhou, G. Gennaro, S. Fantucci, M. Ibrahim, E. Franquet & F. Favoino, “Building performance simulation of Advanced Building Envelope (ABE): towards a python-based open-source library to support co-simulation for design and operations”, IBPSA, Shanghai, China, 2023.

M. Peyrard, G. Jacquemod, N. Froidevaux & M. Moign, “Die capacitance and Power Distribution Network modeling method through measurement of resonant frequency”, EMC+SIPI, Grand Rapids, USA, 2023. Finalist Best student Award.

P. Audra,  B. Viguier, A. Johannet, V. Heresanu, B. Collignon, E. Desclaux, C. Delhon, J.C. Nobécourt &  H. Cheng, “The Mescla Cave (Alpes-Maritimes, France). Overview of researches in a deep-phreatic cave”, International Karstological School "Classical karst", Approaches and conceptual models, Postojna, Slovenia, 2023.

M. D’Angeli,  P. Audra, A.N. Palmer, L. Plan & J. De Waele, “Sulfuric acid caves of the world: a review”, International Karstological School "Classical karst", Approaches and conceptual models, Postojna, Slovenia, 2023.

Y. Mao, Y. Charlon, Y. Leduc & G. Jacquemod, “New design of an ultra low power CDR architecture using FDSOI 28 nm technology”, NEWCAS, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2023.

R.  Habhab , V.  Della Marca , P. Masson, N. Miridi, C. Pribat, S. Jeannot, T. Kempf, M. Mantelli, P. Lorenzini, J.M. Voisin, A. Reignier, S. Niel & F. La-Rosa, “40nm SONOS Embedded Select in Trench Memory“, ESSDERC, Lisbon, Portugal, 2023.

N. Zarzour, M.P. Santisi d'Avila, E.D. Mercerat, L. Lenti & M. Oggero, “Dynamic features for the seismic design of geo-sourced masonry buildings“, International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Athens,  Greece, 2023.

M. Peyrard, M. Moign, N. Froideaux & G. Jacquemod, “Simple measurement method to estimate the main resonance of a Power Delivery Network”, PRIME-LA/LASCAS, Quito, Ecuador, 2023.

Y. Mao, Y. Charlon, Y. Leduc & G. Jacquemod, “LC tank oscillator based on new negative resistor in FDSOI technology”, PRIME-LA/LASCAS, Quito, Ecuador, 2023, Student Award : IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Student Travel Grants.

P. Devoge, H. Aziza, P. Lorenzini, P. Masson, F. Julien, A. Marzaki, A. Malherbe, J. Delalleau, T. Cabout, A. Regnier & S. Niel, “Schmitt trigger to benchmark the performance of a new zero-cost transistor”, ICECS, Glasgow, UK, 2022.

O. Ramos Sparrow, S. Bourdel, G. Jacquemod & J. Gaubert, “A 6.3pJ/b ultra-low power energy detector for non-coherent UWB impulse radio receiver”, DCIS, Pamplona, Spain, 2022.

P. Devoge, H. Aziza, P. Lorenzini, P. Masson, F. Julien, A. Marzaki, A. Malherbe, J. Delalleau, T. Cabout, A. Regnier & S. Niel, “Hot-carrier reliability and performance study of a variable gate-to-drain/source overlap transistor”, ESREF, Berlin, Germany, 2022.

H.M. Hsu & P. Gourbesville, “Introduction of Integrated Decision Support System for Flood Disaster Management”, HIC, Water Influence, Bucharest, Romania, 2022.

M. Ghulami & P. Gourbesville, “Groundwater Related Issues of a Deep Excavation Below the Water Table During the Construction Period”, HIC, Water Influence, Bucharest, Romania, 2022.

P. Gourbesville & M. Ghulami, “Which models for extreme flood events in Mediterranean catchments?”, HIC, Water Influence, Bucharest, Romania, 2022.

P. Gourbesville, “Added value of deterministic models in Decision Support Systems”, HIC, Water Influence, Bucharest, Romania, 2022.

M. Wang, P. Game & P. Gourbesville, “Integrated Modelling Approach for Flood Forecasting in Small Mediterranean Catchment – Application to the Cagne Catchment, France”, HIC, Water Influence, Bucharest, Romania, 2022.

A. Arboleya, G.A. Narciandi, J. Laviada, Y.A. Lopez, C. Luxey, F. Gianesello, F. Las Heras,  A. Bisognin & D. Titz, “Phaseless Probe-Fed Antenna Measurement by Means of Flexible Freehand System”, EuCAP, Madrid, Spain, 2022.

M. Wang, P. Gourbesville & P. Game, “Impacts of Topographic Resolution on Deterministic Hydrological and Hydraulic Models - Application to Cagne Catchment, France”, IAHR, Granada, Spain, 2022.

P. Gourbesville & M. Ghulami, “Deterministic Modeling for Extreme Flood Events - Application to the Alex Storm”, IAHR, Granada, Spain, 2022.

H.M. Hsu & P. Gourbesville, “ Applications of Non-Structural Measures and Self-Protection Against Flood in Urban Areas in Taiwan and in France”, IAHR, Granada, Spain, 2022

P. Gourbesville, H. Amaou Talle & M. Ghulami, “Aquavar: High Performance Computing for Real Time Water Management”, IAHR, Granada, Spain, 2022.

