son master en télécommunications obtenu auprès de
l'Université Paris-Sud (XI) et de l'ENS Cachan en 2009, Diane
Titz a obtenu le
titre de docteur en électronique en 2012 à
l'Université Nice Sophia Antipolis.
Son doctorat s'est déroulé au LEAT (Laboratoire
d'Electronique, Antennes et
Télécommunications) et au CREMANT (Centre de Recherche
Mutualisé sur les
Antennes), laboratoire commun à l'Université Nice Sophia
Antipolis et Orange
Labs. Elle est maintenant membre associé de l'Université
Nice Sophia Antipolis,
au sein de l'équipe EpOC (Electronique pour Objets
Connectés), ainsi que
professeur agrégé en Classes Préparatoires au
Lycée Jules Ferry à Cannes. Sa
recherche concerne les concepts antennaires, mesures et circuits
spécialement aux fréquences millimétriques. Elle
est membre IEEE, auteur ou
co-auteur de plus de 20 publications dans des journaux à
comités de lecture 40
publications dans des conférences internationales. Elle fait
partie des
relecteurs pour les revues : IEEE Transactions on Antennas and
Propagation, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, IEEE
on Microwave Theory and Techniques, IET Microwave, Antennas and
Propagation, Annals
of Telecommunications. Elle fait partie du comité
d’édition 2017-2018 de la
revue Radioengineering. Elle a fait partie du comité local
d’organisation de la
conférence Eucap 2017. Elle a fait partie du comité
technique (TPC) des
conférences Eucap 2017, 2015 et LAPC 2015. Elle
participé aux projets européens COST (ASSIST et VISTA) et
au projet
franco-singapourien Merlin avec NTU. Elle a reçu le prix du
meilleur papier à
la conférence APWC 2014, la conférence ISSCC 2013 (Jack
Kilby award), la
conférence LAPC 2012 et le prix de la meilleure
démonstration à la conférence
SAME 2010.
received her M.S
degree in Telecommunications with honors from the University of
Paris-Sud (XI)
and the ENS de Cachan, in Paris,
in 2009.
She received her PhD in electrical engineering with honors in 2012 from
the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France,
while working at the LEAT and the CREMANT, joint lab between the University of Nice
and Orange Labs, France.
She is now an associate member of the EpOC team of the University
of Nice and a full teacher in
and Chemistry at the Lycée Jules Ferry, Cannes.
Her research interests include antenna designs, measurements, and
circuits, especially at millimeter wave frequencies. She is an IEEE
member and
has authored or co-authored 2 book chapters, more than 20 publications
journals and 40 publications in international conferences. She is on
2017-2018 editorial board of Radioengineegin. She is a reviewer for the
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Antennas and Wireless
Propagation Letters, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and
Techniques, IET
Microwave, Antennas and Propagation and several international
conferences. She
has been in the 2017 European Conference on Antennas and Propagation
organising team and a TPC member of the 2015 European Conference on
and Propagation and 2015 Loughborough Antennas and Propagation
Conference. She
has participated to the European COST (ASSIST and VISTA)
actions and the French-Singapourian Merlion Project with NTU. She was
recipient of the APWC 2014 Young Scientific Best Paper Award, ISSCC
Kilby award 2013 and LAPC 2012 Best paper award.
Domaine d'activité :
Objets communicants, Front-end RF et antennes
Publications :
Chapitres de livre :
H. Gulan, C. Luxey & D. Titz, “Mm-Wave Sub-mm-Wave
Antenna Measurement”, Handbook of Antennas Technologies,
Springer Science + Business Media Singapore; 2016, ISBN : 978
V. Puyal & D. Titz, “RF MEMS Phase Shifters for
Wireless Applications”, Handbook of MEMS for wireless and mobile
applications, Edited by D Uttamchandani, University of Strathclyde,
UK, Woodhead Publishing Series in Electronic and Optical Materials
n°45, 2013, ISBN : 978 0 85709 271 7.
Revues internationales :
D. Titz, “A
little reflection on my research”, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, vol. 61,
n° 3,
pp. 119-123, 2019.
A. Townley, P. Swirhum, D. Titz, A. Bisognin, F. Gianesello,
R. Pillard, C.
Luxey & A. Niknejad, “A 94GHz
4Tx-4Rx Phased-Array FMCW Radar Transceiver with Antenna-in-Package”, IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits,
52, n° 5, pp. 1245-1259, May 2017.
Z. Chen, Y. Zhang, A. Bisognin, D. Titz, F. Ferrero & C.
Luxey, “A 94GHz
Dual-Polarized Microstrip Mesh Array Antenna in LTCC Technology”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation
Letters, vol.
15, pp. 634-637, 2016.
A. Bisognin, D. Titz, F. Ferrero, G.
Jacquemod, R. Pilard, F.
