Philippe Gourbesville

Professeur des universités
Responsable Master Conjoint Erasmus Mundus EuroAquae+ 

Polytech Nice Sophia
Campus SophiaTech
930 Route des Colles
F-06410 Biot
Tel: +33 (0)4 4 92 96 51 11

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Résumé :
Gourbesville est professeur d'hydro-informatique et d'ingénierie de l'eau à Polytech Nice-Sophia et professeur invité dans plusieurs universités européennes et internationales. Diplômé de l'Université Louis Pasteur de Strasbourg, Philippe a passé 12 ans dans une entreprise d’ingénierie conseil en tant que chef de projet avant de rejoindre l'Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis en 1997. Depuis 2004 et dans le cadre du programme Erasmus Mundus, Philippe a développé un premier master conjoint EuroAquae consacré à l'hydroinformatique et la gestion de l'eau avec 5 universités européennes et 10 partenaires internationaux. Il consacre ses activités de recherche principalement à la gestion des eaux urbaines, aux processus d'inondation urbaine, à la modélisation hydraulique et hydrologique déterministe distribuée, à l'évaluation des impacts, à la gestion intégrée des ressources en eau, aux TIC et à l'architecture des systèmes de modélisation, à l'ingénierie collaborative et aux environnements collaboratifs virtuels. Ces activités de recherche se déroulent dans divers cadres de recherché tells que les programmes de l'UE FP6, FP7 & H2020 et STIC Asie. Récemment, il a concentré ses activités sur les stratégies de développement de la résilience pour les environnements urbains. En 2011, Philippe a reçu le Grand Prix de Hydrotechnique de la Société Hydrotechnique de France (SHF). Il a initié depuis 2010 le cycle de conférences SimHydro axé sur l'innovation en modélisation numérique de l'eau. Philipe préside la Division des sciences de l'eau du SHF depuis 2012 et est un membre actif de l'AIRH depuis 1993. Il a activement participé à plusieurs comités techniques ainsi qu’à la division Européenne. Il a été membre du conseil de l’AIRH pour deux mandats de 2007 à 2011.

Philippe Gourbesville is full professor for Hydroinformatics and Water Engineering at Polytech Nice-Sophia and is a visiting professor at various European and international universities. After graduating from Louis Pasteur University Strasbourg University, France, Philippe has spent 12 years in a water consulting company as project manager before to join the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France in 1997. Since 2004 and under the Erasmus Mundus, Philippe has developed the first joint master degree EuroAquae focused on Hydroinformatics and water management with 5 European leading universities. Philippe’s research and teaching interests are mainly focused on urban waters management, urban flooding processes, distributed physically based modelling, impact assessment, integrated water resources management, ICT & architecture of modelling systems, collaborative engineering and virtual environments. Those research activities are taking place in various research frameworks including the EU FP6, FP7 & H2020 and STIC Asie. Recently, he has focused research activities on strategies for resilience development for urban environnements. In 2011, Philippe has received by the Hydrotechnic Society of France (SHF) the Special Hydrotechnic Award. In 2012, Since 2010, Philippe has initiated the SimHydro conferences cycle focused on innovation in numerical modeling for water. Philipe chairs the Water Sciences Division of the SHF since 2012 and is an active member of IAHR since 1993. He has served in several committees and in the European division. He has been a Council member for two terms from 2007 to 2011.

Domaine d'activité :

Hydroinformatics, modélisation hydraulique et hydrologique, crues et inondations, gestion de l’eau, phénomènes extrêmes en milieu urbain, risques, résilience, systèmes d’aide à la décision

Publications :

Revues internationales :

M. Ghulami & P. Gourbesville, “Assessment of alluvial aquifer conditions during a construction phase for a deep excavation”, IOP Cenference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 1136, n° 1, 7 p., 2023.

H.M. Hsu & P. Gourbesville, “Introduction of Integrated Decision Support System for Flood Disaster Management”, IOP Cenference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 1136, n° 1, 7 p., 2023.

P. Gourbesville & M. Ghulami, “Which models for extreme flood events in Mediterranean catchments?”, IOP Cenference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 1136, n° 1, 11 p., 2023.

M. Wang, P. Game & P. Gourbesville, “Integrated Modelling Approach for Flood Forecasting in Small Mediterranean Catchment – Application to the Cagne Catchment, France”, IOP Cenference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 1136, n° 1, 8 p., 2023.

P. Game, M. Wang, P. Audra & P. Gourbesville, “Challenges & solutions for deterministic hydraulic modelling in mediterranean coastal catchment. Application to the lower Paillons river, Nice, France”, IOP Cenference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 1136, n° 1, 9 p., 2023.

P. Gourbesville, “Added value of deterministic models in Decision Support Systems”, IOP Cenference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 1136, n° 1, 11 p., 2023.

X. Zhang, Y. Liu, Y. Zhu, Q. Ma, P. Gourbesville, Y. Qu & H. Yin, “Probabilistic analysis on the influences of heatwaves during the onset of flash droughts over China”, Hydrology Research,16 p., 2023.

X. Wang, P. Gourbesville & C. Liu, “Flash Floods: Forecasting, Monitoring and Mitigation Strategies”, Water, Special Issue, 15.9, pp. 1-6, 2023.

O. T. Wijaya, T. H. Yang, H. M. Hsu & P. Gourbesville, “A rapid flood inundation model for urban flood analyses”, MethodsX, 10, 102202, 18 p., 2023.

T. Sun, D.Y. Sun, K.X. Wang, Q. Ma, P. Gourbesville & D. Nohara, “Numerical analysis of landslide-generated debris flow on July 3, 2021 in Izu Mountain area, Shizuoka County, Japan”, Journal of Mountain Sciencevol. 19, n° 6, pp. 1738-1747, 2022.

C. Liu, Q. Ma, X. Zhang, C. Li, Q. Li, P. Gourbesville, L. Guo & L. Ding, “Identification and quantitative analysis of flash flood risks for small catchments in China: a new operational modelling approach”, LHB Hydroscience Journal, vol. 108, n° 1, 20119561, 14 p., 2022.

S. Zhang, Q. Ma, Q. Zhang, N. Qiao, J. Xie, Q. Yao, P. Gourbesville, C. Liu & L. Ding, “Finite element analysis on piping control effect of the suspended cut-off wall in two-stratum dike foundations”, LHB Hydroscience Journal, vol. 108, n° 1, 2099316, 10 p., 2022.

X. Zhang, Q. Ma, J. Xie, P. Gourbesville & Y. Song, “Data envelopment analysis of flood retention area management for a large-scaled catchment: a case study of Huai River basin, China”, LHB Hydroscience Journal, vol. 108, n° 1, 20119562, 13 p., 2022.

M. Ghulami, P. Gourbesville, P. Audra & S.Y. Liong, “Performance Evaluation of CORDEX South Asia Models for Projections of Precipitation over the Kabul Basin, Afghanistan, Water”, LHB: Hydroscience Journal, vol. 108:1, 2095936, 13 p., 2022.