S. Hao, Q. Ma, P. Gourbesville, G. Lyu, W. Wang & C. Liu, “Modelling Flash Floods in Ungauged Mountainous Catchments in Henan Province, China: A Machine Learning Approach for Parameter Regionalization”, IAHR,  Granada,  Spain, 2022.

M. Ghulami & P. Gourbesville, “Uncertainty Analysis of Future Projections of Precipitation and Temperature for the Var Basin, France”, IAHR, Granada, Spain, 2022.

M. Ghulami & P. Gourbesville, “Modelling of thermal use of shallow groundwater in an urban aquifer: A case study in Nice”, IAHR, Granada, Spain, 2022.

J. Bativa & P. Gourbesville, “Grey, Green, and Blue Infrastructure Embedded Within Existing Water Grid in Urban Area in France”, IAHR, Granada, Spain, 2022.

P. Gourbesville, H. Amaou Talle & M. Ghulami, “Operational Strategy for Hydrologic Deterministic Modeling in Real Time Application to Mediterranean Catchments”, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Atlanta, USA, 2022.

A. Chiaradonna, M.P. Santisi d’Avila & L. Lenti, “Seismic response of a 1D soil profile using two modeling approaches in effective stress condition”, International Conference on Natural Hasard and Infrastructure, Athens, Greece, 2022.

C. Khalil, J. Regnier, F. Lopez Caballero, M.P. Santisi d’Avila, et al, “LICORNE a benchmark on numerical method for nonlinear site response analysis involving pore water pressure”,  European Conference on Earthquake Engineering & Seismology, Bucharest, Romania, 2022.

N. Zarzour, M.P. Santisi d’Avila, L. Lent, D. Mercerat & M. Oggero, “Modeling of geosourced masonry buildings in a seismic area”,  AFPS workshop, Paris, France, 2022.

P. Devoge, H. Aziza, P. Lorenzini, A. Malherbe, F. Julien, A. Marzaki, A. Regnier & S. Niel, “Digital-to-analog converters to benchmark the matching performance of a new zero-cost transistor”, ISCAS, Austin, USA, 2022.

P. Devoge, H. Aziza, P. Lorenzini, P. Masson, F. Julien, A. Marzaki, A. Malherbe, J. Delalleau,  T. Cabout, A. Regnier & S. Niel, “Gate-to-drain/source overlap and asymmetry effects on hot-carrier generation”, IEEE IIRW, Fallen Leaf Lake, USA, 2022.

T. Chedid, E. Franquet, J. Pouvreau, P. Garcia, J.-P. Bédécarrats, “Numerical Study of the Influence of Fins’ Geometry on the Thermal Performances of a Vertical Shell and Tube Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage”, International Renewable Energy Storage Conference (IRES), Düsseldorf, Germany, 2022.

R. Guo, E. Dekneuvel, G. Jacquemod & P. Biwole, “A system-level description of a particle tracking velocimetry system for air quality study”, MeSSAC, Jinan, China, 2022.

M. Gauthier, C. Haritchabalet, E. Franquet, "“Are Demand Response Aggregators Beneficial? A Model of Vertical Differentiation with Network Effect”, 27th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Rimini, Italy, 2022.

M. Nedaei, P. Biwole, E. Dekneuvel & G. Jacquemod, “Numerical Evaluations of a Multiple 3D Particle Tracking Velocimetry System for Indoor Air Flow Study”, IAQ 2020: Indoor Environmental Quality Performance Approaches, Athens, Greece, 2022.

M. Peyrard, G. Jacquemod, D. Marais, X. Duperthuy & N. Froidevaux, “DDR interface modeling and chip decoupling capacitance optimization through jitter simulation”, IEEE Workshop on Signal and Power Integrity, Siegen, Germany, 2022.

P. Audra, J. De Waele, A. Columbu,  I.M. D’Angeli, F. Gasguez,  J.-Y. Bigot, R. Chiesa, T.L. Yu, C.C. Chen, C. Carbone, V. Heresanu, G. Koltai & J.-C. Nobecourt, “Speleogenetic evolution of the Toirano cave system (Liguria, northern Italy)”,  International Congress of Speleology, Chambery, France, 2022.

L. Pisani, M. Antonellini,  J. De Waele, A. Auler, P. Audra, G. Bertotti, C. Pontes, V. La Bruna, F. Balsamo & F.H. Bezerra, “Hypogenic karst inception and super-permeability zones in Neoproterozoic carbonates of Northeastern Brazil”,  International Congress of Speleology, Chambery, France, 2022.

J.-Y. Bigot, J.-L. Guyot & P. Audra, “Speleogenesis of juvenile serial sinkhole-resurgence systems in the karsts of the Amazonian side of the Andes, Peru”, International Congress of Speleology, Chambery, France, 2022.

J.-Y. Bigot, L. Bruxelles & P. Audra, “Speleo-archeology, or the search of historic and prehistoric constructions in the caves of Southern France”, International Congress of Speleology, Chambery, France, 2022.

J.-Y. Bigot, P. Audra, L. Bruxelles, D. Cailhol & C. Pallier, “Bear claw marks in clay: differential conservation in caves harboring bat colonies. Mas d'Azil, Sirach and Lare caves, France”, International Congress of Speleology, Chambery, France, 2022.

