Yoann Charlon

Maître de Conférences
Département Ingéniérie des Systèmes Electroniques

930 Chemin des Colles
Parc de Sophia Antipolis
F-06410 Biot

Téléphone : +33 (0)4 92 96 51 65

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Résumé :
Yoann Charlon
a obtenu le titre de Docteur en Electronique à l’Université Paul Sabatier de Toulouse en 2014. Après un post-doctorat effectué au LAAS-CNRS, il intègre Polytech Nice-Sophia en 2017 comme Maître de Conférences en Electronique. Sa recherche concerne le domaine des objets connectés et du bâtiment intelligent. Ces travaux sont liés à la conception d’objets connectés, au traitement du signal, et aux réseaux de capteurs sans-fil.

Yoann Charlon
received the Ph.D. degree in Electronic at the University Paul Sabatier of Toulouse, France, in 2014. After a post-doctoral at LAAS-CNRS, he joined Polytech Nice-Sophia in 2017 as Associate Professor in Electronic. His research interests include connected objects and smart building. These works are related to the design of connected objects, signal processing, and wireless sensor networks.

Domaine d'activité :

Objets connectés, capteurs et réseaux de capteurs, bâtiment intelligent

Publications :

Revues internationales :

Y. Mao, Y. Charlon, Y. Leduc & G. Jacquemod, A low power injection-locked CDR using 28nm FDSOI technology for burst-mode applications”, Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications, vol. 14, Issue 2, 18 p., 2024.

Y. Mao, Y. Charlon, Y. Leduc & G. Jacquemod, LC tank oscillator based on new negative resistor in FDSOI technology”, Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications, vol. 14, Issue 1, 17 p., 2024.

A. Piau, Z. Steinmeyer, Y. Charlon, L. Courbet, V. Rialle, B. Lepage, E. Campo, & F. Nourhashemi, “A Smart Shoe Insole to Monitor Frail Older Adults’ Walking Speed: Results of Two Evaluation Phases Completed in a Living Lab and Through a 12-Week Pilot Study”, JMIR Mhealth Uhealth, vol. 9, No 7, 2021.

Y. Charlon, A. Piau, D. Brulin & E. Campo, “Design and evolution of a connected insole to support healthy of frail patients at home”, Wireless Sensor Network, vol. 11, n° 05, pp. 67-80, 2019.

Y. Charlon, E. Campo & D. Brulin, “Design and evaluation of a smart insole: application for continuous monitoring of frail people at home”, Expert Systems with Applications, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2017.11.024, 2017.

A. Piau, Y. Charlon, E. Campo, B. Vellas & F. Nourhashemi, “A Smart Insole to Promote Healthy Aging for Frail Elderly Individuals: Specifications, Design, and Preliminary Results”, JMIR Rehabil Assist Technol., DOI: 10.2196/rehab.4084, 2015.

Y. Charlon, N. Fourty, W. Bourennane & E. Campo, “Design and evaluation of a device worn for fall detection and localization: Application for the continuous monitoring of risks incurred by dependents in an Alzheimer’s care unit”, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 40, n° 18, pp.7316-7330, 2013.

Y. Charlon, N. Fourty & E. Campo, “A telemetry system embedded in clothes for indoor localization and elderly health monitoring”, Sensors, Vol. 13, n° 9, pp.11728-11749, 2013.

W. Bourennane, Y. Charlon, F. Bettahar, E. Campo & D. Esteve, “Homecare monitoring system: A technical proposal for the safety of the elderly experimented in an Alzheimer's care unit”, IRBM, Vol. 34, n° 2, pp.92-100, 2013.

Y. Charlon, W. Bourennane, F. Bettahar & E. Campo, “Activity monitoring system for elderly in a context of smart home”, IRBM, Vol.34, n° 1, pp.60-63, 2013.

W. Bourrenane, Y. Charlon, F. Bettahar, M. Chan, D. Esteve & E. Campo “Ambient intelligence for monitoring Alzheimer patients”, International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications, Vol. 4, n° 1, pp.23-35, 2013.

N. Fourty, Y. Charlon & E. Campo, “Embedded wireless system for pedestrian localization in indoor environments”, Sensors & Transducers Journal, Vol. 14-2, Special Issue, pp.211-227, 2012.

Conférences invité :

Y. Leduc, G. Jacquemod & Y. Charlon, A "Tonebusting" technique to build a digital to analog converter from a 1rst  order digital  SD modulator”, FETCH, Ronchinne, Belgium, 2024.

G. Jacquemod, Y. Mao, Z. wei, Y. Leduc & Y. Charlon, The back-gate of FDSOI UTBB transistor:  a magic knob for analog and mixed cells design”, ASICON, keynote speech, Nanjing, China, 2023. Keynote Speech Certificate of honor.

G. Jacquemod, Y. Mao, Y. Leduc & Y. Charlon, “New clock generator's design based on back-gate auto-biasing of 28nm UTBB-FDSOI transistors”, WCAM, Tokyo, Japan, 2023.

Y. Leduc, G. Jacquemod, Y. Charlon, J. Mequin & X. Albinet, “Reasoned Modeling of Switched Capacitors Circuits – Techniques of Simulation, FETCH, Lavez-les-Bains, Switzerland, 2023.