Gianesello, D. Gloria, D. Lugura, E.B. Lima, J.R. Costa, C.A. Fernandes
& C. Luxey, “Non-collimating
MmW polyethylene lens mitigating dual-source offset
from a Tx/Rx WiGig module”, IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation,
vol. 63, Issue 12, p. 5908-5913, 2015.
Z. Chen, Y. Zhang, A. Bisognin, D. Titz, F. Ferrero & C.
Luxey, “An LTCC
Microstrip Grid Array Antenna for 94GHz
Applications”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation
vol. 14, p. 1279-1281, 2015.
S.W. Lee, Y. Chen, R. Vaughan, M. Parameswaram, D. Titz, F.
Ferrero & C. Luxey, “Fabrication,
Simulation and Measurements of Sel-Assembled Millimeter-Wave Antenna
for Sustem-on-Chip Applications”, Microsystem Technologies, 2015.
D. Titz,
F. Ferrero, R. Pilard, C. Laporte, S. Jan, H.
Ezzeddine, F. Gianesello, D. Gloria, G. Jacquemod & C. Luxey, “New
Wideband Miniature Branchline Coupler on IPD Technology for Beamforming
Applications”, IEEE
Trans. Components, Packaging
and Manufacturing Technology, vol. 4, issue 5, pp. 911-921, 2014.
Bisognin, D. Titz, F. Ferrero, G. Jacquemod, R. Pilard, F. Gianesello,
D. Gloria, P. Brachat, C.
Laporte, H. Ezzeddine & C.
Luxey, “PCB
Integration of a
Vivaldi Antenna on IPD technology for 60 GHz
Communications”, IEEE Antennas
and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 13, pp. 678–681,
A. Bisognin, J. Thielleux, W. Wei, D. Titz, F. Ferrero,
P. Brachat, G. Jacquemod, H. Happy, C. Luxey, “Inkjet Coplanar Square
Monopole on Flexible Substrate for 60-GHz Applications”, IEEE
Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 13, pp. 435-438,
D. Titz, F. Ferrero,
R. Pilard, S. Jan, F. Gianesello, C. Luxey, D. Gloria & G.
Jacquemod, “Millimeter-Wave Miniaturized Couplers Integrated on BiCMOS
Technology”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol.
56, n°13, pp. 587-590, March 2014.
Titz, R. Pilard, F. Ferrero, F. Gianesello, D. Gloria, G.
Jacquemod & C. Luxey,
“Improved Measurement Accuracy of Probe-Fed Mm-wave Antennas Using the
Three Γ Method”,
Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 13, pp. 103-105,
W. Zhang, Y. P. Zhang, M.
Sun, C. Luxey, D. Titz & F. Ferrero, “A 60-GHz Circularly-Polarized
Array Antenna-in-Package in LTCC Technology”, IEEE Transactions on
Antenna and Propagation, vol. 61, n°12, pp. 6228-6232, December
T. Zhihong, Y. P. Zhang,
C. Luxey, A. Bisognin, D. Titz & F. Ferrero, “A Ceramic Antenna for
Tri-Band Radio Devices”, IEEE Transactions on Antenna and
Propagation, vol. 61, n°11, pp. 5776-5780, November 2013.
B. Zhang, D. Titz, F.
Ferrero, C. Luxey & Y. P. Zhang, “Integration of Quadruple
Linearly-Polarized Microstrip Grid Array Antennas for 60-GHz
Antenna-in-Package Application”, IEEE Transactions on Components,
Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, vol. 3, n°8, pp.
1293-1300, August 2013.
A. Bisognin, D. Titz, F.
Ferrero, C. Luxey, G. Jacquemod, R. Pilard, F. Gianesello, D. Gloria
& P. Brachat, “Differential Feeding Technique for a Mm-wave
Series-fed Antenna-Array”, IET Electronics Letters, vol. 49,
n°15, pp. 918-919, July 2013.
N. Demirel, Y. Pinto, C.
Calvez, D. Titz, C. Luxey, C. Person, D. Gloria, D. Belot, D. Pache
& E. Kerhervé, “Co-design of a PA-Antenna Block in Silicon
Technology for 80GHz Radar Application”, IEEE Transactions on
Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 60, n°4, pp.
177-181, April 2013.
B. Zhang, Y. P. Zhang,
D. Titz, F. Ferrero & C. Luxey, “A Circularly-Polarized Array
Antenna Using Linearly-Polarized Sub Grid Arrays for Highly-Integrated
60-GHz Radio”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
vol. 61, n°1, pp. 436-439, January 2013.
D. Titz, F. Ferrero
& C. Luxey, “Development of a Millimeter-wave Measurement Setup and
Dedicated Techniques to Characterize the Matching and Radiation
Performance of Probe-fed Antennas”, IEEE Antennas and Propagation
Magazine, vol. 54, n°4, pp. 188-203, August 2012.