J.-Y. Bigot, P. Audra & L. Bruxelles, “Speleothems break and regrowth testifying past visits in some caves of Southern France”,  Intern. Congress of Speleology, Chambery, France, 2022.

P. Sorriaux, H. Camus, L. Mocochain, P. Audra & P. Hauselman, Neogene caves reactivated in Quaternary: Niaux-Lombrives-Sabart (Ariège, Pyrénées, France)”, International Congress of Speleology, Chambery, France, 2022.

P. Audra, “Hypogene speleogenesis. Introduction to Hypogene session”, International Congress of Speleology, Chambery, France, 2022.

P. Game, M. Wang, P. Audra & P. Gourbesville, “Challenges & solutions for deterministic hydraulic modelling in mediterranean coastal catchment. Application to the lower Paillons river, Nice, France”, International Conference on Hydroinformatics HIC, Water Influence, Bucharest, Romania, 2022.

C. Carbone, V. Balestra, D. Belmonte, P. Audra, A. Columbu, I.M. D’Angeli, R. Chiesa & J. De Waele, “New Ligurian mineralogical records of guano-associated phosphates in Colombo Cave (Toirano, Liguria, Italy)”, Geosciences for a sustainable future, Torino, Italia, 2022.

C. Langrée, J. Reveillon, E. Franquet, G. Lecocq, B. Duret, F.-X. Demoulin, “Simulation of the impact of obstacles in Unconfined Vapor Cloud Explosions”, 17th OpenFOAM Workshop (OFW17), Cambridge, U.K., 2022.

P. Game, M. Wang, P. Audra & P. Gourbesville, “Modelling Strategy for Multi Purposes Management in a Mediterranean Ungauged Catchment – Application to the Paillons Catchment, France”, IAHR World Congress, Granada, Spain, 2022.

P Devoge, H. Aziza, P. Lorenzini, F. Julien, A. Marzaki, A. Malherbe, M. Mantelli, T. Sardin, S.  Haendler, A. Regnier & S. Niel, “Circuit-level evaluation of a new zero-cost transistor in a embedded non-volatile memory CMOS technology”, DTIS, Apulia, Italy, 2021.

M. Thonon, L. Enghok, L. Zalewski, G. Fraisse, E. Franquet & S. Gibout, “Characterization of two phase change materials for domestic hot water application”, Enerstock, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2021.

Y. Mao, Y. Charlon, F. Debieu, Z. Wei, Y. Leduc & G. Jacquemod, “Ultra low power injection-locked ring oscillator architecture using FDSOI technology”, International Conference on Analog VLSI Circuits, Bordeaux, France, 2021.

M. Ghulami, P. Gourbesville & P. Audra, “Modeling of thermal use of shallow groundwater in an urban aquifer: A case study in Nice”, FEFLOW International User Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 2021.

T. Gronier, J. Fito, E. Franquet, S. Gibout & J. Ramousse, “Optimised design of the extension of a district heating network considering demand-side management”, International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, Taormina, Italy, 2021.

T. Gronier, E. Franquet & S. Gibout, “Techno-economical analysis of the mixing of combined heat and power with demand-side management in a local network”, International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, Taormina, Italy, 2021.

P. Devoge, H. Aziza, P. Lorenzini, A. Marzaki, A. Malherbe, M. Mantelli, A. Regnier & F. Julien, “Hot-carrier evaluation of a zero-cost transistor developed via process optimization in an embedded non-volatile memory CMOS technology”, ESREF, Bordeaux, France, 2021.

G. Ducournau, F. Pavanello, C. Belem-Goncalves, F. Gianesello, C. Luxey, E. Peytavit, J.F. Lampin, M. Zegaoui & M. Zaknoune, “300 GHz link enabled by Yagi-Uda antenna”, ISAP, Osaka, Japan, 2021.

P. Gourbesville & F. Molkenthin, “Added value of collaborative engineering approach for hydroinformatics training: WaterEurope project”, IAHR, Warsaw, Poland2021.

F. Molkenthin & P. Gourbesville, “Transition from academic education to professional/research career in water related master course programmes - Example EuroAquae”, IAHR, Warsaw, Poland2021.

M. Ghulami & P. Gourbesville, “Impacts on groundwater for a deep excavation below the water table during the construction of a commercial building: A case study in Nice”, IAHR, Warsaw, Poland2021.

A. Arboleya, J. Laviada, G.A. Narciandi, Y.A. Lopez, F. Las Heras, C. Luxey, A. Bisognin, D. Titz & F. Gianesello, “Probed-Fed Antenna Diagnosis by Means of Freehand and Phaseless System”, CAMA, Juan-Les-Pins, France, 2021.

F. Filice, N. Nachabe, F. Gianesello, G.A. Narciandi, J. Laviada, F. Las Heras & C. Luxey, “3-D printed high-efficiency wideband 2x2 and 4x4 double-ridged waveguide antenna arrays for Ku-band Satcom-On-The-Move application”, EuCAP, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2020.

S. Hisake, Y. Tanaka, C. Belem-Goncalves, C. Luxey, F. Gianesello, G. Ducournau & A. Hirata, “Near-field measureent and far-field characterization of a J-band antenna based on an electrooptic sensing”, EuCAP, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2020.

G.A. Narciandi, J. Laviada, Y.A. Lopez, G. Ducournau, C. Luxey, F. Gianesello & F. Las Heras, “Portable, freehand system for antenna diagnosis using amplitude-only data”, EuCAP, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2020.