P. Gourbesville & Q. MA, “Smart river management: What is next?”, River, IWHR, vol. 1, issue 1, pp. 17-46, 2022.

T.H. Nguyen & P. Gourbesville, “Optimal operation of multi-reservoir system for flood control and hydroelectric generation”, E3S Web of Conferences, vol. 346, 03006, EDP Sciences, 14 p., 2022.

K.D. Eon, J. Liu, S.Y. Liong, P. Gourbesville & G. Strunz, Satellite DEM Improvement Using Multispectral Imagery and an Artificial Neural Network”, Water, vol. 13, n°11, pp. 1551, 2021.

K.D. Eon, S.-Y. Liong, P. Gourbesville, L. Andres & J. Liu, "Simple-Yet-Effective SRTM DEM improvement scheme for dense urban cities using ANN and remote sensing data: Application to flood modeling", Water, vol. 12, n° 3 (816), 15 p., 2020.

Q. Ma, M. Abily, M. Du, P. Gourbesville & O. Fouché, "Integrated groundwater resources management: Spatially-nested modelling approach for water cycle simulation", Water Resources Management, vol. 34, pp.1319–1333, 2020.

K.D. Eon, P. Gourbesville & S.-Y. Liong, “Overcoming data scarcity in flood hazard assessment using remote sensing and artificial neural network”, Smart Water, Springer, Vol. 4, Issue 1,, 15 pages, 2019.

M. Du, O. Fouche, E. Zavattero, O. Delestre & P. Gourbesville, “Water planning in a mixed land use Mediterranean area: point-source abstraction and pollution scenarios by a numerical model of varying stream-aquifer regime”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol. 26, Issue 3, pp. 2145-2166, 2019.

M. Hammond, A.S. Chen, J. Batica, D. Butler, S. Djordjević, P. Gourbesville, N. Manojlović, O. Mark & W. Veerbeek, “A new flood risk assessment framework for evaluating the effectiveness of policies to improve urban flood resilience”,  Urban Water Journal, vol. 15, n° 5, pp. 427-436, 2018.

I. Özgen, M. Abily, J. Zhao, D. Liang, P. Gourbesville & R. Hinkelmann, “Towards district scale flood simulations using conventional and anisotropic porosity shallow water models with high-resolution topographic information”, La Houille Blanche, vol. 2, pp. 90-98, 2018.

M. Du, E. Zavattero, Q. Ma, O. Delestre, P. Gourbesville & O. Fouché, “3D modeling of a complex alluvial aquifer for efficient management–application to the lower valley of Var river, France”, La Houille Blanche, vol. 1, 60-69, 2018.

M. Du, O. Fouché, E. Zavattero, Q. Ma, O. Delestre & P. Gourbesville, “Water planning in a mixed land use Mediterranean area: point-source abstraction and pollution scenarios by a numerical model of varying stream-aquifer regime”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, pp. 1-22, 2018.

D. Nohara, P. Gourbesville & Q. Ma, “Towards Development of Effective Decision Support Systems for Integrated Water Resources Planning and Management”, DPRI Annuals, n° 61 B, Kyoto University, pp. 702-710, 2018.

P. Gourbesville, M. Gaetano & Q. Ma, “AquaVar: real time models for underground and surface waters management at catchment scale”, EPiC Series in Engineering, vol. 3, pp. 836–843, 2018.

D.V. Ngoc, Q.B. Nguyen & P. Gourbesville, “Semi distributed model application for evaluating the impact of climate change on water resource in Quang Nam-Da Nang area”, EPiC Series in Engineering, vol. 3, pp. 2216–2225, 2018.

D.V. Ngoc, Q.B. Nguyen & P. Gourbesville, “Distributed hydrological model application for estimating the groundwater resource at Cu De river catchment, Viet Nam”, EPiC Series in Engineering, vol. 3, pp. 2226–2232, 2018.

D.V. Ngoc, Q.B. Nguyen, V.U. Huy Cong, P. Gourbesville & T.H. Nguyen, “Effects of climate change on streamflow in Kon–Ha Thanh river watershed, Vietnam”, EPiC Series in Engineering, vol. 3, pp. 2233–2240, 2018.

Q. Ma, M. Du, D.V. Ngoc & P. Gourbesville, “Assessment and Modeling of Snow Melting Impacts in the French Mediterranean Region-Application to the Var Catchment, France”, EPiC Series in Engineering, vol. 3, pp. 1260–1269, 2018.

L.G. Ler & P. Gourbesville, “Framework Implementation for Smart Water Management”, EPiC Series in Engineering, vol. 3, pp. 1139–1146, 2018.

Q.B. Nguyen, D.V. Ngoc & P. Gourbesville, “Flow around groynes modelling in different numerical schemes”, EPiC Series in Engineering, vol. 3, pp. 1513–1522, 2018.

T.H. Nguyen, P. Gourbesville & D.V. Ngoc, “Short-term reservoir system operation for flood mitigation with 1D hydraulic model”, EPiC Series in Engineering, vol. 3, pp. 1523–1530, 2018.

M.T. Vu, D.V. Ngoc, P. Gourbesville, S. V. Raghavan & S-Y. Liong, “Hydro-meteorological drought assessment under climate change impact over the Vu Gia–Thu Bon river basin, Vietnam”, Hydrological Sciences Journal, Vol. 62, n° 10, pp. 1654-1668, 2017.

D.V. Ngoc, P. Gourbesville, M.T. Vu, S.V. Raghavan & S.-Y. Liong, “A deterministic hydrological approach to estimate climate change impact on river flow: Vu Gia–Thu Bon catchment, Vietnam”, Journal of Hydro-Environment Research, Vo. 11, pp. 59-75, 2016.

M. Abily, N. Bertrand, O. Delestre, P. Gourbesville & C.-M. Duluc, “Spatial Global Sensitivity Analysis of High Resolution classified topographic data use in 2D urban flood modelling”, Environmental Modelling & Software, Vol. 77, pp. 183-195, 2016.

D.V. Ngoc & P. Gourbesville, “Model Uncertainty in Flood Modelling. Case Study at Vu Gia Thu Bon Catchment-Vietnam”, Procedia Engineering, Vol. 154, pp. 450-458, 2016.

E. Zavattero, M. Du, Q. Ma, O. Delestre & P. Gourbesville, “2D Sediment Transport Modelling in High Energy River – Application to Var River, France”, Procedia Engineering, vol. 154, p. 536-543, 2016.

Q. Ma, E. Zavattero, M. Du, D.V. Ngoc & P. Gourbesville, “Assessment of High Resolution Topography Impacts on Deterministic Distributed Hydrological Model in Extreme Rainfall-runoff Simulation”, Procedia Engineering, vol. 154, p. 601-608, 2016.

P. Gourbesville, M. Du, E. Zavattero & Q. Ma, “DSS Architecture for Water Uses Management”, Procedia Engineering, vol. 154, p. 928-935, 2016.

