Polytech Nice-Sophia - UNS-UCA

Polytech Nice-Sophia, Polytech'Lab
Parc de Sophia Antipolis
930 Route des Colles
06410 Biot

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Publications des membres permanents de l'équipe I-CiTy Année 2014  

Revues internationales         Conférences "Invité"         Conférences internationales   

Revues internationales ou open acess journals:

P. Brigode, P. Bernardara, E. Paquet, J. Gailhard, F. Garavaglia, R. Merz, Z. Mićović, D. Lawrence & P. Ribstein, Sensitivity analysis of SCHADEX extreme flood estimates to observed hydro-meteorological variability”, Water Resources Research, Vol. 50, n° 1, pp. 353–370, 2014.

M. Ancona, N. Corradi, A. Dellacasa, G. Delzanno, J.-L. Dugelay, B. Federici, P. Gourbesville, G. Guerrini, A. La Camera, P. Rosso, J. Stephens, A. Tacchella & G. Zolezzi, “On the Design of an Intelligent Sensor Network for Flash Flood Monitoring, Diagnosis and Management in Urban Areas Position Paper”, Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 32, pp. 941-946, 2014.

Conférences "Invité" :

P. Gourbesville, “Challenges on smart water management and ways to overcome them”, International Smart Water Grid Conference, Incheon, South Korea, 2014.

P. Gourbesville, “Smart water standards challenges”, Asian water high level roundtable, Asian Water Council, Gyeongju, South Korea, 2014.

P. Gourbesville, “Resilience and Floods and inundation mitigation strategies”, APEC Typhoon Symposium, APEC Research Center for Typhoon and Society, NARLABS, Taipei, Taiwan, 2014.

P. Gourbesville, “River basin management: towards smart rivers”, Yellow River Conservation Commission Forum, Zhengzhou, China, 2014.

P. Gourbesville, Hydroinformatics challenges and ways to overcome them”, International Conference on Hydroinformatics, NewYork, USA, 2014.

P. Gourbesville, “Projets de R&D en PACA: situation & perspectives”, Pole de compétitivité EAU, Aix en Provence, France,2014.

Conférences  internationales :

R.B. Vargas, P. Gourbesville & N.D. Vo, “Flood risk assessment of Mexico City”, International Conference on Hydro-meteorological Risks and Climate Change, Cholula, Mexico, 2014.

P. Gourbesville & J. Batica, “Flood resilience index - Methodology and application”, 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, New York City, USA, 2014.

P. Gourbesville & R.B. Vargas, “Deterministic hydrological model for flood risk assessment of Mexico City”, 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, New York City, USA, 2014.

P. Gourbesville & M.B. Bernadel Villordon, “Vulnerability index for urban flooding: understanding social vulnerabilities and risks”, 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, New York City, USA, 2014.

P. Gourbesville & N.D. Vo, “Assessment of climate change on flood dynamic with deterministic hydrological model. Application to The Vugia - Thu Bon Catchment - Viet Nam”, 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, New York City, USA, 2014.

P. Gourbesville & R.B. Vargas, “Determistic hydrological model for flood risk assessment of Mexico City”, 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, New York City, USA, 2014.

P. Gourbesville & J. Batica, “Flood resilience index – Methodology and implementation”, 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, New York City, USA, 2014.

M. Vattano, P. Audra, J.-Y. Bigot, J. De Waele, G. Madonia & J.-Cl. Nobécourt, “Sulfuric Acid Water Table Caves (Grotte du Chat / Acqua Fitusa / Bad Deutsch Altenburg + Kraushöhle)”, Hypogene Cave Morphologies Symposium, San Salvador Island, Bahamas, (Karst Waters Institute Special Publication, Selected papers and abstracts, Karst Waters Institute, Leesburg, Virginia), Vol. 18, pp. 31-35, 2014.

J. Batica & P. Gourbesville, “Urban scale uncertainty for runoff generation. Case study Nice, France”, SimHydro, Modelling of rapid transitory flows, Sphia Antipolis, France, 2014.

P. Gourbesville, M. Abily, O. Delestre, L. Amosse, N. Bertrand, C. Laguerre & M.-C. Dulut, “Use of 3D classified topographic data with fullswof for high resolution simulation of a river flood event over a dense urban area”, 3rd IAHR Europe Congress, Porto, Portugal, 2014.

P. Gourbesville & J. Batica, “Methodology for flood resilience index”, 3rd IAHR Europe Congress, Porto, Portugal, 2014.

P. Gourbesville, R. Dumasdelage, O. Delestre, D. Clamond, A. Bonnin, M. Moretti & P. Ceruti, “Numerical modelling of the erosion phenomena on Nice shoreface using TELEMAC system”,  3rd IAHR Europe Congress, Porto, Portugal, 2014.

P. Gourbesville & N.D. Vo, “Rainfall uncertainty in distributed hydrological modelling in large catchments: an operational approach applied to The Vu Gia - Thu Bon Catchment – Vietnam”, 3rd IAHR Europe Congress, Porto, Portugal, 2014.

P. Gourbesville & N.D. Vo, “Application of the deterministic hydrological model for large catchment case study at Vu Gia - Thu Bon Catchment – Vietnam”, 19th IAHR-APD Congress, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2014.