V. Gidel, F. Gianesello, P. Chevalier, G. Avenier, N. Guitard, C. Luxey & G. Ducournau, “Smart way to adjust Schottky barrier height in 130nm BiCMOS process for sub-THz applications”, IEEE SiRF, San Antonio, USA, 2020.

S.A. Matos, J.R. Costa, C.A. Fernandes, N. Nachabe, C. Luxey, D. Titz, F. Gianesello, C. del Rio Bocio, A. Arboleya, J.P. Teixeira, J-P. Garnero & J.-F. Vizzari, “Transmit-array antenna design for broadband backhaul 5G communications at WiGiG band”, EuCAP, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2020.

R. Fares, M.P. Santisi d’Avila, A. Deschamps A. & E. Foerster, “Structure-soil-structure interaction analysis for reinforced concrete framed structures”, International Conference on Structural Dynamics, Athens, Greece, 2020.

M. Nedaei, P. Biwole, E. Dekneuvel, G. Jacquemod, F. Labesse-Jied & F. Pennec, “Numerical Evaluations of a Multiple 3D Particle Tracking Velocimetry System for Indoor Air Flow Study”, Indoor Air, Seoul, Korea, 2020.

F. Gázquez, A. Columbu, J. De Waele, P. Audra, D. Cailhol, M. Vattano, A. Giesche, J.M. Calaforra & D.A. Hodell, “Gypsum speleothems record the triple oxygen (δ17O and δ18O) and hydrogen (δ2H) isotopic composition of cave dripwater: potential paleoclimate implications”, European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2020.

P.Q.A. Nguyen, P. Gourbesville, P. Audra, N.D. Vo & D.N.K. Vo, “Impact assessment of Son Tra wastewater treatment plant to the coast of Danang City, Vietnam”, International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Mexico City, Mexcico, 2020.

M. Ghulami, P. Gourbesville & P. Audra, “Future projections of precipitation and temperature for the Var basin, France”, International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Mexico City, Mexico, 2020.

P.Q.A. Nguyen, P. Gourbesville, P. Audra, N.D. Vo & D.N.K. Vo, “Modeling methodology for wastewater discharge – Application to Danang Bay, Vietnam”, International Conference on Environment and Renewable, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2020.

P.Q.A. Nguyen, P. Gourbesville, P. Audra, N.D. Vo & D.N.K. Vo, “Impact of fluvial First Flush – Application to Danang City, Vietnam”, International Conference on Environment and Renewable Energy, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2020.

G. Bertotti, P. Audra, A. Auler, F.H. Bezerra, S. De Hoop, R. Prabhakaran, C. Pontes & R. Lima, “Characteristics and genesis of hypogenic karsts in carbonate successions: inferences for hydrocarbon and geothermal systems, Brazil”, EAGE Naturally Fractured Reservoir Workshop, European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates, 2020.

R.E.B. Araújo, F.H. Bezerra, V. La Bruna & P. Audra, “Structural and sedimentary discontinuities control on formation of karst dissolution cavities: example from the Potiguar Basin, Brazil”, EAGE Naturally Fractured Reservoir Workshop, European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates, 2020.

R.E.B. Araújo, P. Audra & F.H. Bezerra, “Vuggy formation following structural and sedimentary discontinuities, Soledade outcrop, Potiguar Basin, Brasil”, EAGE Naturally Fractured Reservoir Workshop, European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates, 2020.

F. Filice, N. Nachabe, F. Gianesello, J. Laviada, G. Alvarez Narciandi, D. Titz, F. Las-Heras & C. Luxey, “Wideband aperture coupled patch antenna for Ka-band exploiting the generation of surface waves”, IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (AP-S), Montreal, Canada, 2020.

V. Fiorese, C. Belem-Goncalves, C. del Rio Boccio, D. Titz, F. Gianesello, C. Luxey, G. Ducournau, E. Dubois, C. Gaqiere & D. Gloria,  “Evaluation of Micro Laser Sintering Metal 3D-Printing Technology for the Development of Waveguide Passive Devices up to 325GHz”, IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS),  Los Angeles, USA, 2020.

J. Batica & P. Gourbesville, “Natural based solutions incorporated into existing water grids – Applications in France”, Smart Water Grid International Conference, Incheon, Republic of Korea, 2020.

P. Gourbesville, “ Smart water: towards water information system ”, Smart Water Grid International Conference, Incheon, Republic of Korea, 2020.

P. Gourbesville & M. Ghulami, “Smart heating and cooling system based on thermal use of shallow aquifer”,  Smart Water Grid International Conference, Incheon, Republic of Korea, 2020.

M. Moign, J.-P. Leca, N. Froidevaux, Y. Leduc & G. Jacquemod, “Impact of Bypass Capacitors Placement on SSN in a MCU Based System: Modelling and Measurement”, EMC Compo, Haining, Hangzhou, China, 2019.

L. Quazzo, N. Froidevaux, H. Braquet & G. Jacquemod, “PDN Resonance Frequencies and FTB Robustness Correlation”, EMC Compo, Haining, Hangzhou, China, 2019.

Q. Ma & P. Gourbesville, “Integration of high resolution models in real time decision support system, Application of AquaVar DSS”, IAHR, Panama City, Panama, 2019.