D. Titz, F. Ferrero, P.
Brachat, G. Jacquemod & C. Luxey, “Efficiency Measurement of
Probe-Fed Antennas Operating at Millimeter-Wave Frequencies”, IEEE
Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 11, pp. 1194-1197,
D. Titz, R. Pilard, F.
Gianesello, F. Ferrero, C. Luxey, P. Brachat, G. Jacquemod & D.
Gloria, “Industrial HTCC SiP Solution for 60 GHz Applications”,
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 11, pp.
576-579, 2012.
D. Titz, F. Ferrero, R.
Debroucke, R. Pilard, C. Luxey, F. Gianesello, S. Jan, D. Gloria &
G. Jacquemod, “Millimeter-wave Miniaturized Hybrid Couplers Integrated
on Advanced BiCMOS Technology”, Microwave and Optical Technology
Letters, vol. 54, n°10, pp. 2221-2223, October 2012.
D. Titz, M. Kyrö,
F. Ferrero, S. Ranvier, C. Luxey, P. Brachat, G. Jacquemod & P.
Vainikainen, “Calibration Methodology for a 3D Radiation Pattern Set-up
of Probe-fed Millimeter-wave Antennas”, Microwave and Optical
Technology Letters, vol. 54, n°5, pp. 1183-1189, May 2012.
D. Titz, F. Ben
Abdeljelil, S. Jan, F. Ferrero, C. Luxey, P. Brachat & G.
Jacquemod, “Design and Characterization of CMOS On-Chip Antennas for 60
GHz Communications”, Radioengineering, vol. 21, n°1, pp.
324-332, April 2012.
invitées :
F. Gianesello, E.
Lacombe, N. Nachabe, D. Titz, C. A. Fernandes, J.
R. Costa, C. del Río Bocio, C. Luxey & D. Gloria,
“Industrial packaging & antenna for consumer grade mm-wave
products”, IEEE
MTT-S 2017, Honoluly,
USA, 2017.
F. Gianesello, A.
Bisognin, D. Titz, C. A. Fernandes, J.
R. Costa, C. del Río Bocio, C. Luxey & D. Gloria, “Cost
effective mmW system
development leveraging silicon and digital manufacturing technologies”,
MTT-S 2016, San
Francisco, USA, 2016.
F. Gianesello, A.
Bisognin, D. Titz, C. Luxey, C. A.
Fernandes, J. R. Costa, D. Gloria, "3D printing technology: Enabling
innovative & cost effective industrial antenna solution”,
iWAT 2016, Cocoa Beach, USA, pp. 55-56, 2016.
F. Gianesello, R. Pilard, A. Bisognin, D. Titz, C.
Fernandes, J. Rodrigues da Costa, C. Luxey & D. Gloria,
“Low cost mmW antenna: a key enabler for backhaul CMOS/BiCMOS chipset
solution up to 120 GHz”, European Microwave Conference, Paris,
France, 2015.
F. Gianesello, R. Pilard, A. Bisognin, D. Titz, C.
Fernandes, J. Rodrigues da Costa, C. Luxey & D. Gloria,
“Industrial mmW chipset enablement using low loss BGA package and 3D
printed plastic lens”, IEEE MTT-S, Phoenix, USA, 2015.
F. Gianesello, R. Pilard, A. Bisognin, D. Titz, F.
Ferrero, C. Luxey & D. Gloria,
“60 GHz packaging & antenna technologies: from Wigig to backhaul”, IEEE
MTT-S, Tampa Bay, USA,
D. Titz, F. Ferrero, C. Luxey & G. Jacquemod,
“Design and Characterization of Antenna-in-package for Mmw
Communications”, IEEE Singapore Section Microwave Theory and
Techniques/Antennas and Propagation, ECE NUS, Singapore, 2013.
F. Ferrero, D. Titz, G. Jacquemod & C. Luxey, “IPD
technology for passive circuits and antennas at millimeter-wave
frequencies”, IEEE Singapore Section Microwave Theory and
Techniques/Antennas and Propagation, ECE NUS, Singapore, 2013.
D. Titz, F. Ferrero, G. Jacquemod & C. Luxey,
“Design and Characterization of Antenna-in-Package for Millimeter-Wave
Communications”, IEEE Singapore Section Microwave Theory and
Techniques/Antennas and Propagation, ECE NUS, Singapore, 2013.
D. Titz, F. Ferrero, G. Jacquemod, P. Brachat & C.
Luxey, “Measurement System for Mm-wave Integrated and Probe-fed
Antennas”, LAPC, Loughborough, UK, November 2012.