M. Abily, O. Delestre, N. Bertrand, C.-M. Duluc & P. Gourbesville, “High-resolution Modelling With Bi-dimensional Shallow Water Equations Based Codes - High-Resolution Topographic Data Use for Flood Hazard Assessment Over Urban and Industrial Environments”, Procedia Engineering, vol. 154, p. 853-860, 2016.

D.V. Ngoc, N. Quang Binh, L. Xuan Cuong, Q. Ma & P. Gourbesville, “Applying Deterministic Distributed Hydrological Model for Stream Flow Data Reproduction. A Case Study of Cu De Catchment, Vietnam”, Procedia Engineering, vol. 154, p. 1010-1017, 2016.

P. Gourbesville, “Key Challenges for Smart Water”, Procedia Engineering, vol. 154, p. 11-18, 2016.

L. Salvan, M. Abily, P. Gourbesville & J. Schoorens, “Drainage System and Detailed Urban Topography: Towards Operational 1D-2D Modelling for Stormwater Management”, Procedia Engineering, vol. 154, p. 890-897, 2016.

M. Du, E. Zavattero, Q. Ma, O. Delestre, P. Gourbesville & O. Fouché, “3D Hydraulic Modeling of a Complex Alluvial Aquifer for Groundwater Resource Management”, Procedia Engineering, vol. 154, p. 340-347, 2016.

J. Batica & P. Gourbesville, “Resilience in Flood Risk Management – A New Communication Tool”, Procedia Engineering, vol. 154, p. 811-817, 2016.

P. Gourbesville, “Why smart water journal?”, Smart Water Journal, vol. 1, Editorial, p. 1, 2016.

M. Abily, O. Delestre, L. Amossé, N. Bertrand, C. Laguerre, C.-M. Duluc & P. Gourbesville, “Use of 3D classified topographic data with FullSWOF for high resolution simulation of a river flood event over a dense urban area”, 2016,

P. Gourbesville & D.V. Ngoc, “Application of deterministic distributed hydrological model for large catchment: a case study at Vu Gia Thu Bon catchment, Vietnam”, Journal of Hydroinformatics, vol. 18, Issue 5, p. 885-904, 2016.

M. Abily, N. Bertrand, O. Delestre, P. Gourbesville, Y. Richet & C.-M. Duluc, “Global sensitivity analysis with 2d hydraulic codes: applied protocol and practical tool”, La Houille Blanche, Vol. 5, pp. 16-22, 2015.

J. Hénonin, H. Ma,  Y. Zheng-Yu, J. Hartnack, K. Havnø, P. Gourbesville & O. Mark, “Citywide multi-grid urban flood modelling: the July 2012 flood in Beijing”, Urban Water Journal, Vol. 12, n° 1, pp. 52-66, 2015.

M. Abily, O. Delestre, L. Amossé, N. Bertrand, Y. Richet, C.-M. Duluc, P. Gourbesville & P. Navaro, “Uncertainty related to high resolution topographic data use for flood event modeling over urban areas: toward a sensitivity analysis approach”, ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys, Vol. 48, pp. 385-399, 2015.

G. Peretti Pezzi, E. Vaissié, Y. Viala, D. Caromel, P. Gourbesville, “Parallel Profiling of Water Distribution Networks Using the Clément Formula”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 267, pp.  83-96, 2015.

S. Byeon, G. Choi, S. Maeng & P. Gourbesville, “Sustainable Water Distribution Strategy with Smart Water Grid”, Sustainability, Vol. 7, n° 4, pp. 420-4259, 2015.

M. Ancona, N. Corradi, A. Dellacasa, G. Delzanno, J.-L. Dugelay, B. Federici, P. Gourbesville, G. Guerrini, A. La Camera, P. Rosso, J. Stephens, A. Tacchella & G. Zolezzi, “On the Design of an Intelligent Sensor Network for Flash Flood Monitoring, Diagnosis and Management in Urban Areas Position Paper”, Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 32, pp. 941-946, 2014.

M. Abily, C.-M. Duluc & P. Gourbesville, “Performance assessment of modelling tools for high resolution runoff simulation over an industrial site”, Journal of Hydroinformatics, Vol. 15, n° 4, pp. 1296-1311, 2013.

J. Henonin, B. Russo, O. Mark & P. Gourbesville, “Real-time urban flood forecasting and modelling–a state of the art”, Journal of Hydroinformatics, Vol. 15, n° 3,  pp. 717-736, 2013.

P. Gourbesville, J. Batica, J.-Y. Tigli, S. Lavirotte, G. Rey & D.K. Raju, “Flood warning systems and ubiquitous computing”, La Houille Blanche, Vol. 6, pp. 11-16, 2012.

S. Djordjević, D. Butler, P. Gourbesville, O. Mark & E. Pasche, “New policies to deal with climate change and other drivers impacting on resilience to flooding in urban areas: the CORFU approach”, Environmental Science & Policy, Vol. 14, n° 7 (2011): 864-873, 2011

Ouvrages ou Chapitres de livre :

P. Gourbesville & G. Caignaert, eds. Advances in Hydroinformatics: SimHydro 2021 - Models for Complex and Global Water Issues—Practices and Expectations, Springer Nature, 2022.

P.I. Game, P. Audra & P. Gourbesville, “Influence of Topography Resolution and Quality on Modeling Hydrological Processes in Paillon River Basin in the South of France”, P. Gourbesville & G. Caignaert (Eds) - Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer Water, Springer, Singapore, 2022.

M. Ghulami, P. Gourbesville & P. Audra, “Impacts of Climate Change on Water Availability for the Vésubie Catchment, France”, P. Gourbesville & G. Caignaert (Eds) - Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer Water, Springer, Singapore, 2022.

T.N.D. Tran, Q.B. Nguyen, D.T.L. Le, T.D. Nguyen, N.D. Vo, P. Gourbesville, Evaluate the Influence of Groynes System on the Hydraulic Regime in the Ha Thanh River, Binh Dinh Province, Vietnam”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, Singapore, pp. 241-254, 2022.

J. Batica & P. Gourbesville, Opportunities and Challenges of Natural-Based Solutions in Urban Areas-French Case Studies”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, Singapore, pp. 551-572, 2022.

P. Gourbesville, H. Amaou Tallé, M. Ghulami, L. Andres & M. Gaetano, Challenges for Realtime DSS: Experience from Aquavar System”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, Singapore, pp. 719-735, 2022.

T.N.D. Tran, Q.B. Nguyen, T.T. Nguyen, N.D. Vo, C.P. Nguyen & P. Gourbesville, Operational Methodology for the Assessment of Typhoon Waves Characteristics. Application to Ninh Thuan Province, Vietnam”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, Singapore, pp. 887-902, 2022.

D.E. Kim, J. Liu, L. Andres, P. Gourbesville & S.-Y. Liong, Further Enhancement of Satellite DEM Resolution and Accuracy Using Machine Learning and Remote Sensing Data”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, Singapore, pp. 955-963, 2022.