P. Gourbesville, Q. Ma & M. Gaetano, “Models Orchestration for real time application”, IAHR, Panama City, Panama, 2019.

G.  Jacquemod, Z. Wei, Y. Leduc, E. de Foucauld, J. Prouvee & B. Blampey, “New design of analog and mixed-signal cells using back-gate cross-coupled structure, VLSI-SOC, Cuzco, Peru, 2019.

J. Batica & P. Gourbesville, “From catastrophe to resilience”, SimHydro, Sophia Antipolis, France, 2019.

P.Q.A. Nguyen, P. Gourbesville, N.D. Vo, P. Audra, M. Abily  & Q. Ma, “Modeling NH4+ dispersion from wastewater of urban drainage to the coastal area of Danang City, Vietnam”, SimHydro, Sophia Antipolis, France, 2019.

M. Ghulami, P. Gourbesville & P. Audra, “Assessing future water availability under a changing climate in Kabul basin”, SimHydro, “Which models for extreme situations and crisis management?”, Sophia Antipolis, France, 2019.

C. Biurrun-Quel, E. Lacombe, F. Gianesello, C. Luxey & C. Del Rio Bocio, “Characterization of 3D-printed choke Hornantenna for 5G backhaul applications”, EuCAP, Krakow, Poland, 2019.

M. Moign, J.-P. Leca, N. Froidevaux, Y. Leduc & G. Jacquemod, “Effect of SSN on signal and power integrity on 32-bit microcontroler: Modeling and correlation", PRIME, Lausanne, Switzerland, pp. 193-196, 2019, Bronze Paper Award.

L. Quazzo, Y. Bacher, N. Froidevaux, H. Braquet & G. Jacquemod, “Analysis of FTB stress propagation in an integrated circuit", PRIME, Lausanne, Switzerland, pp. 185-188, 2019.

C. Belem-Goncalves, A. Sarker, H. Giddens, C. Biurrun, C. Del Rio Bocio, C. Luxey, Y. Hao, R. Basu, C. Paoloni & G. Ducournau, "THz links using tube amplifiers and steerable beams for indoor applications", IRMMW, Paris, France, 2019.

C. Belem-Goncalves, E. Lacombe, V. Gidel, C. Durand, F. Gianesello, D. Gloria, C. Luxey & G. Ducournau, "300GHz-band 50Gbit/s dual channel link using industrial silicon photonics technology", IRMMW, Paris, France, 2019.

F. Francesco, F. Gianesello, N. Nachabe & C. Luxey, “3D-Printed Double-Ridged Waveguide Array Antenna targeting High-Efficiency Ku-band SatCom on The Move Applications”, AP-S, Atlanta, USA, 2019.

V. Gidel, F. Gianesello, P. Chevalier, G. Avenier, N. Guitard, C. Luxey & G. Ducournau, “Scalable Analytical Model of 1.7THz Cut-off Frequency Schottky Diodes Integrated in 55nm BiCMOS Technology”, RFIC, Boston, USA, 2019, Best Student Paper, IEEE MTT-S French Chapter.

Y. Bacher, L. Quazzo, N. Froidevaux, H. Braquet & G. Jacquemod, “Near field measurment bench and on-chip sensor for FTB stress propagation analysis”, ICECS, Bordeaux, France, 2018.

C. Belem-Goncalves, E. Lacombe, C. Del Rio Bocio, F. Gianesello, C. Luxey & G. Ducournau, “Compact measurement setup for antennas operating in the 220-325 GHz band”, ISAP, Busan, South Korea, 2018.

F. Amann, I. Özgen, M. Abily, J. Zhao, D. Liang, K. Kobayashi, S. Oishi, P. Gourbesville & R. Hinkelmann, Integral porosity shallow water model at district scale-Case study in Nice”, International conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, Lyon, France, 2018.

D. Morillon, P. Masson, F. Julien, P. Lorenzini, J. Goy, C. Pribat, O. Gourhant, T. Kempf, J.-L. Ogier, A. Villaret, G. Ghezzi, N. Cherault & S. Niel, “Gate Oxide Degradation Assessment by Electrical Stress and Capacitance Measurements,” International Integrated Reliability Workshop, Fallen Leaf Lake, CA, USA, 2018.

C. Belem-Goncalves, E. Lacombe, C. Del Rio Bocio, F. Gianesello, C. Luxey & G. Ducournau, “Compact antennas pattern measurement setup at 240 GHz”, IRMMW, Nagoya, Japan, 2018.

L. Quazzo, Y. Bacher, H. Braquet, N. Froidevaux & G. Jacquemod, “Resonance analysis methods for estimation of FTB propagation in integrated circuits”, IEEE Radio, Flic-En-Flac, Mauritius Island, 2018.

D. Cailhol, P. Audra, J. Arnaud, D. Dupuy, S. Gucel, I. Charalambidou & S. Pfendler, “Cave exploration and cave studies for sciences, protection, education and territorial development”, Congress of the European Speleological Federation, EuroSpeleoforum, Ebensee, Austria, 2018.

T. Santagata, J. De Waele, I. D’Angeli, I.M. Foianini, P. Audra, D. Cailhol & P. Tognini, “Laser scanning and 3D mobile mapping of high-altitude caves in Valmalenco (Lombardia, Italy)”, Congress of the European Speleological Federation, EuroSpeleoforum, Ebensee, Austria, 2018.