D. Titz, F. Ferrero, C. Luxey, P. Brachat & G.
Jacquemod, “Radiation Pattern Characterization of Antennas at
Millimeter-wave Frequencies”, iWAT, Tucson, USA, pp. 311-314,
March 2012.
internationales :
C. Luxey, D. Titz, F. Gianesello, J.R. Costa, S. Matos & C.A.
Fernandes, “Low-cost
wide-band V-band patch antenna on FR4 PCB”, AP-S,
Boston, USA, 2018.
F. Gianesello, C. Luxey, C. Durand, D. Titz, J.R. Costa, C.A.
Fernandes, C. Del Rio
Bocio, G. Ducournau,
H. Gulan & T. Zwick, “THz
Packaging Solution for Low Cost Si-based
40 Gb/s
Wireless Link System”, EuCAP, London,
UK, 2018.
E. Lacombe, F.
Gianesello, A. Bisognin, C. Luxey, D.
Titz, H. Gulan, T. Zwick, J.R. Costa
& C.A. Fernandes, “Low-cost
plastic lens fabricated in FDM 3D-printing technology targeting high
data rate wireless links above 200GHz”, ICEAA, Verona, Italy,
September 2017.
N. Nachabe, C. Luxey, D.
Titz, J.R. Costa, S.A. Matos, F. Gianesello
& C.A. Fernandes, “Low-cost
60GHz printed lens fed by a planar source with transition integrated on
FR4 PCB”, IEEE APS, San Diego, USA, July 2017.
J.P. Teixeira, S.A.
Matos, J.R.
Costa, N. Nachabe, C. Luxey, D.
Titz, C.A.
Fernandes & F.
Gianesello, “Transmit
array as a viable 3D printing option for backhaul applications at
V-band”, IEEE APS, San Diego, USA, July 2017.
E. Lacombe, F.
Gianesello, A. Bisognin, C. Luxey, D.
Titz, H. Gulan, T. Zwick, J.R. Costa
& C.A. Fernandes, “Low-cost
3D-printed 240GHz plastic lens fed by integrated antenna in organic
substrate targeting sub-THz high data rate wireless links”, ICEAA,
Verona, Italy, September 2017.
N. Nachabe, C. Luxey, D.
Titz, F. Gianesello & J.R. Costa, “High-efficiency
& wideband aperture coupled patch antenna fed by a dielectric
waveguide”, EuCAP, Paris, France, March 2017.
A. Bisognin, D.
Titz, C. Luxey, F. Gianesello, C.A.
Fernandes, J.R.
D. Gloria
& C. Del Rio Bocio, “3D-printed
quasi-optical antenna-systems for mm-wave communications”, EuCAP,
Paris, France, March 2017.
E. Lacombe, F.
Gianesello, C. Luxey, C.
Durand, D. Gloria, A. Bisognin, D.
Titz, J.R. Costa
& C.A. Fernandes,
“Enabling low-cost
THz radiating source leveraging Si photonics, IC packaging substrate
& 3D printing technologies”, EuCAP,
Paris, France, March 2017.
A. Bisognin, D.
Titz, F.
Gianesello, P.
Calascibetta, J.-M.
Riviere, D.
Campos, D.
Gloria, F.
& C.
Luxey, “BGA
Module for 60 GHz LOS communications”, ISAP,
Okinawa, Japan, October
A. Townley, P.
Swirhun, D. Titz, A. Bisognin, F.
Gianesello, R. Pilard, C. Luxey, A. Niknejad, "A 94GHz 4TX-4RX
phased-array for FMCW radar with integrated LO and flip-chip antenna
package”, IEEE
RFIC, San Francisco, USA, pp. 294-297, 2016.
F. Gianesello, A.
Bisognin, D. Titz, C.
Luxey, C. A. Fernandes, J. R. Costa, D. Gloria, "3D printing
Enabling innovative & cost effective industrial antenna
EuCAP, Davos, Switzerland, 2016.
Speight, D. Titz, C. Luxey & W. Whittow, “Compact
Linear Embroidered Antenna Research (CLEAR)", CAMAD, Guildford, UK,
Bisognin, F. Ferrero, D. Titz, G.
Jacquemod, R. Pilard, F.
Gianesello, D. Gloria, C.
Laporte, H. Ezzeddine, P. Ratajczak, J.R.
Costa, E.B.
Lima, C.A. Fernandes & C. Luxey, “Performance
evaluation of a 120 GHz 3D-printed plastic elliptical
antenna-system”, EuCAP, Lisbon,
Portugal, 2015.
Bisognin, D. Titz, G.
Jacquemod, R. Pilard, F.
Gianesello, D. Gloria, F.
Devillers & C. Luxey, “Broadband
circularly polarized aperture-coupled mircostrip antenna in HDI
technology for WiGid applications”, EuCAP, Lisbon,
Portugal, 2015.
