Polytech Nice-Sophia - UNS-UCA

Nice-Sophia, Polytech'Lab
Parc de Sophia Antipolis
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06410 Biot
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Thèse soutenue le 14 mars 2018

Qiang Ma
Directeur Thèse Polytech'Lab Philippe Audra

Deterministic hydrological modelling for real-time decision support systems - Application to the Var catchment, France


Water resource is commonly considered as one of the most important natural resources in social development especially for supporting domestic, agricultural and industrial uses. During the last decade, due to the increase of human activities, such as urbanization and industrialization, the social impacts on the natural environment become more and more intensive. Therefore, recently, water problems compared to before become more complicated. To deal with the complex problem, since 1970s, started from the companies, people recognized that the Decision Support System (DSS) has obvious advantages Moreover, with the development of computer science and web techniques, the DSS are commonly applied for supporting the local decision makers to manage the region natural resources especially the water resources.
hydrological modelling in charge of representing the catchment characteristics plays significant role in the Environment Decision Support System (EDSS). Among different kinds of models, the deterministic distributed hydrological model is able to describe the real condition of the study area in more detail and accurate way. However, the only obstacle to limit the applications of this kind of model is pointed to the large data requirement requested by its modelling set up.
this study of hydrological modelling assessment in AquaVar project, one deterministic distributed model (MIKE SHE) is built for the whole Var catchment with less field information available in the area. Through one reasonable modelling strategy, several hypothesises are conceived to solve the missing data problems within daily and hourly time intervals. The simulation is calibrated in both daily and hourly time scale from 2008 to 2011, which contains one extreme flood event at 2011. Due to the impacts of missing data on both model inputs and observations, the evaluation of modelling calibration is not only based on the statistic coefficients such as Nash coefficient, but also effected by some physical factors (e.g. peak values and total discharge). The calibrated model is able to describe usual condition of Var hydrological system, and also represent the unusual phenomenon in the catchment such as flood and drought event. The validation process implemented from 2011 to 2014 within both daily and hourly time interval further proves the good performance of the simulation in Var.
MIKE SHE simulation in Var is one of the main parts of the deterministic distributed modelling system in the EDSS of AquaVar. After the calibration and validation, the model could be able to use for forecasting the impacts of coming meteorological events (e.g. extreme flood) in this region and producing the boundary conditions for other deterministic distributed models in the system. The design of the EDSS architecture, modelling strategy and modelling evaluation process presented in this research could be applied as one standard working process for solving the similar problems in other region.