I.M. D’Angeli, P. Audra, D. Cailhol, J. De Waele, I. Foianini, V. Jurado, A.Z. Miller, C. Saiz-Jimenez, T. Santagata, P. Tognini & M. Formentini, “Late stage condensation-corrosion in high mountain marble caves (Val di Scerscen, Bernina Massif, Valtellina, Italy)”, European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Session NH8.2/GM7.5/HS11.35/SSS13.42 (Speleogenesis, Geomorphology and Hazards in Karst), Vienna, Austria, 2018.

J. Batica & P. Gourbesville, “Disaster Late reduction management and resilience - Flood Resilience Index (FRI) as communication tool”, SDHI & SDH, Nis, Serbia, 2018.

N. Nachabe, C. Luxey, D. Titz, F. Gianesello, J.R. Costa, S. Matos & C.A. Fernandes, “Low-cost wide-band V-band patch antenna on FR4 PCB”, AP-S, Boston, USA, 2018.

T. Kempf, V. Della Marca, L. Baron, F. Maugain, F. La Rosa, S. Niel, A. Regnier, J.-M. Portal & P. Masson  “Threshold voltage bitmap analysis methodology: Application to a 512kB 40nm Flash memory test chip”, International Reliability Physics Symposium, Burlingame, USA, 2018.

E. Campo, D. Brulin, Y. Charlon & E. Bouzbib, “Activity Recognition by Classification Method for Weight Variation Measurement with an Insole Device for Monitoring Frail People”, ICOST, Singapore, 2018.

E. Lacombe, C. Belem-Goncalves, C. Luxey, F. Gianesello, C. Durand, D. Gloria &  G. Ducournau, “300 GHz OOK Transmitter Integrated in Advanced Silicon Photonics Technology and Achieving 20 Gb/s”, RFIC, Philadephia, USA, 2018.

H. Jouni, A. Harb, G. Jacquemod & Y. Leduc, “Creation of real blocks for neural network using Simulink”, ICCA, Beirut, Lebanon, 2018.

E. Lacombe, F. Gianesello, C. Luxey, C. Durand, D. Titz, J.R. Costa, C.A. Fernandes, C. Del Rio Bocio, G. Ducournau, H. Gulan & T. Zwick, THz Packaging Solution for Low Cost Si-based 40 Gb/s Wireless Link System”, EuCAP, London, UK, 2018.

T. Kempf, V. Della Marca, P. Canet, A. Regnier, P. Masson & J.-M. Portal, “A new method for chip test and single 40nm NOR Flash cell electrical parameters correlation using a cast structure”, International Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems and Application, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2018.

Y. Bacher, L. Quazzo, H. Braquet, N. Froidevaux & G. Jacquemod, “Novel measurement set-ups of FTB stress propagation in an IC”, PIERS, Toyama, Japan, 2018.

K.T. Nguyen, I. Azarkh, B. Nicolle, E. Dekneuvel & G. Jacquemod, “Applying NIALM technology to predictive maintenance for industrial machines”, ICIT, Lyon, France, 2018.

P. Gourbesville, G.W. Choi, M. Gomez, F. Molkenthin & M. Kawka, “Euro-Korea hydroinformatics: Collaborative MSc. programme between Europe and S. Korea“, Smart Water Grid International Conference, Incheon, South Korea, November 2017.

J.K. Ahn, Y.J. Na & P. Gourbesville, “Two-dimensional numerical model approach on inundation area in the lower Var valley”, Smart Water Grid International Conference, Incheon, South Korea, November 2017.

D.W. Jang, G.W. Choi, H.S. Park & P. Gourbesville, “A study on the parameters for estimation of NRW using statistical analysis in water distribution systems”, Smart Water Grid International Conference, Incheon, South Korea, November 2017.

H.S. Park, G.W. Choi, D.W. Jang & P. Gourbesville, “Evaluation of predicted precipitation in regional climate models to improve water infrastructure,” Smart Water Grid International Conference, Incheon, South Korea, November 2017.

D. E. Kim, P. Gourbesville & S.Y. Liong, “Cost-effective flood hazard assessment with remote sensing technology and artificial intelligence”, Smart Water Grid International Conference, Incheon, South Korea, November 2017.

P. Gourbesville, “Smart water & DSS for water uses management in coastal cities”, Port University League Conference, Incheon, South Korea, October 2017.

D.E. Kim, P. Gourbesville & S.Y. Liong, “Flood risk assessment for Surabaya, Indonesia: Remote sensing technology and artificial intelligence”, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Singapore, 2017, Best Poster Award.

E. Lacombe, F. Gianesello, A. Bisognin, C. Luxey, D. Titz, H. Gulan, T. Zwick, J.R. Costa & C.A. Fernandes, “Low-cost plastic lens fabricated in FDM 3D-printing technology targeting high data rate wireless links above 200GHz”, ICEAA, Verona, Italy, September 2017.

E. Lacombe, F. Gianesello, A. Bisognin, C. Luxey, D. Titz, H. Gulan, T. Zwick, J.R. Costa & C.A. Fernandes, “240 GHz antenna integrated on low-cost organic substrate packaging technology targeting high-data rate sub-THz telecommunication”, EuMW, Ulm, Germany, September 2017.