Bisognin, D. Titz, C. Luxey, G. Jacquemod, R.
Pilard, F. Gianesello, D. Gloria, C. Laporte, H. Ezzeddine, E.B.
Lima, J.R. Costa, C.A. Fernandes & F.
Devillers, “Millimeter-wave
antenna-in-package solutions for WiGig and backhaul applications”, iWAT, Seoul,
Republic of Korea, 2015.
D. Titz
& C. Luxey, “The
bra-tenna: a novel body-mounted antenna for off-body communications”, LAPC, Loughborough,
UK, 2014.
Bisognin, D. Titz, C. Luxey, G. Jacquemod, R.
Pilard, F. Gianesello, D. Gloria, C. Laporte, H. Ezzeddine, F. Ferrero,
D. Lugara, J.R. Costa, E.B.
Lima & C.A. Fernandes, “A 120 GHz
3D-printed plastic
elliptical lens antenna with an IPD patch antenna source”, ICUWB, Paris, France, 2014.
D. Titz,
A. Bisognin, J. Chen, F. Ferrero, R. Pilard,
F. Gianesello, A. Cathelin, A.M. Nikenejad & C. Luxey,
topologies for mm-Wave Beamforming Transmitter with Quadrature Spatial
Combining”, ICEAA,
Aruba, Dutch Cribbean, 2014, Best Paper Award.
Bisognin, D. Titz, C. Luxey, G. Jacquemod, R.
Pilard, F. Gianesello, D. Gloria, F. Ferrero, D. Lugara,
J.R. Costa & C.A. Fernandes, “Comparizon
of 3D printed plastic and micromachined
Teflon lenses for WiGig modules”, APS,
Menphis, USA, pp. 109-110, 2014.
Bisognin, D. Titz, F. Ferrero, R. Pilard, C.A. Fernandes,
J.R. Costa, C. Corre, P. Calascibetta, J-M. Riviere, A. Poulain, C.
Badard, F.
Gianesello, C. Luxey, P. Busson, D. Glorai & D. Belot, “3D Printed
60 GHz Lens: Enabling Innovative Millimeter Wave Antenna Solution and
System”, MTT-S, Tampa
Bay, USA,
A. Bisognin, D. Titz,
C. Luxey, G.
Jacquemod, R. Pilard, F. Gianesello, D. Gloria, F. Ferrero, D. Lugara,
J. R.
Costa & C. A. Fernandes, “Comparizon of 3D
printed plastic and micromachined teflon lenses for
modules", APS,
Menphis, USA,
p. 109-110, 2014.
Bisognin, D. Titz, F. Ferrero,
G. Jacquemod, R. Pilard, F. Gianesello, D. GLoria, C. Laporte, H.
Ezzeddine, D.
Lugara & C. Luxey, “Probe-fed measurement system for F-band
antennas”, EuCAP,
The Hague, The Netherlands, April 2014.
S.W. Lee, R.G. Vaughan,
M. Parameswaran, D. Titz, F. Ferrero, C. Luxey & A. Mahanfar,
“Polymer MEMS Fabrication Process for System-on-Chip Self-Assembled
Millimeter-Wave Antenna”, DTIP, Cannes, France, April 2014.
A. Bisognin, D. Titz, F.
Ferrero, R. Pilard, F. Gianesello, D. Gloria, P. Brachat, G. Jacquemod
& C. Luxey, “Measurement Setup for Probe-fed Millimeter-wave
Antennas”, ESA Antenna Workshop, Noordwijk, The Netherland,
September 2013.
A. Bisognin, C. Luxey,
G. Jacquemod, F. Ferrero, D. Titz, J. Thielleux, W. Wei, H. Happy &
P. Brachat, “Antenna on PEN Substrate for Millimeter-wave
Applications”, APS, Orlando, USA, pp. 684-685, July 2013.
A. Bisognin, F. Ferrero,
C. Luxey, G. Jacquemod, R. Pilard, F. Gianesello, D. Gloria, D. Titz
& P. Brachat, “A New Symmetric Feeding Technique for a Broadband
Series-Fed Antenna-Array”, APS, Orlando, USA, pp. 2183-2184,
July 2013.
A. Bisognin, D. Titz, F.
Ferrero, C. Luxey, G. Jacquemod, R. Pilard, F. Gianesello, D. Gloria,
C. Laporte, H. Ezzeddine & P. Brachat, “End-Fire Radiating Antenna
on IPD technology for 60 GHz Communications”, APS, Orlando,
USA, pp. 1830-1831, July 2013.