P. Gourbesville & M. Ghulam, Assessment of Smart Heating and Cooling System Based on Thermal Use of Shallow Aquifer”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, Singapore, pp. 1023-1034, 2022.

T.H. Nguyen & P. Gourbesville, Optimal Operation of Parallel Reservoirs System with Limited Storage Capacity for Flood Mitigation”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, Singapore, pp. 1051-1064, 2022.

T.H. Nguyen & P. Gourbesville, Sizing Flood Control Storage of Reservoirs System in the Vu Gia Thu Bon Catchment”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, Singapore, pp. 1065-1079, 2022.

M. Wang, P. Gourbesville, S.-Y. Liong, D.E. Kim & J. Liu, Flood Analysis and Simulation Attempts of the Newly Proposed Capital City of Indonesia”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, Singapore, pp. 1145-1163, 2022.

T.N.D. Tran, Q.B. Nguyen, N.D. Vo, R. Marshall & P. Gourbesville, Assessment of Terrain Scenario Impacts on Hydrological Simulation with SWAT Model. Application to Lai Giang Catchment, Vietnam”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, Singapore, pp. 1205-1222, 2022.

P. Gourbesville, M. Gomez Valentin, F. Molkentin, C. Hewett, G. Sinicyn & A. van Griensven, Water Europe: Hydroinformatics for Water Resources and Water Related Hazards Management in Europe”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, Singapore, pp. 1241-1254, 2022.

P. Gourbesville, M. Gomez Valentin, F. Molkentin, C. Hewett, G. Sinicyn & A. van Griensven, HydroEurope—WaterEurope: 20 years of Practice in Collaborative Engineering for Hydroinformatics”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, Singapore, pp. 1255-1280, 2022.

P. Gourbesville, Water - Special Issue "Integrated Flood Management: Concepts, Methods, Tools and Results", journal/water/special_issues/flood_management#editors, 2022.

P. Gourbesville, "Which models for decision support systems? Proposal for a methodology", P. Gourbesville & G. Caignaert (Eds) - Advances in Hydroinformatics SimHydro 2019, Springer Water, Springer, Singapore, pp. 3-17, 2020.

Q. Ma, P. Gourbesville & M. Gaetano, "Aquavar: Decision support system for surface and groundwater management at the catchment scale", P. Gourbesville & G. Caignaert (Eds) - Advances in Hydroinformatics SimHydro 2019, Springer Water, Springer, Singapore, pp. 19-28, 2020.

M. Abily, P. Gourbesville, E. De Carvalho Filho, X. Llort, N. Rebora, A. Sanchez & D. Sempere-Torres, "Anywhere: Enhancing emergency management and response to extreme weather and climate events", P. Gourbesville & G. Caignaert (Eds) - Advances in Hydroinformatics SimHydro 2019, Springer Water, Springer, Singapore, pp. 29-37, 2020.

D.T. Duc, Q. Binh Nguyen, N.D. Vo, T.T.T. Thai & P. Gourbesville, "Coastline change assessment for Quang Ngai province using Landsat image", P. Gourbesville & G. Caignaert (Eds) - Advances in Hydroinformatics SimHydro 2019, Springer Water, Springer, Singapore, pp. 45-56, 2020.

M. Abily, P. Gourbesville, H. A. Tallé, M. Gaetano, J. Batica, P. Botey & M. Setti, "Operational resilience index computation tool as a decision support system integrated in Eu risks management platforms—Test on Biguglia catchment, a mediterranean intense precipitations regime prone area",  P. Gourbesville & G. Caignaert (Eds) - Advances in Hydroinformatics SimHydro 2019, Springer, Singapore, pp. 65-78, 2020.

P. Gourbesville, “Smart Water Solutions for Water Security: From Concept to Operational Implementation in Water security and the sustainable development goals”, UNESCO- i-WSSM, Paris, 2019.

P. Gourbesville, J. Cunge & G. Caignaert, “SimHydro 2017 Choosing the right model in applied hydraulics”, Adcances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, Singapore, pp. v-vii, 2018.

D.V. Ngoc & P. Gourbesville, Flood risk assessment: A view of climate change impact at Vu Gia Thu Bon catchment, Vietnam”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, pp. 727-733, 2018.

D.V. Ngoc, Q.B. Nguyen, C.H. Le, T.D. Doan, V. Hoa & P. Gourbesville, Comparing model effectiveness on simulating catchment hydrological regime”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, pp. 401-414, 2018.

Y. Dorgigné, M. Abily, L. Salva & P. Gourbesville, Creation and life of an operational crisis management centre in Nice metropolis: Consolidation of flood events handling using feedbacks following the 3rd October flood event”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, pp. 483-496, 2018.

L. Salvan, M. Abily & P. Gourbesville, Hydrodynamic coupling method for stormwater studies in suburban catchments - Study case of the Magnan basin, Nice”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, pp. 689-702, 2018.

M. Du, E. Zavattero, Q. Ma, P. Gourbesville & O. Delestre, Groundwater modeling for a decision support system: The lower Var valley, Southeastern France”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, pp. 273-283, 2018.

Q.B. Nguyen, N.D. Vo & P. Gourbesville, Flow near groynes: Experimental or computational approaches”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, pp. 1191-1206, 2018.

E. Zavattero, Y. Zhai, M. Qin, M. Du, P. Gourbesville & O. Delestre, 2D surface water quality model: A forecasting tool for accidental pollution in urban Rrver - Application to the Var river, France”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, pp. 285-299, 2018.

D.E. Kim, Y. Sun, D. Wendi, Z. Jiang, S.-Y. Liong & P. Gourbesville, Flood modelling framework for Kuching City, Malaysia: Overcoming the lack of data”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, pp. 559-568, 2018.

L. Salvan, E. Zavattero, O. Delestre & P. Gourbesville, “Analysis of flood and dry threshold definition in two-dimensional hydrodynamic flood modeling tools”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, pp. 675-687, 2018.

Q.B. Nguyen, D.V. Ngoc & P. Gourbesville, Assessing impact of construction work on river morphology with TELEMAC-3D”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, pp. 1217-1231, 2018.

J. Batica, P. Gourbesville, M. Erlich, C. Coulet & A. Mejean, Xynthia flood, learning from the past events - Introducing a FRI to stakeholders”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, pp. 607-619, 2018.

Q. Ma, M. Du, E. Zavattero & P. Gourbesville, “Assessment of deterministic model over long time period hydrological simulation at ungauged Mediterranean catchment, France”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, pp. 393-400, 2018.

P. Gourbesville, M. Du, E. Zavattero, Q. Ma & M. Gaetano,Decision support system architecture for real-time water management”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, pp. 259-272, 2018.

P. Gourbesville, Modélisation appliquée aux études environnementales », Analyses dans l'environnement : méthodologies, Editions T.I. Paris, France, p. 4237, 2018, TIB382DUO.

O. Delestre, M. Abily, F. Cordier, P. Gourbesville & H. Coullon, “Comparison and Validation of Two Parallelization Approaches of FullSWOF_2D Software on a Real Case”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, Singapore, pp. 395-407, 2016.