N. Nachabe, C. Luxey, D. Titz, J.R. Costa, S.A. Matos, F. Gianesello & C.A. Fernandes, “Low-cost 60GHz printed lens fed by a planar source with transition integrated on FR4 PCB”, IEEE APS, San Diego, USA, July 2017.

E. Lacombe, F. Gianesello, A. Bisognin, C. Luxey, D. Titz, H. Gulan, T. Zwick, J.R. Costa & C.A. Fernandes, “Low-cost 3D-printed 240GHz plastic lens fed by integrated antenna in organic substrate targeting sub-THz high data rate wireless links”, IEEE APS, San Diego, USA, July 2017.

J.P. Teixeira, S.A. Matos, J.R. Costa, N. Nachabe, C. Luxey, D. Titz, C.A. Fernandes & F. Gianesello, “Transmit array as a viable 3D printing option for backhaul applications at V-band”, IEEE APS, San Diego, USA, July 2017.

K.T. Nguyen, B. Nicolle, E. Dekneuvel & G. Jacquemod, “Smart electric metering for efficient electric network”, CEWEG, Geneva, Switzerland, 2017.

E. Lacombe, F. Gianesello, C. Durand, G. Ducournau, C. Luxey & D. Gloria,  “Sub-THz source integrated in low-cost silicon photonic technology targeting 40 Gb/s wireless links, RFIC, Honolulu, USA, June 2017.

Z. Wei, G. Jacquemod, J. Prouvee, E. de Foucauld & Y. Leduc, “Low power IoT design using FDSOI technology”, SENSO, Gardanne, France, 2017.

G. Jacquemod, Z. Wei, Y. Leduc & E. de Foucauld, “Back-gate cross-coupled cells for high performance clock in 28nm FDSOI technology”, Nano-Science & Technologies, Fukuoka, Japan, 2017.

H. Jouni, A. Harb, G. Jacquemod & Y. Leduc, “Programmable signal generator for neural network application”, ICM, Beirut, Lebanon, 2017.

N. Nachabe, C. Luxey, D. Titz, F. Gianesello & J.R. Costa, “High-efficiency & wideband aperture coupled patch antenna fed by a dielectric waveguide”, EuCAP, Paris, France, March 2017.

A. Bisognin, D. Titz, C. Luxey, F. Gianesello, C.A. Fernandes, J.R. Costa, D. Gloria & C. Del Rio Bocio, “3D-printed quasi-optical antenna-systems for mm-wave communications”, EuCAP, Paris, France, March 2017.

E. Lacombe, F. Gianesello, C. Luxey, C. Durand, D. Gloria, A. Bisognin, D. Titz, J.R. Costa & C.A. Fernandes, “Enabling low-cost THz radiating source leveraging Si photonics, IC packaging substrate & 3D printing technologies”, EuCAP, Paris, France, March 2017.

M. Zouaoui, E. Sicard, H. Braquet, G. Rudelou, E. Marsy & G. Jacquemod, “Impact of NFSI on the clock circuit of a Gigabit Ethernet switch”, EMC Compo, Saint Petersburg, Russia, pp. 131-135, 2017.

Z. Wei, Y. Leduc, E. de Foucauld & G. Jacquemod, “Novel building blocks for PLL unsing complementary logic in 28nm UTBB-FDSOI technology”, NewCAS, Strasbourg, France, pp. 121-124, 2017.

J. Soninbayar & P. Audra, “Dam break simulation using DHI-Mike21 in the Eg hydropoxer plant, Mongolia”, SimHydro 2017 Choosing the right model in applied hydraulics, Sophia-Antipolis, France, 2017.

L. Salvan, E. Zavattero & P. Gourbesville, “Guidelines for flood and dry threshold definition in two-dimensional hydrodynamic flood modelling tools - An analysis of urban and fluvial situations”, SimHydro 2017 Choosing the right model in applied hydraulics, Sophia-Antipolis, France, 2017.

P. Zgen, M. Abily, P. Gourbesville, J. Zhao, D. Liang & R. Hinkelmann, “Towards district scale flood simulations using conventional and anisotropic porosity shallow water models with high-resolution topographic information”, SimHydro 2017 Choosing the right model in applied hydraulics, Sophia-Antipolis, France, 2017.

R. Legriou, F. Baali, A. Hamad, I. Abdeslam, P. Audra, D. Caihol, S. Jaillet & B. Arfib, “Hydrochemistry and isotopic study for a karstic aquifer in the region of Tebessa, Northeast-Algeria”, 1st International Symposium on Water Resources and Environment Impact Assessment in North Afrika, Gafsa, Tunisia, 2017.

H. Jouni, A. Harb, G. Jacquemod & Y. Leduc, “Wide range analog CMOS multiplier for neural network application”, EEETEM, Beirut, Lebanon, 2017.

R. Mouici, P. Audra, C. Fedhi, D. Cailhol, H. Benhammadi & S. Jailler, Apport des méthodes géophysiques, géotechniques et de la spéléologie à l’étude du karst de la region de Chéria (NE algérien)”, 1st International Symposium on Water Resources and Environment Impact Assessment in North Afrika, Gafsa, Tunisia, 2017.

N. Dolatsha, B. Grave, M. Sawaby, C. Chen, A. Babveyh, S. Kananian, A. Bisognin, C. Luxey, F. Gianesello, J.R. Costa, C.A. Fernandes & A. Arbabian, “Compact 130GHz fully packaged point-to-point wireless system with 3D-printed 26dBi lens antenna achieving 12.5Gb/s at 1.55pJ/b/m”, IEEE ISSCC, San Francisco, USA, February 2017.