A. Bisognin, D. Titz, F.
Ferrero, C. Luxey, G. Jacquemod, P. Brachat, C. Laporte, H. Ezzeddine,
R. Pilard, F. Gianesello & D. Gloria, “IPD Technology for Passive
Circuits and Antennas At Millimeter-Wave Frequencies”, EuCAP,
Gothenburg, Sweden, pp. 326-329, April 2013.
A. Bisognin, D. Titz, F.
Ferrero, C. Luxey, G. Jacquemod, P. Brachat, C. Laporte & H.
Ezzeddine, “D-Band Quasi-Yagi Antenna in IPD Process”, EuCAP,
Gothenburg, Sweden, pp. 330-331, April 2013.
J. Chen, L. Ye, D. Titz,
F. Gianesello, R. Pilard, A. Cathelin, C. Luxey & A.M. Niknejad, “A
Digitally Modulated mm-Wave Cartesian Beamforming Transmitter with
Quadrature Spatial Combining”, ISSCC, San Francisco, CA, pp.
232-233, February 2013. Jack Kilby Award for Outstanding Student
D. Titz, A. Bisognin, F.
Ferrero, C. Luxey, G. Jacquemod, M. Valente, P. Brachat, C. Laporte
& H. Ezzeddine, “60 GHz Patch Antenna Using IPD Technology”,
LAPC, Loughborough, UK, November 2012. Best Non-Student Paper
D. Titz, F. Ferrero, C.
Luxey & G. Jacquemod, “A Fast and Accurate Method to Measure the
Radiation Characteristics of Probe-fed Circularly-Polarized Antennas in
Mm-Wave Bands”, APS, Chicago, IL, July 2012.
D. Titz, F. Ferrero, C.
Laporte, C. Luxey, H. Ezzeddine & G. Jacquemod, “Design of a
Miniaturized Butler Matrix in IPD Process for 60 GHz Switched-Beam
Antenna Arrays”, APS, Chicago, IL, July 2012.
R. Pilard, D. Titz, F.
Gianesello, P. Calascibetta, J.M. Rivière, J. Lopez, R. Coffy,
E. Saugier, A. Poulain, F. Ferrero, C. Luxey, P. Brachat, G. Jacquemod
& D. Gloria, “HDI Organic Technology Integrating Built-In Antennas
Dedicated to 60 GHz SiP Solution”, APS, Chicago, IL, July 2012.
J. M. Edwards, D. Titz,
F. Ferrero, C. Luxey & G. M. Rebeiz, “High-Efficiency
Elliptical-Slot Silicon RFIC Antenna with Quartz Superstrate”, APS,
Chicago, IL, July 2012.
D. Titz, F. Ferrero, R.
Pilard, C. Laporte, F. Gianesello, H. Ezzeddine, C. Luxey & G.
Jacquemod, “New Wideband Integrated Miniature Branchline Coupler for
Beamforming Applications”, IMS, Montréal, Canada,
June 2012.
D. Titz, F. Ferrero, C.
Laporte, C. Luxey, H. Ezzeddine & G. Jacquemod, “Antenna-in-Package
in PCB and IPD Technologies for 60 GHz applications”, EuCAP,
Praha, Czech Republic, pp. 2591-2594, April 2012.
M. Kyrö, D. Titz,
C. Villeneuve, V.-M. Kolmonen, C. Luxey & P. Vainikainen, “60 GHz
Membrane Antenna Array for Beam Steering Applications”, EuCAP,
Praha, Czech Republic, pp. 2770-2774, April 2012.
D. Titz, M. Kyrö,
F. Ferrero, S. Ranvier, C. Luxey, P. Brachat, G. Jacquemod & P.
Vainikainen, “Measurement Setup and Associated Calibration Methodology
for 3D Radiation Pattern of Probe-fed Millimeter-wave Antennas”,
LAPC, Loughborough, UK, November 2011.
J.-L. Fournier, D. Titz,
F. Ferrero, C. Luxey, E. Dekneuvel & G. Jacquemod, “Array Antenna
Controlled by Neural Network FPGA”, LAPC, Loughborough, UK,
November 2011.
J.-L. Fournier, D. Titz,
F. Ferrero, C. Luxey & E. Dekneuvel, “Implementation of a Neural
Network FPGA to Control a Phased-Array Antenna”, SAME,
Sophia-Antipolis, France, October 2011.
D. Titz, F. Ferrero, C.
Luxey & G. Jacquemod, “A Novel Fully-Automatic 3D Radiation Pattern
Measurement Setup for 60 GHz Probe-fed Antennas”, APS,
Spokane, USA, pp. 3121-3124, July 2011. Honorable mention recipient
of the student paper competition
R. Pilard, D. Titz, F.
Gianesello, F. Ferrero, D. Gloria, C. Luxey & G. Jacquemod, “60 GHz
HR SOI CMOS antenna for a System-on-Chip integration scheme targeting
high data-rate kiosk applications”, APS, Spokane, WA, pp.