M. Abily, O. Delestre, P. Gourbesville, N. Bertrand, C.M. Duluc, & Y.Richet,  "Global Sensitivity Analysis with 2D Hydraulic Codes: Application on Uncertainties Related to High-Resolution Topographic Data", Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, Singapore, p. 301-315, 2016.

R.B. Vargas & P. Gourbesville, “Deterministic hydrological model for flood risk assessment of mexico city”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, Singapore, pp. 59-73, 2016.

P. Gourbesville, R. Dumasdelage, O. Delestre & D. Clamond, “Storm Events of Nice Bay: A Numerical Modeling of the Interactions Between Wave, Current, and Solid Transport”, Advances in Hydroinformatics SIMHYDRO 2014, Edited by P. Gourbesville, J. Cunge and G. Caignaert, chapter 2; Springer, 01/2016, ISBN: 978-981-287-614-0.

P. Gourbesville, M. Abily, O. Delestre, N. Bertrand, C.-M. Duluc & Y. Richet, “Global Sensitivity Analysis with 2D Hydraulic Codes: Application on Uncertainties Related to High-Resolution Topographic Data”, Advances in Hydroinformatics SIMHYDRO 2014, Edited by P. Gourbesville, J. Cunge and G. Caignaert, chapter 21, Springer Verlag, 09/2015, ISBN: 978-981-287-614-0.

P. Gourbesville, M.B. Bernadel & L. Villordon, “Community-Based Flood Vulnerability Index for Urban Flooding: Understanding Social Vulnerabilities and Risks” Advances in Hydroinformatics SIMHYDRO 2014, Edited by P. Gourbesville, J. Cunge and G. Caignaert, chapter 6; Springer Verlag, 09/2015, ISBN: 978-981-287-614-0.

O. Delestre, M. Abily, F. Cordier, P. Gourbesville & H. Coullon, “Comparison and Validation of Two Parallelization Approaches of FullSWOF_2D Software on a Real Case”,  Advances in Hydroinformatics SIMHYDRO 2014, Edited by P. Gourbesville, J. Cunge and G. Caignaert, chapter 23; Springer Verlag, 09/2015, ISBN: 978-981-287-614-0.

P. Gourbesville & R.B. Vargas, “Deterministic Hydrological Model for Flood Risk Assessment of Mexico City”, Advances in Hydroinformatics SIMHYDRO 2014, Edited by P. Gourbesville, J. Cunge and G. Caignaert, chapter 5, Springer Verlag, 09/2015, ISBN: 978-981-287-614-0.

P. Gourbesville, J. Cunge & G. Caignaert, “Advances in Hydroinformatics”, SIMHYDRO 2014, Edited by P. Gourbesville, J. Cunge and G. Caignaert, Springer-Verlag Singapore, 09/2015, ISBN: 978-981-287-614-0.

P. Gourbesville, A. Lynggaard-Jensen & O. Mark, “ICT for urban water infrastructure”, Water for Development – Charting a Water Wise Path., Edited by A. Jägerskog, T.J. Clausen, T. Holmgren and K. Lexén, chapter 5, Stockholm International Water Institute, SIWI, 08/2015, ISBN: 978-91-981860-4-8.

P. Gourbesville, “Hydroinformatics and Its Role in Flood Management”, Hydrometeorological Hazards: Interfacing Science and Policy, pp. 137-169, 2014

M. Abily, C.-M. Duluc & P. Gourbesville, “Use of standard 2d numerical modeling tools to simulate surface runoff over an industrial site: Feasibility and comparative performance survey over a test case”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, Singapore, pp. 19-33, 2014.

P. Gourbesville, “Hydroinformatics and Its Role in Flood Management. Hydrometeorological Hazards: Interfacing Science and Policy”, Hydrometeorological Hazards: Interfacing Science and Policy, Edited by P.  Quevauviller, Wiley, Chapter Hydroinformatics and Its Role in Flood Management, pp. 137-169, 2014.

P. Gourbesville, M. Abily & C.-M. Duluc, “Use of Standard 2D Numerical Modeling Tools to Simulate Surface Runoff Over an Industrial Site: Feasibility and Comparative Performance Survey Over a Test Case”, Advances in Hydroinformatics SIMHYDRO 2012, New Frontiers of Simulation, Edited by P. Gourbesville, J. Cunge and G. Caignaert, Springer, 01/2013, ISBN: 978-981-4451-41-3.

P. Gourbesville, J. Cunge & G. Caignaert, “Advances in Hydroinformatics”, SIMHYDRO 2012, New Frontiers of Simulation, Edited by P. Gourbesville, J. Cunge and G. Caignaert, Springer Science and Business Media, 01/2013, ISBN: 978-981-4451-42-0.

J. Batica, F.-Y. Hu & P. Gourbesville, “Flood resilience and urban systems”, Comprehensive Flood Risk Management, 11/2012, ISBN: 978-0-415-62144-1.

P. Gourbesville, “ICT for Water Efficiency”, Environmental Monitoring, 11/2011, ISBN: 978-953-307-724-6

Communications invitées :

P. Gourbesville, “Joint Master of Science Hydroinformatics & Water Management”, European Commission Event for Education, Seoul, South Korea, 2023.

P. Gourbesville, “Challenges of extreme convective rainfall events - Example of Mediterranean cases”, Macao Sciences and Technologies University, Macao, China, 2023.

P. Gourbesville, “Smart Water solutions for efficiency & reliability of operations”, Yellow River Forum, Zhengzhou, China, 2023.

P. Gourbesville, “Water Heritage for Cities”, Sustainable Development UNESCO Forum, Hangzhou, China, 2023.

P. Gourbesville, “Innovation for water, Water marathon”, UN Water, New York, USA, 2023.

P. Gourbesville, “Water challenges and ways forward”, Asian International Water Week, Labuan Bajo, Indonesia, 2022.

P. Gourbesville, “Smart river management: what is next?”, River dialog, Beijing, China, 2022.

P. Gourbesville, “Water Resources Cooperation in International Catchments: Challenges & Opportunities”, 2nd Lancang-Mekong Water Resources Cooperation Forum, Beijing, China, 2021.

P. Gourbesville, “EuroAquae + HydroEurope: 20 years of Hydroinformatics education!”, IAHR, Online Forum, 2021.

P. Gourbesville, “Intelligent River Basin Management”, International Seminar of HATHI, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2021.

P. Gourbesville, “Smart cities: How to balance sustainability, uses & needed innovation?”, Smart City International Symposium, Keynote, Incheon, Republic of Korea, 2020.

P. Gourbesville, “Hydroinformatics systems for urban water services: challenges and operational approaches”, ICCSE, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 2019.

P. Gourbesville, “Coastal flood risk management and resilience”, ICOE, Pointe-aux-Piments, Mauritius Island, 2019.

P. Gourbesville, “Water & smart cities: Challenges and opportunities”, Smart Cities Conference, Incheon, South Korea, 2019.