G. Jacquemod, Y. Mao, Y. Leduc & Y. Charlon, “A new negative resistor for LC tank oscillator in FDSOI technology”, Material Science Engineering, Dubai, UAE, 2022.

Y. Leduc, Y. Charlon, X. Alibert, Y. Mao, G. Jacquemod & J. Mesquin, "Reasoned modeling of switched capacitors circuits - Preparation and simulation”, FETCH, Les Houches, France, 2022.

Conférences internationales :

Y. Charlon, G. Jacquemod, H. Jouni & A. Harb, “New implementation of analog neural network for breast cancer classification”, ACDSA, Mahe, The Seychelles, 2024.

M. Brun, G. Jacquemod, Y. Charlon, A. Gamet & P. Le Fevre, “A two stage amplifier in a low power 32.768kHz quartz”, DCIS, Barcelona, Spain, 2023.

Y. Mao, Y. Charlon, Y. Leduc & G. Jacquemod, "New design of an ultra low power CDR architecture using FDSOI 28nm technology”, NewCAS, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2023.

Y. Mao, Y. Charlon, Y. Leduc & G. Jacquemod, "LC tank oscillator based on new negative resistor in FDSOI technology”, PRIME-LA/LASCAS, Quito, Ecuador, 2023, Student Award : IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Student Travel Grants

Y. Mao, Y. Charlon, Y. Leduc & G. Jacquemod, "Ultra low power CDR based on an injection-locked ring oscillator architecture using FDSOI technology”, FETCH, Les Houches, France, 2022.

Y. Mao, Y. Charlon, F. Debieu, Z. Wei, Y. Leduc & G. Jacquemod, "Ultra low power injection-locked ring oscillator architecture using FDSOI technology", International conference on Analog VLSI Circuits, Bordeaux, France, 2021.

E. Campo, D. Brulin, Y. Charlon & E. Bouzbib, “Activity Recognition by Classification Method for Weight Variation Measurement with an Insole Device for Monitoring Frail People”, ICOST, Singapore, 2018.

A. Piau, Y. Charlon, E. Campo & F. Nourhashemi, “A smart insole to promote healthy aging for frail elderly”, World Conference of Gerontechnology, Nice, France, 2016.

E. Campo, Y. Charlon & D. Brulin, “Instrumented insole for weight measurement of frail people”, PETRA, Corfu, Greece, 2015

Y. Charlon, E. Campo, D. Brulin, F. Bettahar & A. Piau, “Smart insole for measuring actimetry of frail people”, Med-e-tel, Luxembourg, 2015.

Y. Charlon, F. Bettahar & E. Campo, “Design of a smart shoe insole to monitor frail older people”, International Conference on Modern Well-being for Societies and Territories (LivInWell), Sainte-Feyre, France, 2013.

N. Fourty, Y. Charlon & E. Campo, “Energy efficient embedded wireless system used for localisation in indoor environments”, SENSORDEVICES, Nice, France, 2011.

W. Bourennane, Y. Charlon, M. Chan, D. Esteve & E. Campo, “Integration of wearable device with actimetry system for monitoring alzheimer's patients”, pHealth, Lyon, France, 2011.

Revues nationales :

G. Jacquemod, Y. Charlon, Z. Wei, Y. Leduc & P. Lorenzini, “Application de la technologie FDSOI pour la conception de nouvelles topologies de circuits analogiques et mixtes”, J3eA, Hors-série 1 (2019), vol. 18, 1021, 9 pages, Octobre 2019.

Conférences nationales :

Y. Mao, Y. Charlon, Y. Leduc & G. Jacquemod, “Ultra low power CDR based on an injection-locked ring oscillator architecture using FDSOI technology”, Worshop CSC-Polytech, Paris, 2022.

G. Jacquemod, Z. Wei, Y. Mao, Y. Leduc & Y. Charlon, Réduction des effets SCE et DIBL des transistors UTBB-FDSOI”, JPCNFM, Saint-Malo, 2021.

A. Piau, Y. Charlon, E. Campo & F. Nourhashemi, “Une semelle intelligente pour promouvoir l'activité physique des patients âgés fragiles”, Congrès Francophone Fragilité et Prévention de la dépendance du sujet âgé, Marseille, France, 2014.

Y. Charlon & I. Bourennane, “Feasibility test of a smart shoe insole self-powered”, JNRSE, Toulouse, France, 2013.

F. Bettahar, W. Bourennane, Y. Charlon & E. Campo, “HOMECARE: une plateforme technique de surveillance pour le suivi actimétrique de patients Alzheimer”, Workshop – Alzheimer, Approche pluridisciplinaire. De la recherche clinique aux avancées technologiques, Toulouse, France, pp.87-98,  2013

Y. Charlon, W. Bourennane & E. Campo, “Mise en œuvre d'une plateforme de suivi de l'actimétrie associée à un système d'identification (résumé)”, Université d'été de la e-Santé, Castre, France, 2012.

Y. Charlon, W. Bourennane & E. Campo, “Mise en œuvre d'une plateforme de suivi de l'actimétrie associée à un système d'identification”, Symposium Mobilité et Santé, Ax-les-Thermes, France, 2011.