895-898, July 2011.
D. Titz, R. Debroucke ,
F. Ferrero, R. Pilard, C. Luxey, F. Gianesello, D. Gloria & G.
Jacquemod, “Reflection-Type Phase Shifter Integrated on Advanced BiCMOS
Technology in the 60 GHz Band”, NEWCAS, Bordeaux, France, pp.
434-437, June 2011.
D. Titz, R. Pilard, F.
Ferrero, F. Gianesello , D. Gloria, C. Luxey, P. Brachat & G.
Jacquemod, “60 GHz Antenna Integrated on High Resistivity Silicon
Technologies Targeting WHDMI Applications”, RFIC, Baltimore,
MA, June 2011.
R. Debroucke, A.
Pottrain, D. Titz, C. Luxey, F. Gianesello, D. Gloria & C.
Gaquière, “CMOS Digital Tunable Capacitance with tuning
ratio up to 13 and 10dBm linearity for Millimeter and Sub
Millimeter-wave Design”, RFIC, Baltimore, MA, June 2011.
D. Titz, A. Lamminen, M.
Kyrö, F. Ferrero, C. Luxey, J. Säily, G. Jacquemod & P.
Vainikainen, “3D Radiation Pattern Measurement of LTCC Antennas at 60
GHz”, GSMmw, Espoo, Finland, May 2011.
Oikonomopoulos-Zachos, D. Titz, M. Martinez-Vazquez, F. Ferrero, C.
Luxey & G. Jacquemod, “Accurate Characterization of a 60 GHz
Antenna on LTCC Substrate”, EuCAP, Rome, Italy, pp. 3117-3121,
April 2011.
M. Kyrö, V.-M.
Kolmonen, S. Ranvier, D. Titz, C. Luxey & P. Vainikainen, “5 x 1
Linear Antenna Array for 60 GHz Beam Steering Applications”, EuCAP,
Rome, Italy, pp. 1258-1262, April 2011.
D. Titz, M. Kyrö F.
Ben Abdeljelil, C. Luxey, G. Jacquemod & P. Vainikainen, “Radiation
Pattern Measurement Set-up for 60 GHz On-chip Antennas”, LAPC,
Loughborough, UK, November 2010.
D. Titz, M. Kyrö,
C. Luxey, P. Brachat, G. Jacquemod & P. Vainikainen, “3D Radiation
Pattern Measurement Set-up for Planar Antennas at 60 GHz”, SAME,
Sophia-Antipolis, France, October 2010. Best Demo Contest Award
D. Titz, M. Kyrö,
F. Ben Abdeljelil, C. Luxey, G. Jacquemod & P. Vainikainen, “Design
and Measurement of a Dipole-antenna on a 130nm CMOS Substrate for 60GHz
Communications”, ICECom, Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 2010.
D. Titz, F. Ben
Abdeljelil, C. Luxey & G. Jacquemod, “Co-Design of Integrated
Antennas and CMOS Switches for Future Indoor Personal Networks at 60
GHz”, APS, Toronto, Canada, July 2010.
COST Meetings :
Y. Alvarez, A. Bisognin, J. Laviada, A. Arboleya, F. Gianesello, R. Pilard, D. Titz, F. Las-Heras, J.R. Costa, C.A. Fernandes, F. Devillers & C. Luxey, “Phaseless techniques for
Probe-fed 140GHz 3D Printed Lens Antennas NF6FF Transformation”,
COST VSITA, Villefranche-sur-Mer, France, October 2015.
A. Bisognin, D. Titz, F. Ferrero, G.
R. Pilard, F. Gianesello, D. Gloria, C. Laporte, H. Ezzedine, D. Lugara
& C. Luxey, “Measurement system for F-band Probe-fed antennas”,
COST VSITA, Bucharest, Romania, May 2014.
D. Titz, M. Kyrö, F. Ben Abdeljelil, C. Luxey, G.
Jacquemod & P. Vainikainen, “Design and Measurement of a
Dipole-antenna on a 130nm CMOS Substrate for 60GHz Communications”,
COST ASSIST, Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 2010.
D. Titz, M. Kyrö, A.E.I. Lamminen, C. Luxey, G.
Jacquemod, P. Vainikainen & J. Säily, “3D Radiation Pattern
Measurement Set-Up for Planar Antennas at 60 GHz”, COST ASSIST,
Lisboa, Portugal, February 2010.
Conférences nationales :
D. Titz, A. Bisognin, A. Townley,
P. Swirhum, F. Gianesello, R. Pilard, F. Devillers,
A. Niknejad & C. Luxey, “Radar de reconnaissance gestuelle
opérant à 94GHz”, JNM, Saint-Malo,
France, May 2017.