P. Gourbesville, “Smart water solutions for Water-Energy-Food nexus: From concept to operational implementation”, SDGs, Zhengzhou, China, 2019.

P. Gourbesville, “Information System development and Smart Water”, Smart Water Technical Workshop, Singapore, 2016.

P. Gourbesville, “Natural disasters management & Resilience”, Government of Canada’s Annual Round-table on Disaster Risk Reduction”, Canadian Risk and Hazards Network (CRHNet) Annual Symposium, Montreal, Canada, 2016.

P. Gourbesville, “Information System: Challenges and Architecture”, International Smart Water Grid Conference, Incheon, Korea, 2016

P. Gourbesville, “Resilience and urban floods management strategies”, Kyoto University DPRI & UN- IHP, Kyoto, Japan, 2015.

P. Gourbesville, “Smart water: why & how”, International Smart Water Grid Conference, Incheon, South Korea, 2015

P. Gourbesville, “Hydroinformatics vs Information System: challenges and opportunities”, Annual Meeting Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Singapore, 2015.

P. Gourbesville, “From Visibility and Attractiveness to Sustainability: the ultimate goal?”, European Commission Erasmus Mundus action, Roma, Italy, 2015.

P. Gourbesville, “Standardization needs for ICT in water domain and @qua initiative”, World Water Forum, Daegu, South Koprea, 2015.

P. Gourbesville, “Smart water: key challenges for standards”, Asian water high level roundtable, Asian Water Council, Daegu, South Koprea, 2015.

P. Gourbesville, “Challenges of the Water Information System: needs and opportunities”, Canadian Hydrotechnical Conference, Montreal, Canada, 2015.

P. Gourbesville, “Flood resilience index implementation”, UN Office for Outer Space Affairs / SPIDER & DDM workshop, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2015.

P. Gourbesville, “From Visibility and Attractiveness to Sustainability: the ultimate goal?”, European Commission - EACEA ICI ECP programme, Brussels, Belgium, 2015.

P. Gourbesville, “Smart water solutions for rivers”, Asian water high level roundtable, Asian Water Council, Katmandu, Nepal, 2015.

P. Gourbesville, “Challenges on smart water management and ways to overcome them”, International Smart Water Grid Conference, Incheon, South Korea, 2014.

P. Gourbesville, “Smart water standards challenges”, Asian water high level roundtable, Asian Water Council, Gyeongju, South Korea, 2014.

P. Gourbesville, “Resilience and Floods and inundation mitigation strategies”, APEC Typhoon Symposium, APEC Research Center for Typhoon and Society, NARLABS, Taipei, Taiwan, 2014.

P. Gourbesville, “River basin management: towards smart rivers”, Yellow River Conservation Commission Forum, Zhengzhou, China, 2014.

P. Gourbesville, Hydroinformatics challenges and ways to overcome them”, International Conference on Hydroinformatics, NewYork, USA, 2014.

P. Gourbesville, “Projets de R&D en PACA: situation & perspectives”, Pole de compétitivité EAU, Aix en Provence, France,2014.

P. Gourbesville, “Urban extension: the city into the sea”, International Congress on Advances in Citizen, Cyberspace & Environment Safety and Security, Singapore, 2013.

P. Gourbesville, “Smart ICT for Water: the @qua vision”, International Smart Water Grid Conference, Incheon, Korea, 2013.

P. Gourbesville, “Natural disaters monitoring: challenges & strategies – What we do?”, International Conference on Geo-Information Technology for Natural Disaster Management - Reduce Exposure to Reduce Risk, Columbo, Sri Lanka, 2012.

P. Gourbesville, “Urban flooding & challenges”, Sustainable Development in the Context of Climate Change, Asian Institute of Technology Bangkok, Thailand, 2012.

P. Gourbesville, “Urban flood control: concepts and needs”, International Yellow River Conservation Commission Forum, Zhengzhou, China, 2012.

P. Gourbesville, FP7 @qua project - ICT 4 Water Efficiency”, Intel European Research & Innovation Conference Series, Dublin, Irland, 2012.

P. Gourbesville, “Erasmus Intensive Program: Opportunities & Added value”, Conference on European cooperation in Research, Bern, Suisse, 2012.

P. Gourbesville, “Water challenges in Urban Environments”, IBM - The Science of Cities Colloquium, Dublin, Ireland, 2011.


Conférences internationales :

H.M. Hsu & P. Gourbesville, “Introduction of Integrated Decision Support System for Flood Disaster Management”, HIC, Water Influence, Bucharest, Romania, 2022.

M. Ghulami & P. Gourbesville, “Groundwater Related Issues of a Deep Excavation Below the Water Table During the Construction Period”, HIC, Water Influence, Bucharest, Romania, 2022.

P. Gourbesville & M. Ghulami, “Which models for extreme flood events in Mediterranean catchments?”, HIC, Water Influence, Bucharest, Romania, 2022.

P. Gourbesville, “Added value of deterministic models in Decision Support Systems”, HIC, Water Influence, Bucharest, Romania, 2022.

M. Wang, P. Game & P. Gourbesville, “Integrated Modelling Approach for Flood Forecasting in Small Mediterranean Catchment – Application to the Cagne Catchment, France”, HIC, Water Influence, Bucharest, Romania, 2022.

M. Wang, P. Gourbesville & P. Game, “Impacts of Topographic Resolution on Deterministic Hydrological and Hydraulic Models - Application to Cagne Catchment, France”, IAHR, Granada, Spain, 2022.

P. Gourbesville & M. Ghulami, “Deterministic Modeling for Extreme Flood Events - Application to the Alex Storm”, IAHR, Granada, Spain, 2022.

H.M. Hsu & P. Gourbesville, “ Applications of Non-Structural Measures and Self-Protection Against Flood in Urban Areas in Taiwan and in France”, IAHR, Granada, Spain, 2022

P. Gourbesville, H. Amaou Talle & M. Ghulami, “Aquavar: High Performance Computing for Real Time Water Management”, IAHR, Granada, Spain, 2022.

S. Hao, Q. Ma, P. Gourbesville, G. Lyu, W. Wang & C. Liu, “Modelling Flash Floods in Ungauged Mountainous Catchments in Henan Province, China: A Machine Learning Approach for Parameter Regionalization”, IAHR,  Granada,  Spain, 2022.

M. Ghulami & P. Gourbesville, “Uncertainty Analysis of Future Projections of Precipitation and Temperature for the Var Basin, France”, IAHR, Granada, Spain, 2022.

M. Ghulami & P. Gourbesville, “Modelling of thermal use of shallow groundwater in an urban aquifer: A case study in Nice”, IAHR, Granada, Spain, 2022.

J. Bativa & P. Gourbesville, “Grey, Green, and Blue Infrastructure Embedded Within Existing Water Grid in Urban Area in France”, IAHR, Granada, Spain, 2022.

P. Gourbesville, H. Amaou Talle & M. Ghulami, “Operational Strategy for Hydrologic Deterministic Modeling in Real Time Application to Mediterranean Catchments”, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Atlanta, USA, 2022.