E. Lacombe, F. Gianesello, C. Durand, G. Ducournau, C. Luxey & D. Gloria “Sub-THz source integrated in industrial silicon photonic technology targeting high data rate wireless applications”, IEEE Topical Meetings on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems, Phoenix, USA, January 2017.

Z. Wei, Y. Leduc, G. Jacquemod & E. de Foucauld, “UTBB-FDSOI complementary logic for high quality analog signal processing”, ICECS, Monaco, pp. 572-575, 2016.

A. Piau, Y. Charlon, E. Campo & F. Nourhashemi, “A smart insole to promote healthy aging for frail elderly”, World Conference of Gerontechnology, Nice, France, 2016.

D. Belfar, C. Fehdi, B. Arfib & P. Audra, Hydrogeochemical and hydrogeological study of a karst aquifer in the Tezbent plateau, Tebessa region, Northeast of Algeria”, International Conference on Applied Geology & Environment, ENIS, Tunisia, 2016.

A. Bisognin, D. Titz, F. Gianesello, P. Calascibetta, J.M. Riviere, D. Campos, D. Gloria, F. Devillers & C. Luxey, “BGA organic module for 60GHz LOS communications”, ISAP, Okinawa, Japan, 2016.

G. Jacquemod & C. Jacquemod, “RFID and UHF wireless sensor transceivers”, SENSO, Gardanne, France, 2016.

H. Jouni, M. Issa, A. Harb, G. Jacquemod & Y. Leduc, “Neural network architecture for breast cancer detection and classification”, IMCET, Beirut, Lebanon, 2016.

M. Prahat, A. Bisognin, K. Melde & C. Luxey, “Chip-to-chip switched-beam 60GHz array integrated with modified Butler feed matrix network”, AP-S, Fajardo, Puerto Rico, 2016.

D.E. Kim, P. Gourbesville & S.Y. Liong, “Novel flood forecasting with 3D visualization for rescue team: Remote sensing technology and artificial intelligence”, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Beijing, China, 2016.

M. Zouaoui, E. Sicard, G. Jacquemod, G. Rudelou, E. Marsy & H. Braquet, “Radiated immunity of a Gigabit Ethernet Switch embedded in an industrial Programmable Logic Controller”, EMC, Ottawa, Canada, 2016, p. 559-564.

A. Townley, P. Swirhum, R. Pilard, A. Bisognin, D. Titz, C. Luxey & A. Niknejad, A 94GHz 4Tx-4Rx phased-array for FMCW radar with integrated LO and flip-chip antenna package”, RFIC, San Francisco, USA, 2016.

G. Jacquemod, Z. Wei, Y. Leduc & C. Jacquemod, “New QVCO Design using UTBB FDSOI technology”, EWME, Southampton, UK, 2016.

G. Jacquemod, Z. Wei, P. Lorenzini & Y. Leduc, “New Design using UTBB FDSOI technology”, CDNLive, Munich, Germany, 2016.

F. Souayfane, F. Fardoun & P.-H. Biwole, “Different Mathematical Models of Phase Change including convection effect”, 22nd LAAS International Science Conference, Beirut, Lebanon, 2016.

S. Fu, P.-H. Biwole & C. Mathis, “Comparing the performance of k-ε turbulence models for isothermal indoor airflow: A case study”, 14th international conference of Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Ghent, Belgium, 2016.

A. Bisognin, C. Luxey, F. Gianesello, D. Titz, C.A. Fernadez & J.R. Costa, Digital manufacturing & rapid prototyping: Enabling innovative & cost effective antenna solution from RF up to mmW”, EuCAP, Davos, Switzerland, 2016.

A.V. Bondarik, M. Tormanen, D. Qjoberg, H. Sjoland, A. Bisognin, F. Ferrero & C. Luxey, Microstrip antenna array integrated with 60GHz band CMOS injection locked power amplifier”, EuCAP, Davos, Switzerland, 2016.

P. Baniya, A. Bisognin, K.L. Melde & C. Luxey, Impact of gain and polarization in the design of reconfigurable chitp-to-chip antennas”, EuCAP, Davos, Switzerland, 2016.

J. Batica & P. Gourbesville, “Resilience in flood risk – A new communication tool”, International Hydroinformatics Conference, Incheon, South Korea, 2016.

F. Gianesello, A. Bisognin, D. Titz, C. Luxey, C.A. Fernandez, J. R. Costa & D. Gloria, 3D printing technology: Enabling innovative & cost effective industrial antenna solution”, EuCAP, Da6vos, Switzerland, 2016.

P. Chiquet, J. Postel-Pellerin, C. Tuninetti, S. Souiki-Figuigui & P. Masson, Effect of short pulsed Program/Erase cycling on Flash memory device”, IMEKO, Milan, Italy, 2016.

A. Al-Farraj Al Ketbi, D. Caihol, M. Knez, P. Audra & T. Slabe, “Karstology in arid regions”, Emirates geographical Society, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 20 p., 2016.

G. Jacquemod, Z. Wei, P. Lorenzini & Y. Leduc, “New Design using UTBB FDSOI technology”, CDNLive, Munich, Germany, 2016.

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