N. Nachabe, C. Luxey, F. Gianesello, D. Titz & J.R. Costa,
“Antenne patch large bande couplée par fente à un guide
d'ondes métallique chargé d'un diélectrique”,
JNM, Saint-Malo,
France, May 2017.
E. Lacombe, F. Gianesello, C. Luxey, G. Ducournau,
C. Durand, D. Gloria, A. Bisognin, D. Titz, J.R. Costa & C.A. Fernandes, “Emetteur sub-THz faible
coût intégré en technologie photonique sur silicium
et utilisant un boîtier organique avec antenne
intégrée”, JNM, Saint-Malo,
France, May 2017.
A. Bisognin, D. Titz, F.
Ferrero, G. Jacquemod, R. Pilard, F. Gianesello,
D. Gloria, C. Laporte, H. Ezzeddine, F. Devillers, J.R. Costa, E.B.
Lima, C.A. Fernandes & C. Luxey, “Conception
d'antennes-in-package en bandes millimétriques pour des
applications WiGig et Backhaul”, JNM, Bordeaux,
France, May 2015.
A. Bisognin, D. Titz, F.
Ferrero, R. Pilard, F. Gianesello, D. Gloria, C. Laporte, H. Ezzeddine,
P. Brachat, G. Jacquemod & C. Luxey, “Antenne-in-package à
rayonnement longitudinal pour standard WiGig”, JNM, Paris,
France, May 2013.
A. Bisognin, D. Titz, F.
Ferrero, R. Pilard, F. Gianesello, D. Gloria, P. Brachat, G. Jacquemod
& C. Luxey, “Nouvelle technique d'alimentation symétrique
pour réseaux d'antennes en bandes millimétriques”,
JNM, Paris, France, May 2013.
A. Bisognin, D. Titz, F.
Ferrero, W. Wei, J. Thielleux, H. Happy, P. Brachat, G. Jacquemod &
C. Luxey, “Conception et mesure d'une antenne à 60 GHz
imprimée par jet d'encre sur un substrat souple PEN”, JNM,
Paris, France, May 2013.
A. Bisognin, D. Titz, F.
Ferrero, R. Pilard, F. Gianesello, D. Gloria, C. Laporte, H. Ezzeddine,
P. Brachat, G. Jacquemod & C. Luxey, “Conception et
caractérisation d'antennes à 120 GHz en technologie IPD”,
JNM, Paris, France, May 2013.
D. Titz, A. Bisognin, F.
Ferrero, R. Pilard, F. Gianesello, D. Gloria, P. Brachat, G. Jacquemod
& C. Luxey, “Banc de caractérisation d'antennes
intégrées alimentées sous pointes pour bandes de
fréquences millimétriques”, JNM, Paris, France,
May 2013.
D. Titz, F. Ferrero, R.
Pilard, F. Gianesello, D. Gloria, G. Jacquemod & C. Luxey,
“Coupleurs hybrides miniatures large bande en technologie BiCMOS pour
circuits fonctionnant à 60 GHz”, JNM, Paris, France,
May 2013.
D. Titz, A. Bisognin, M.
Valente, F. Ferrero, R. Pilard, F. Gianesello, D. Gloria, C. Laporte,
H. Ezzeddine, P. Brachat, G. Jacquemod & C. Luxey, “Patch en
technologie IPD reporté sur substrat organique pour des
transferts de données courte portée à 60 GHz”,
JNM, Paris, France, May 2013.
D. Titz, F. Ferrero, R.
Pilard, F. Gianesello, D. Gloria, C. Laporte, H. Ezzeddine, G.
Jacquemod & C. Luxey “Matrice de Butler en technologie IPD pour
formation de faisceau à 60 GHz”, JNM, Paris, France,
May 2013.
D. Titz, F. Ferrero, R.
Debroucke, R. Pilard, C. Luxey, F. Gianesello, D. Gloria & G.
Jacquemod, “Déphaseur sur substrat silicium pour applications en
bande millimétrique”, JNRDM, Paris, France, May 2011.
D. Titz, F. Ferrero, R.
Debroucke, R. Pilard, C. Luxey, F. Gianesello, D. Gloria & G.
Jacquemod, “Miniaturisation de coupleurs sur substrat silicium pour
applications en bande millimétrique”, JNM, Brest,
France, May 2011.
D. Titz, F. Ben
Abdeljelil, S. Jan, F. Ferrero, C. Luxey, P. Brachat & G.
Jacquemod, “Antennes intégrées pour des communications
à 60 GHz”, JNM, Brest, France, May 2011.
D. Titz, F. Ben
Abdeljelil, C. Luxey & G. Jacquemod, “Conception d'antennes et
switchs intégrés sur substrat CMOS pour des
communications à 60 GHz”, JNRDM, Montpellier, France,
June 2010.