P. Game, M. Wang, P. Audra & P. Gourbesville, “Challenges & solutions for deterministic hydraulic modelling in mediterranean coastal catchment. Application to the lower Paillons river, Nice, France”, International Conference on Hydroinformatics HIC, Water Influence, Bucharest, Romania, 2022.

P. Game, M. Wang, P. Audra & P. Gourbesville, “Modelling Strategy for Multi Purposes Management in a Mediterranean Ungauged Catchment – Application to the Paillons Catchment, France”, IAHR World Congress, Granada, Spain, 2022.

M. Ghulami, P. Gourbesville & P. Audra, “Modeling of thermal use of shallow groundwater in an urban aquifer: A case study in Nice”, FEFLOW International User Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 2021.

P. Gourbesville & F. Molkenthin, “Added value of collaborative engineering approach for hydroinformatics training: WaterEurope project”, IAHR, Warsaw, Poland2021.

F. Molkenthin & P. Gourbesville, “Transition from academic education to professional/research career in water related master course programmes - Example EuroAquae”, IAHR, Warsaw, Poland2021.

M. Ghulami & P. Gourbesville, “Impacts on groundwater for a deep excavation below the water table during the construction of a commercial building: A case study in Nice”, IAHR, Warsaw, Poland2021.

P.Q.A. Nguyen, P. Gourbesville, P. Audra, N.D. Vo & D.N.K. Vo, “Impact assessment of Son Tra wastewater treatment plant to the coast of Danang City, Vietnam”, International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Mexico City, Mexcico, 2020.

M. Ghulami, P. Gourbesville & P. Audra, “Future projections of precipitation and temperature for the Var basin, France”, International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Mexico City, Mexico, 2020.

P.Q.A. Nguyen, P. Gourbesville, P. Audra, N.D. Vo & D.N.K. Vo, “Modeling methodology for wastewater discharge – Application to Danang Bay, Vietnam”, International Conference on Environment and Renewable, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2020.

P.Q.A. Nguyen, P. Gourbesville, P. Audra, N.D. Vo & D.N.K. Vo, “Impact of fluvial First Flush – Application to Danang City, Vietnam”, International Conference on Environment and Renewable Energy, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2020.

J. Batica & P. Gourbesville, “Natural based solutions incorporated into existing water grids – Applications in France”, Smart Water Grid International Conference, Incheon, Republic of Korea, 2020.

P. Gourbesville, “ Smart water: towards water information system ”, Smart Water Grid International Conference, Incheon, Republic of Korea, 2020.

P. Gourbesville & M. Ghulami, “Smart heating and cooling system based on thermal use of shallow aquifer”,  Smart Water Grid International Conference, Incheon, Republic of Korea, 2020.

P. Gourbesville, Q. Ma & M. Gaetano, “Models Orchestration for real time application”, IAHR, Panama City, Panama, 2019.

Q. Ma & P. Gourbesville, “Integration of high resolution models in real time decision support system, Application of AquaVar DSS”, IAHR, Panama City, Panama, 2019.

J. Batica & P. Gourbesville, “From catastrohe to resileince”, SimHydro, Sophia Antipolis, France, 2019.

P.Q.A. Nguyen, P. Gourbesville, N.D. Vo, P. Audra, M. Abily  & Q. Ma, “Modeling NH4+ dispersion from wastewater of urban drainage to the coastal area of Danang City, Vietnam”, SimHydro, Sophia Antipolis, France, 2019.

M. Ghulami, P. Gourbesville & P. Audra, “Assessing future water availability under a changing climate in Kabul basin”, SimHydro, “Which models for extreme situations and crisis management?”, Sophia Antipolis, France, 2019.

F. Amann, I. Özgen, M. Abily, J. Zhao, D. Liang, K. Kobayashi, S. Oishi, P. Gourbesville & R. Hinkelmann, Integral porosity shallow water model at district scale-Case study in Nice”, International conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, Lyon, France, 2018.

J. Batica & P. Gourbesville, “Disaster Late reduction management and resilience - Flood Resilience Index (FRI) as communication tool”, SDHI & SDH, Nis, Serbia, 2018.

P Gourbesville, G.W. Choi, M. Gomez, F. Molkenthin & M. Kawka, “Euro-Korea hydroinformatics: Collaborative MSc. programme between Europe and S. Korea”, Smart Water Grid International Conference, Incheon, South Korea, November 2017.

 J.K. Ahn, Y.J. Na & P. Gourbesville, “Two-dimensional numerical model approach on inundation area in the lower Var valley”, Smart Water Grid International Conference, Incheon, South Korea, November 2017.

 D.W. Jang, G.W. Choi, H.S. Park & P. Gourbesville, “A study on the parameters for estimation of NRW using statistical analysis in water distribution systems”, Smart Water Grid International Conference, Incheon, South Korea, November 2017.

 H.S. Park, G.W. Choi, D.W. Jang & P. Gourbesville, “Evaluation of predicted precipitation in regional climate models to improve water infrastructure,” Smart Water Grid International Conference, Incheon, South Korea, November 2017.

 D.E. Kim, P. Gourbesville & S.Y. Liong, “Cost-effective flood hazard assessment with remote sensing technology and artificial intelligence”, Smart Water Grid International Conference, Incheon, South Korea, November 2017.

 P. Gourbesville, “Smart water & DSS for water uses management in coastal cities”, Port University League Conference, Incheon, South Korea, October 2017.

L. Salvan, E. Zavattero & P. Gourbesville, “Guidelines for flood and dry threshold definition in two-dimensional hydrodynamic flood modelling tools - An analysis of urban and fluvial situations”, SimHydro 2017 Choosing the right model in applied hydraulics, Sophia-Antipolis, France, 2017.

P. Zgen, M. Abily, P. Gourbesville, J. Zhao, D. Liang & R. Hinkelmann, “Towards district scale flood simulations using conventional and anisotropic porosity shallow water models with high-resolution topographic information”, SimHydro 2017 Choosing the right model in applied hydraulics, Sophia-Antipolis, France, 2017.

J. Batica & P. Gourbesville, “Resilience in flood risk – A new communication tool”, International Hydroinformatics Conference, Incheon, South Korea, 2016.

R.B. Vargas, P. Gourbesville & N.D. Vo, “Grid size sensitivity analysis for flood risk assessment”, IAHR World Congress, Delft-The Hague, Netherlands, 2015.

R.B. Vargas, N.D. Vo & P. Gourbesville, “Deterministic hydrological modeling and grid size sensitivity analysis for flood risk assessment of Mexico City”, IAHR World Congress, Delft-The Hague, Netherlands, 2015.

N.D. Vo & P. Gourbesville, “Establishing the flood map for the downstream of Vu Gia-Thu Bon Catchment - Vietnam. Scale variability of inundation area under the impact of climate change”, IAHR World Congress, Delft-The Hague, Netherlands, 2015.

