Polytech Nice-Sophia - UNS-UCA

Polytech Nice-Sophia, Polytech'Lab
Parc de Sophia Antipolis
930 Route des Colles
06410 Biot

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Publications des membres permanents de l'équipe I-CiTy Année 2015    

Revues internationales         Conférences "Invité"         Conférences internationales   

Revues internationales ou open acess journals:

P. Brigode, E. Paquet, P. Bernardara, J. Gailhard, F. Garavaglia, P. Ribstein, F. Bourgin, C. Perrin & V. Andréassian, Dependence of model-based extreme flood estimation to the calibration period: the case study of the Kamp River (Austria)”, Hydrological Sciences Journal, Vol. 60, Issue 7-8, pp. 1424-1437, 2015.

C. Magand, A. Ducharne, N. Le Moine &  P. Brigode, “Sensitivity of a land surface model to the calibration period in the Upper Durance”, Hydrological Sciences Journal, Vol. 60, Issue 7-8, pp. 1408–1423, 2015.

P. Brigode, Z. Mićović, P. Bernardara, E. Paquet, J. Gailhard, F. Garavaglia, R. Garçon & P. Ribstein, “Méthodes probabilistes et déterministes d’estimation des débits extrêmes : Comparaison de résultats sur deux bassins versants de Colombie Britannique (Canada)”, La Houille Blanche, Vol. 3, pp. 72-78, 2015.

M. Abily, N. Bertrand, O. Delestre, P. Gourbesville, Y. Richet & C.-M. Duluc, “Global sensitivity analysis with 2d hydraulic codes: Applied protocol and practical tool”, La Houille Blanche, Vol. 5, pp. 16-22, 2015.

G. Peretti Pezzi, E. Vaissié, Y. Viala, D. Caromel, P. Gourbesville, “Parallel Profiling of Water Distribution Networks Using the Clément Formula”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 267, pp.  83-96, 2015.

S. Byeon, G. Choi, S. Maeng & P. Gourbesville, “Sustainable Water Distribution Strategy with Smart Water Grid”, Sustainability, Vol. 7, n° 4, pp. 420-4259, 2015.

P. Gourbesville, M. Abily, O. Delestre, L. Amossé, N. Bertrand, Y. Richet, C.-M. Duluc & P. Navaro, “Uncertainty related to high resolution topographic data use for flood event modeling over urban areas: toward a sensitivity analysis approach”, ESAIM Proceedings, Vol. 48, pp. 385-399, 2015.

J. Hénonin, M. Hongtao, Y. Zheng-Yu, J. Hartnack, K. Havnø, P. Gourbesville & O. Mark, “Citywide multi-grid urban flood modelling: the July 2012 flood in Beijing”, Urban Water Journal, Vol. 12, Issue 1, pp. 52-66, 2015.

M. Abily, M. Scarceriaux & C.-M. Duluc, “Ruissellement de surface en milieu urbain: stratégies d'intégration de données topographiques haute résolution en modélisation hydraulique 2D”, Techniques Sciences Méthodes, Vol. 5, pp. 31-46, 2015.

P. Audra & A.-N. Palmer, “Research frontiers in speleogenesis. Dominant processes, hydrogeologic conditions and resulting cave pattern”, Acta Carsologica, vol. 44, n° 3, p. 315-348, 2015.

P. Audra, F. Gázquez, F. Rull, J.-Y. Bigot & H. Camus, “Hypogene Sulfuric Acid Speleogenesis and rare sulfate minerals in Baume Galinière Cave (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France). Record of uplift correlative cover retreat and valley dissection”, Geomorphology, vol. 247, p. 25-34, 2015.

J. De Waele, F. Gutierrez & P. Audra, “Karst geomorphology: from hydrological functioning to palaeoenvironmental reconstructions”, Geomorphology, Vol. 229, pp. 1-2, 2015.

Conférences "Invité" :

P. Audra & A.N. Palmer, “Research frontiers in speleogenesis. Dominant processes, hydrogeological conditions and resulting cave patterns”, 23th International Karst School “Caves – Exploration and Studies”, Postojna, Slovenia. Institut de recherche du Karst (IZRK), 2015.

P. Gourbesville, “Resilience and urban floods management strategies”, Kyoto University DPRI & UN- IHP, Kyoto, Japan, 2015.

P. Gourbesville, “Smart water: why & how”, International Smart Water Grid Conference, Incheon, South Korea, 2015

P. Gourbesville,Hydroinformatics vs Information System: challenges and opportunities”, Annual Meeting Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Singapore, 2015.

P. Gourbesville, “From Visibility and Attractiveness to Sustainability: the ultimate goal?”, European Commission Erasmus Mundus action, Roma, Italy, 2015.

P. Gourbesville,Standardization needs for ICT in water domain and @qua initiative”, World Water Forum, Daegu, South Koprea, 2015.

P. Gourbesville, “Smart water: key challenges for standards”, Asian water high level roundtable, Asian Water Council, Daegu, South Koprea, 2015.

P. Gourbesville, “Challenges of the Water Information System: needs and opportunities”, Canadian Hydrotechnical Conference, Montreal, Canada, 2015.

P. Gourbesville, “Flood resilience index implementation”, UN Office for Outer Space Affairs / SPIDER & DDM workshop, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2015.

P. Gourbesville, “From Visibility and Attractiveness to Sustainability: the ultimate goal?”, European Commission - EACEA ICI ECP programme, Brussels, Belgium, 2015.

P. Gourbesville, “Smart water solutions for rivers”, Asian water high level roundtable, Asian Water Council, Katmandu, Nepal, 2015.

Conférences  internationales :

R. Vargas, P. Gourbesville & N.D. Vo, “Grid size sensitivity analysis for flood risk assessment”, World Congress of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research, Delft - The Hague, The Netherlands, 2015.

R. Vargas, N.D.  Vo & P. Gourbesville, “Deterministic hydrological medeling and grid size sensitivity analysis for flood risk assessment of Mexico City”, 36th IAHR World Congress, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2015.

N.D. Vo & P. Gourbesville, “Establishing the flood map for the downstream of Vu Gia-Thu Bon Catchment – Vietnam. Scale variability of inundation area under the impact of climate change”, 36th IAHR World Congress, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2015.

S.Y. Liong, P. Gourbesville, M.T. Vu, N.D. Vo, V.S. Raghavan, “Impact of climate change on hydrological drought over a costal river basin in Vietnam”, 36th IAHR World Congress, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2015.

Q. Ma, M. Abily, N.D. Vo & P. Gourbesville , “High resolution rainfall-runoff simulation in urban area: assessment of Telemac-2D and Fullswof-2D”, 36th IAHR World Congress, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2015.

P. Camps, A. Goupil, P. Audra, T. Poidras, C. Carvallo & D. Bosch, “Potentials and limitations of calcite speleothems to chart the Secular Variation of the Earth’s magnetic field during the Holocene”, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 2015.

P. Brigode, F. Brissette, D. Caya, A. Nicault, L. Perreault, A. Kuentz, T. Mathevet & J. Gailhard, “Flood variability over 1871-2012 in Northern Québec: comparison of hydrological reconstructions based on tree-rings and on geopotential height field reanalysis”, Assemblée générale de l'EGU, Vienna, Austria, 2015.

P. Brigode, F. Brissette, L. Perreault, Z. Mićović, T. Mathevet & J. Gailhard, “Teleconnections between reconstructed long Canadian streamflow series and climate modes of variability over the 1851-2011 period”, Assemblée générale de l’AGU, San Francisco, USA, 2015.