M. Abily, O. Delestre, P. Gourbesville, N. Bertrand & C.-M. Duluc, “Global Sensitivity Analysis in a 2D high resolution hydraulic modeling application – Sobol index maps to rank uncertain parameters”, IAHR World Congress, Delft-The Hague, Netherlands, 2015.

S.Y. Liong, P. Gourbesville, M.T. Vu, N.D. Vo & V.S. Raghavan, “Impact of climate change on hydrological drought over a coastal river basin in Vietnam”, IAHR World Congress, Delft-The Hague, Netherlands, 2015.

Q. Ma, M. Abily, N.D. Vo & P. Gourbesville, “High resolution rainfall-runoff simulation in urban area: Assessment of TELEMAC-2D and FULLSWOF-2D”, IAHR World Congress, Delft-The Hague, Netherlands, 2015.

R.B. Vargas & P. Gourbesville, “Deterministic hydrological model for flood risk assessment of Mexico City”, International Conference on Hydroinformatics, CUNY Academic Works, New York, USA, 2014.

J. Batica & P. Gourbesville, “Flood resilience index - Methodology and application”, International Conference on Hydroinformatics, CUNY Academic Works, New York, USA, 2014.

R.B. Vargas & P. Gourbesville, “Deterministic hydrological model for flood risk assessment of Mexico City”, International Conference on Hydroinformatics, CUNY Academic Works, New York, USA, 2014.

M.B. Bernardel Villordon & P. Gourbesville, “Vulnerability index for urban flooding: Understanding social vulnerabilities and risks”, International Conference on Hydroinformatics, CUNY Academic Works, New York, USA, 2014.

J. Batica & P. Gourbesville, “Urban scale uncertainty for runoff generation – Case study NIice, France”, SimHydro, Modelling of rapid transitory flows, Sophia Antipolis, France, 2014.

P. Gourbesville, M. Morgan, O. Delestre, L. Amosse, N. Bertrand, C. Laguerre & M.-C. Duluc, “Use of 3D classified topographic data with fullswof for high resolution simulation of a river flood event over a dense urban area”, IAHR Europe Congress, Porto, Portugal, 2014.

P. Gourbesville & J. Batica, “Methodology for flood resilience index”, IAHR Europe Congress, Porto, Portugal, 2014.

P. Gourbesville, R. Dumasdelage, O. Delestre, D. Clamond, A. Bonnin, M. Moretti & P. Ceruti, “Numerical modelling of the erosion phenomena on Nice shoreface using TELEMAC system”, IAHR Europe Congress, Porto, Portugal, 2014.

P. Gourbesville & N.D. Vo, “Rainfall uncertainty in distributed hydrological modelling in large catchments: an operational approach applied to The Vu Gia-Thu Bon Catchment – Vietnam”, IAHR Europe Congress, Porto, Portugal, 2014.

P. Gourbesville & N.D. Vo, “Application of deterministic hydrological model for large catchment case study at Vu Gia-Thu Bon Catchment – Vietnam”, IAHR-APD Congress, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2014.

J. Batica, P. Gourbesville & F.-Y. Hu, “Methodology for flood resilience index”, International Conference on Flood Resilience Experiences in Asia and Europe–ICFR, Exeter, United Kingdom, 2013.

P. Gourbesville, “Smart ICT for water: The @qua vision”, Smart water grid international conference, Incheon, Korea, 2013.

P. Gourbesville, “Ubiquitous computing concept for flood warning systems”, IAHR World Congress, Chengdu, China, 2013.

P. Gourbesville, O. Delestre, D. Clamond, A. Bonin, P. Ceruti, M. Moretti & R. Dumadelage, “Modeling of the Erosion Phenomena on Nice Shoreface and the Impact of Coastal Structures”, IAHR World Congress, Chengdu, China, 2013.

P. Gourbesville, M. Abily, L. Andres, C.-M. Duluc, “Photogrammetric and LiDAR data for high resolution runoff modeling over industrial and urban sites”, 35th IAHR World Congress, Chengdu, China, 2013.

P. Gourbesville, J.-Y. Tigli, G. Rey & S. Lavirotte, “Ubiquitous Computing Concept for Flood Warning Systems”, 35th IAHR World Congress, Chengdu, China, 2013.

P. Gourbesville, J. Batica & F. Tessier, “Methodology for maturity of flood risk management frameworks assessment – application to Asian and European cities”, International Conference on Flood Resilience Experiences in Asia and Europe, Exeter, United Kingdom, 2013.

P. Gourbesville, J. Batica & F. You Hu, “Methodology for flood resilience index”, International Conference on Flood Resilience Experiences in Asia and Europe, Exeter, United Kingdom, 2013.

P. Gourbesville, “Urban extension: the city into the sea”, ACCESS, Singapore, 2013.

P. Gourbesville & J. Batica, “Flood Resilience and Urban Systems: Nice and Taipei Case Studies”, European Conference on Flood Risk Management, Science, Policy and Practice: closing the gap, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2012.

P. Gourbesville, A.G. B. Tettamanzi, C. Dartigues-Pallez, D. Pallez & c. da Costa Pereira, “Coastal current prediction using differential evolution”, SimHydro : Hydraulic modeling and uncertainty, Sophia Antipolis, France, 2012.

P. Gourbesville, J. Batica, J.-Y. Tigli, S. Lavirotte, G. Rey & D.K. Raju, “Flood warning systems and ubiquitous computing”, SimHydro : Hydraulic modeling and uncertainty, Sophia Antipolis, France, 2012.

P. Gourbesville, J. Batica, J.-Y. Tigli, D.K. Raju, S. Natesan, S. Lavirotte & G. Rey, “Ubiquitous computing for flood warning and forecasting systems: UbiFLOOD”, International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Hamburg, Germany, 2012.

J. Batica & P. Gourbesville, “Approach developed within functional analysis regarding flooding processes in urban areas”, International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Hamburg, Germany, 2012.

J. Batica, F.-Y. Hu & P. Gourbesville, “Flood resilience and urban systems: Nice and Taipei case studies”, European Conference on FLOODrisk Management, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2012.

J. Batica & P. Gourbesville, “A resilience measures towards assessed urban flood management – CORFU project”, International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling, Belgrade, Serbia, 2012 .

G. Peretti Pezzi, E. Vaissié, Y. Viala, B. Grawitz, F. Bonnadier & P. Gourbesville, “High performance and grid computing based hydraulic simulations using the Clément formula”, Computing and Control for the Water Industry Conference, Exeter, UK, 2011.


Conférences nationales :

M. Abily, M. Scarceriaux & C.-M. Duluc, “Ruissellement de surface en milieu urbain: stratégies d'intégration de données topographiques haute résolution en modélisation hydraulique 2D”, Techniques Sciences Méthodes, Vol. 5, pp. 31-46, 2015.

P. Gourbesville, J.-P. Laborde & J. Batica, “Vulnérabilité et risque lors des crues extrêmes : La crue du Rhône de 2003 dans le secteur Arles – Tarascon”,  Congrès SHF : «Evènements extrêmes fluviaux et maritimes», Paris, France, 2012.